苏永康 & 陈洁仪 - 爱得正好 (William So & Kit Chan - Love Just Right)

作词 (Lyrics):林夕
作曲 (Composer):黄丹仪
编曲 (Arrangement):黄丹仪

女:可能是久违的甜蜜 可能是潮水的来去
nǚ: kě néng shì jiǔ wèi de tián mì kě néng shì cháo shuǐ de lái qù
Female: Maybe it's the long-lost sweetness, maybe it's the ebb and flow of the tide

把眼泪流成一阵雨 能不能够流到你心里
bǎ yǎn lèi liú chéng yī zhèn yǔ néng bù néng gòu liú dào nǐ xīn lǐ
Tears flowing like rain, can they flow into your heart?

男:一定是潮水的魔力 让海岸也无能为力
nán: yī dìng shì cháo shuǐ de mó lì ràng hǎi àn yě wú néng wèi lì
Male: It must be the magic of the tide, making the coast powerless

就当是生命中的奇迹 改变了天涯海角的距离
jiù dāng shì shēng mìng zhōng de qí jī gǎi biàn le tiān yá hǎi jiǎo de jù lí
Just consider it a miracle in life, changing the distance between the ends of the earth

nán: kě néng dà yǔ lái de tài zǎo
Male: Perhaps the heavy rain came too early

nǚ: wǒ hái bù zhī dào
Female: I still don't know

nán: kě shì qíng huà shuō de zhèng hǎo
Male: But the words of love were spoken just right

nǚ: wǒ hái zài xún zhǎo
Female: I'm still searching

nán: zài zěn me yàng xún zhǎo
Male: No matter how much I search

nǚ: lái shí lù yǐ jīng zhǎo bù dào
Female: The road back cannot be found

kě néng yuán fèn lái de tài zǎo
Possibly fate came too early

nán: wǒ hái bù zhī dào
Male: I still don't know

nǚ: kě shì qíng huà shuō de zhèng hǎo
Female: But the words of love were spoken just right

nán: wǒ hái zài xún zhǎo
Male: I'm still searching

合:当我以为再等不到 你却突然 停靠在我怀抱
hé: dāng wǒ yǐ wéi zài děng bù dào nǐ què tū rán tíng kào zài wǒ huái bào
Duet: When I thought I couldn't wait any longer, you suddenly stopped and nestled in my arms

女:可能是久违的甜蜜 可能是潮水的来去
nǚ: kě néng shì jiǔ wèi de tián mì kě néng shì cháo shuǐ de lái qù
Female: Maybe it's the long-lost sweetness, maybe it's the ebb and flow of the tide

把眼泪流成一阵雨 能不能够流到你心里
bǎ yǎn lèi liú chéng yī zhèn yǔ néng bù néng gòu liú dào nǐ xīn lǐ
Tears flowing like rain, can they flow into your heart?

男:一定是潮水的魔力 让海岸也无能为力
nán: yī dìng shì cháo shuǐ de mó lì ràng hǎi àn yě wú néng wèi lì
Male: It must be the magic of the tide, making the coast powerless

就当是生命中的奇迹 改变了天涯海角的距离
jiù dāng shì shēng mìng zhōng de qí jī gǎi biàn le tiān yá hǎi jiǎo de jù lí
Just consider it a miracle in life, changing the distance between the ends of the earth

nán: kě néng dà yǔ lái de tài zǎo
Male: Perhaps the heavy rain came too early

nǚ: wǒ hái bù zhī dào
Female: I still don't know

nán: kě shì qíng huà shuō de zhèng hǎo
Male: But the words of love were spoken just right

nǚ: wǒ hái zài xún zhǎo
Female: I'm still searching

nán: zài zěn me yàng xún zhǎo
Male: No matter how much I search

nǚ: lái shí lù yǐ jīng zhǎo bù dào
Female: The road back cannot be found

kě néng yuán fèn lái de tài zǎo
Possibly fate came too early

nán: wǒ hái bù zhī dào
Male: I still don't know

nǚ: kě shì qíng huà shuō de zhèng hǎo
Female: But the words of love were spoken just right

nán: wǒ hái zài xún zhǎo
Male: I'm still searching

合:当我以为再等不到 你却突然 停靠在我怀抱
hé: dāng wǒ yǐ wéi zài děng bù dào nǐ què tū rán tíng kào zài wǒ huái bào
Duet: When I thought I couldn't wait any longer, you suddenly stopped and nestled in my arms