罗志祥 - 舞状元 (Show Lo - Dance Champion)

作词 (Lyrics): 罗志祥Show Lo / 崔惟楷Luke”B.T.”Tsui
作曲 (Composer): 罗志祥Show Lo / Mike张怀颢 / Watorest纪昱名 / 纪佳松Jeremy G (Future Sound)
编曲 (Arrangement): 张怀颢 / 纪昱名 / 纪佳松 (Future Sound)

这天地 这么大 这么大
zhè tiān dì zhè me dà zhè me dà
This world is so vast, so vast

争天下 怎么打 怎么打
zhēng tiān xià zěn me dǎ zěn me dǎ
How to compete for the world, how to fight, how to fight

舞状元 这么杀 这么炸
wǔ zhuàng yuán zhè me shā zhè me zhà
Dance champion, so fierce, so explosive

一举 成名 我的 wooo
yī jǔ chéng míng wǒ de wooo
With one move, become famous, my wooo

这天地 这么大 这么大
zhè tiān dì zhè me dà zhè me dà
This world is so vast, so vast

争天下 怎么打 怎么打
zhēng tiān xià zěn me dǎ zěn me dǎ
How to compete for the world, how to fight, how to fight

舞状元 这么杀 这么炸
wǔ zhuàng yuán zhè me shā zhè me zhà
Dance champion, so fierce, so explosive

一举 成名 我的 wooo
yī jǔ chéng míng wǒ de wooo
With one move, become famous, my wooo

古今 中外的 高 手
gǔ jīn zhōng wài de gāo shǒu
Masters from ancient to modern times, from all over

dǎ le jǐ gè nǎ gòu
Fought a few, but it's not enough

来求败 的 收下膝盖再说
lái qiú bài de shōu xià xī gài zài shuō
Those seeking defeat, kneel first then speak

像颗石头 无坚不摧
xiàng kē shí tóu wú jiān bù cuī
Like a stone, unbreakable

任何痛楚 我都面对
rèn hé tòng chǔ wǒ dōu miàn duì
I face any pain

(Bang bang) 这次轮到你先挂 我就是
(Bang bang) zhè cì lún dào nǐ xiān guà wǒ jiù shì
(Bang bang) This time it's your turn to go down first, I am

(拼 命) 用实力说话
(pīn mìng) yòng shí lì shuō huà
(Desperately) Speaking with strength

让借口都颤抖 华丽的战斗
ràng jiè kǒu dōu chàn dǒu huá lì de zhàn dòu
Making excuses tremble, a splendid battle

下一位顺便抬出 去 不送 慢走
xià yī wèi shùn biàn tái chū qù bù sòng màn zǒu
Next one, lift out, no need to send off, take care

áo guò duō shǎo wú míng de dōng
Endured many nameless winters

sì liǎng bō qiān jīn de zhòng
The weight of moving a thousand pounds with four ounces

liàn zhe yì niàn de gōng
Practicing the power of intention

xíng xíng zhuàng yuán zǒu lù yǒu fēng
Every champion walks with confidence

tiān shēng wǒ cái bì yǒu yòng
I'm born with a talent that's bound to be useful

qián lóng zhōng huì téng kōng
The hidden dragon will eventually soar

xiǎo shí hòu bái rì de mèng yòng yī shēng xuán mìng de chōng
Childhood dreams pursued with a lifelong effort

唱衰的 看扁的 怀疑的 爱酸的
chàng shuāi de kàn biǎn de huái yí de ài suān de
Those who disparage, look down, doubt, or envy

啰嗦哪怕打趴 一巴掌 啪啪 打个嘴
luō suo nǎ pà dǎ pā yī bā zhǎng pā pā dǎ gè zuǐ
Being annoying, even if I knock them down, a slap, slap on the mouth

这天地 这么大 这么大
zhè tiān dì zhè me dà zhè me dà
This world is so vast, so vast

争天下 怎么打 怎么打
zhēng tiān xià zěn me dǎ zěn me dǎ
How to compete for the world, how to fight, how to fight

舞状元 这么杀 这么炸
wǔ zhuàng yuán zhè me shā zhè me zhà
Dance champion, so fierce, so explosive

