韦礼安 - 如果可以 (WeiBird - If Possible)

作词 (Lyrics): 九把刀
作曲 (Composer): 韦礼安、JerryC
编曲 (Arrangement): JerryC

妳的声音 解开了故事的谜语
nǐ de shēng yīn jiě kāi le gù shì de mí yǔ
Your voice unravels the mystery of the story.

luò xià yī wàn nián de yuē dìng
A covenant of ten thousand years falls.

大树下的妳 红色围巾 手心里捧的雨
dà shù xià de nǐ hóng sè wéi jīn shǒu xīn lǐ pěng de yǔ
You under the big tree, with a red scarf, holding rain in your palms.

哭了笑了 除了妳还是妳
kū le xiào le chú le nǐ hái shì nǐ
Crying, laughing, it's still you.

我们 如果又一次错过 不敢牵起妳的手
wǒ men rú guǒ yòu yī cì cuò guò bù gǎn qiān qǐ nǐ de shǒu
If we miss each other again, I dare not hold your hand.

我会多么寂寞 等待红线来的时候
wǒ huì duō me jì mò děng dài hóng xiàn lái de shí hòu
How lonely I would be, waiting for the red thread to come.

如果可以 我想和妳回到那天相遇
rú guǒ kě yǐ wǒ xiǎng hé nǐ huí dào nà tiān xiāng yù
If possible, I want to meet you again on that day.

让时间停止 那一场雨
ràng shí jiān tíng zhǐ nà yī chǎng yǔ
To make time stop, in that rain.

只想拥抱 妳在身边的证据 吻妳的呼吸
zhǐ xiǎng yōng bào nǐ zài shēn biān de zhèng jù wěn nǐ de hū xī
Just want to hug, the evidence of you by my side, kiss your breath.

一眨眼 一瞬间 妳说好就是永远
yī zhǎ yǎn yī shùn jiān nǐ shuō hǎo jiù shì yǒng yuǎn
In the blink of an eye, in an instant, you said okay is forever.

bù huì biàn
It won't change.

大树下的妳 红色围巾 手心里捧的雨
dà shù xià de nǐ hóng sè wéi jīn shǒu xīn lǐ pěng de yǔ
You under the big tree, with a red scarf, holding rain in your palms.

哭了笑了 除了妳还是妳
kū le xiào le chú le nǐ hái shì nǐ
Crying, laughing, it's still you.

我们 如果又一次错过 不敢牵起妳的手
wǒ men rú guǒ yòu yī cì cuò guò bù gǎn qiān qǐ nǐ de shǒu
If we miss each other again, I dare not hold your hand.

如果没有如果 等到红线来的时候
rú guǒ méi yǒu rú guǒ děng dào hóng xiàn lái de shí hòu
If there were no ifs, when the red thread comes.

如果可以 我想和妳回到那天相遇
rú guǒ kě yǐ wǒ xiǎng hé nǐ huí dào nà tiān xiāng yù
If possible, I want to meet you again on that day.

让时间停止 那一场雨
ràng shí jiān tíng zhǐ nà yī chǎng yǔ
To make time stop, in that rain.

只想拥抱 妳在身边的证据 吻妳的呼吸
zhǐ xiǎng yōng bào nǐ zài shēn biān de zhèng jù wěn nǐ de hū xī
Just want to hug, the evidence of you by my side, kiss your breath.

一眨眼 一瞬间 妳说好就是永远
yī zhǎ yǎn yī shùn jiān nǐ shuō hǎo jiù shì yǒng yuǎn
In the blink of an eye, in an instant, you said okay is forever.

如果可以 茫茫人海千年一眼相遇
rú guǒ kě yǐ máng máng rén hǎi qiān nián yī yǎn xiāng yù
If possible, in the vast sea of people, meeting in a glance after a thousand years.

月光下转身 那就是妳
yuè guāng xià zhuǎn shēn nà jiù shì nǐ
Turning under the moonlight, that's you.

红线划过 深藏轮回的秘密 我挥霍运气
hóng xiàn huá guò shēn cáng lún huí de mì mì wǒ huī huò yùn qì
The red thread crosses, hiding the secrets of reincarnation, I squander my luck.

因为妳 才让我 背对命运不害怕
yīn wèi nǐ cái ràng wǒ bèi duì mìng yùn bù hài pà
Because of you, I can face destiny without fear.

靠近了 相信了 到底我们爱得有多狼狈
kào jìn le xiāng xìn le dào dǐ wǒ men ài dé yǒu duō láng bèi
Close to each other, believed, how awkwardly we love.

bào yǔ kuáng fēng yě bù xiǎng fáng bèi
Even in stormy weather, I don't want to be guarded.

爱了 就爱了 只刻在我们泪光的约定 火开出了花
ài le jiù ài le zhǐ kè zài wǒ men lèi guāng de yuē dìng huǒ kāi chū le huā
Once in love, always in love, engraved in the contract of our tears, the fire blooms into flowers.

如果可以 我想和妳回到那天相遇
rú guǒ kě yǐ wǒ xiǎng hé nǐ huí dào nà tiān xiāng yù
If possible, I want to meet you again on that day.

让时间停止 那一场雨
ràng shí jiān tíng zhǐ nà yī chǎng yǔ
To make time stop, in that rain.

只想拥抱 妳在身边的证据 吻妳的呼吸
zhǐ xiǎng yōng bào nǐ zài shēn biān de zhèng jù wěn nǐ de hū xī
Just want to hug, the evidence of you by my side, kiss your breath.

一眨眼 一万年 留给我别困住妳
yī zhǎ yǎn yī wàn nián liú gěi wǒ bié kùn zhù nǐ
In the blink of an eye, ten thousand years, leave me not to trap you.

如果可以 茫茫人海千年一眼相遇
rú guǒ kě yǐ máng máng rén hǎi qiān nián yī yǎn xiāng yù
If possible, in the vast sea of people, meeting in a glance after a thousand years.

月光下转身 那就是妳
yuè guāng xià zhuǎn shēn nà jiù shì nǐ
Turning under the moonlight, that's you.

红线划过 深藏轮回的秘密 我花光运气
hóng xiàn huá guò shēn cáng lún huí de mì mì wǒ huā guāng yùn qì
The red thread crosses, hiding the secrets of reincarnation, I squander my luck.

妳是我 赌上世界的 决定
nǐ shì wǒ dǔ shàng shì jiè de jué dìng
You are the decision I bet on the world.