一举 成名 我的 wooo
yī jǔ chéng míng wǒ de wooo
With one move, become famous, my wooo

这天地 这么大 这么大
zhè tiān dì zhè me dà zhè me dà
This world is so vast, so vast

争天下 怎么打 怎么打
zhēng tiān xià zěn me dǎ zěn me dǎ
How to compete for the world, how to fight, how to fight

舞状元 这么杀 这么炸
wǔ zhuàng yuán zhè me shā zhè me zhà
Dance champion, so fierce, so explosive

一举 成名 我的 wooo
yī jǔ chéng míng wǒ de wooo
With one move, become famous, my wooo

他们说 我不行
tā men shuō wǒ bù xíng
They say I can't do it

他们醉 我独醒
tā men zuì wǒ dú xǐng
They are drunk, I am sober

能决定高度 不是天赋 是态度 ya
néng jué dìng gāo dù bù shì tiān fù shì tài dù ya
What determines height is not talent but attitude, ya

磨著铁杵 从来不会 怕太苦 uh
mó zhe tiě chǔ cóng lái bù huì pà tài kǔ uh
Grinding the iron pestle, never afraid of hardship, uh

他们说 我孤星
tā men shuō wǒ gū xīng
They say I am a lone star

千里路 我独行
qiān lǐ lù wǒ dú xíng
A thousand miles I walk alone

我骄傲 shout out 找到 目标
wǒ jiāo ào shout out zhǎo dào mù biāo
I am proud, shout out, found my goal

是谁太快放弃 给我 刷刷出局
shì shuí tài kuài fàng qì gěi wǒ shuā shuā chū jú
Who gave up too quickly, let me swipe them out

低谷里 昂起首 去面对 心中的鬼
dī gǔ lǐ áng qǐ shǒu qù miàn duì xīn zhōng de guǐ
In the valley, hold your head high, face the demons inside

人之上 轻名利 莫忘了 自己是谁
rén zhī shàng qīng míng lì mò wàng le zì jǐ shì shuí
Above people, indifferent to fame and fortune, never forget who you are

习舞者 当立志 先修德 以和为贵
xí wǔ zhě dāng lì zhì xiān xiū dé yǐ hé wéi guì
Dancers should be determined, cultivate virtue, value harmony

无耻的 凌弱的 吃我一腿
wú chǐ de líng ruò de chī wǒ yī tuǐ
The shameless, the bullies, take a kick from me

áo guò duō shǎo wú míng de dōng
Endured many nameless winters

sì liǎng bō qiān jīn de zhòng
The weight of moving a thousand pounds with four ounces

liàn zhe yì niàn de gōng
Practicing the power of intention

xíng xíng zhuàng yuán zǒu lù yǒu fēng
Every champion walks with confidence

tiān shēng wǒ cái bì yǒu yòng
I'm born with a talent that's bound to be useful

qián lóng zhōng huì téng kōng
The hidden dragon will eventually soar

xiǎo shí hòu bái rì de mèng yòng yī shēng xuán mìng de chōng
Childhood dreams pursued with a lifelong effort

唱衰的 看扁的 怀疑的 爱酸的
chàng shuāi de kàn biǎn de huái yí de ài suān de
Those who disparage, look down, doubt, or envy

啰嗦哪怕打趴 一巴掌 啪啪 打个嘴
luō suo nǎ pà dǎ pā yī bā zhǎng pā pā dǎ gè zuǐ
Being annoying, even if I knock them down, a slap, slap on the mouth

这天地 这么大 这么大
zhè tiān dì zhè me dà zhè me dà
This world is so vast, so vast

争天下 怎么打 怎么打
zhēng tiān xià zěn me dǎ zěn me dǎ
How to compete for the world, how to fight, how to fight

舞状元 这么杀 这么炸
wǔ zhuàng yuán zhè me shā zhè me zhà
Dance champion, so fierce, so explosive

一举 成名 我的 wooo
yī jǔ chéng míng wǒ de wooo
With one move, become famous, my wooo

这天地 这么大 这么大
zhè tiān dì zhè me dà zhè me dà
This world is so vast, so vast

争天下 怎么打 怎么打
zhēng tiān xià zěn me dǎ zěn me dǎ
How to compete for the world, how to fight, how to fight

舞状元 这么杀 这么炸
wǔ zhuàng yuán zhè me shā zhè me zhà
Dance champion, so fierce, so explosive

一举 成名 我的 wooo
yī jǔ chéng míng wǒ de wooo
With one move, become famous, my wooo