林峯 & 泳儿 - 明天以后 (Raymond Lam & Vincy Chan - After Tomorrow)

作词 (Lyrics):林若寧
作曲 (Composer):伍仲衡

cang4 lau4 hang4 cing4 go1 seoi1 zak1 dou1 gai3 zuk6 bo3
Though popular love songs continue to play

ho2 sik1 gam1 tin1 mou4 jyun4 jat1 hei2 gou1 go1 jat1 tong3
Unfortunately, today we have no chance to sing together

coeng3 「 mut6 git3 gwo2 」 zoi3 hap6 coeng3 jik6 mut6 git3 gwo2
Sing "No result," and singing together also has no result

明明从前是我傻 求求你姑息我
ming4 ming4 cung4 cin4 si6 ngo5 so4 kau4 kau4 nei5 gu1 sik1 ngo5
Clearly, I used to be foolish, please have mercy on me

tin4 ci4 jan4 tai3 ngo5 se2 ceot1 dik1 tung3 co2
The lyricist writes out my pain

期望你开口唱吧 合唱歌那可得我
kei4 mong6 nei5 hoi1 hau2 coeng3 baa1 hap6 coeng3 go1 naa5 ho2 dak1 ngo5
Hope you open your mouth and sing, that chorus needs me

当初你 抛开我 我独唱一次「认错」
dong1 co1 nei5 paau1 hoi1 ngo5 ngo5 duk6 coeng3 jat1 ci3 「 jing6 co3 」
In the beginning, you left me, I sing "Apology" alone

你为何盲目地高歌 唱下去不理为何
nei5 wai4 ho4 maang4 muk6 dei6 gou1 go1 coeng3 haa6 heoi2 bat1 lei5 wai4 ho4
Why did you blindly sing, continuing without caring why

siu1 sat1 dik1 gik1 cing4 waan4 jiu3 jit6 bo3
The disappearing passion still needs a hot broadcast

seoi4 jan4 jing4 jin4 si6 nei5 gei3 zyu6 dik1 jat1 go3
Who is still the one you remember?

失去的 恋爱难以勉强
sat1 heoi3 dik1 lyun2 ngoi3 naan4 ji5 min5 koeng4
Lost love is hard to force

开一句声 听著情歌总可满足一秒遐想
hoi1 jat1 geoi1 seng1 teng1 zoek3 cing4 go1 zung2 ho2 mun5 zuk1 jat1 miu6 haa4 soeng2
Open your mouth, listening to love songs can satisfy a moment of imagination

jat6 hau6 lau4 lim4 nei5 dik1 seng1 sin3
In the future, lingering on your voice

恐怕未放下 明日更不堪设想
hung2 paa3 mei6 fong3 haa6 ming4 jat6 gang3 bat1 ham1 cit3 soeng2
I'm afraid I haven't let go, tomorrow is even more unimaginable

一千句 亲爱的 恐怕时间到了无缘又遇上
jat1 cin1 geoi3 can1 oi3 dik1 hung2 paa3 si4 gaan1 dou3 liu5 mou4 jyun4 jau6 soeng5
A thousand sentences, my dear, I'm afraid time is up, no fate, and we meet again

ngo5 jik6 mou4 baan6 faat3 dak1 dou3 gin3 loeng6
I also have no way to gain forgiveness

mong4 diu6 ngo5 seng1 jam1 ji5 hau6 bit6 cau4 coeng3
Forget my voice, don't be sad afterwards

cam4 mak6 jat1 hak1 ngo5 zoi6 coeng3 cong3
Silence for a moment, I'm in sorrow

ci2 zung1 mou4 faat3 hap6 coeng3
Still unable to sing together

祈求回头亦太难 如何唱多一晚
kei4 kau4 wui4 tau4 taai3 naan4 jyu4 ho4 coeng3 do1 jat1 maan5
Praying to turn back is too difficult, how can I sing for one more night

mou4 jan4 jiu4 syu3 ngo5 bei2 go1 gang3 caam2
No one forgives me, it's even more miserable than a sad song

其实你分手以后 这一天已经心淡
kei4 sat6 nei5 fan1 sau2 ji5 hau6 ze5 jat1 tin1 ji5 ging1 sam1 taam5
Actually, after the breakup, this day has already become indifferent

当初你 抛开我 我独唱一次「认错」
dong1 co1 nei5 paau1 hoi1 ngo5 ngo5 duk6 coeng3 jat1 ci3 「 jing6 co3 」
In the beginning, you left me, I sing "Apology" alone

nei5 wai4 ho4 maang4 muk6 dei6 gou1 go1
Why did you blindly sing?

siu1 sat1 dik1 gik1 cing4 waan4 jiu3 jit6 bo3
The disappearing passion still needs a hot broadcast

seoi4 jan4 jing4 jin4 si6 nei5 gei3 zyu6 dik1 jat1 go3
Who is still the one you remember?

失去的 恋爱难以勉强
sat1 heoi3 dik1 lyun2 ngoi3 naan4 ji5 min5 koeng4
Lost love is hard to force

开一句声 听著情歌总可满足一秒遐想
hoi1 jat1 geoi1 seng1 teng1 zoek3 cing4 go1 zung2 ho2 mun5 zuk1 jat1 miu6 haa4 soeng2
Open your mouth and listen, a love song can satisfy a second of imagination

jat6 hau6 lau4 lim4 nei5 dik1 seng1 sin3
In the future, lingering on your voice

恐怕未放下 明日更不堪设想 (男:而我不堪设想)
hung2 paa3 mei6 fong3 haa6 ming4 jat6 gang3 bat1 ham1 soeng2 (Naam4: ji4 ngo5 bat1 ham1 cit3 soeng2)
Afraid I haven't let go, imagining tomorrow will be even more unbearable (Male: And I can't bear to imagine)

一千句 亲爱的 恐怕时间到了无缘又遇上
jat1 cin1 geoi3 can1 oi3 dik1 hung2 paa3 si4 gaan1 dou3 liu5 mou4 jyun4 jau6 soeng5
A thousand sentences, my dear, I'm afraid time is up, no fate, and we meet again

ngo5 jik6 mou4 baan6 faat3 dak1 dou3 gin3 loeng6
I also have no way to obtain forgiveness

忘掉我声音以后别惆怅 (男:沉默一刻我在惆怅)
mong4 diu6 ngo5 seng1 jam1 ji5 hau6 bit6 cau4 coeng3 (Naam4: cam4 mak6 jat1 hak1 ngo5 zoi6 coeng3 cong3)
Forget my voice, don't be disheartened afterwards (Male: Silence for a moment, I'm in sorrow)

ci2 zung1 mou4 faat3 hap6 coeng3
Still unable to sing together

nei5 jiu3 si3 zoek3 fong3 dai1 ngo5
You have to try to let go of me

我怕我以后还是唱没结果 (女:已是结果)
ngo5 paa3 ngo5 ji5 hau6 waan4 si6 coeng3 mut6 git3 (neoi5: ji5 si6 jau6 keoi5)
I'm afraid that in the future, I'll still sing with no result (Female: It's already the result)

ji5 hau6 dak1 jat1 go3
In the future, there will be one...

失去的 恋爱难以勉强
sat1 heoi3 dik1 lyun2 ngoi3 naan4 ji5 min5 koeng4
Lost love is hard to force

开一句声 听著情歌总可满足一秒遐想
hoi1 jat1 geoi1 seng1 teng1 zoek3 cing4 go1 zung2 ho2 mun5 zuk1 jat1 miu6 haa4 soeng2
Open your mouth and listen, a love song can satisfy a second of imagination

jat6 hau6 lau4 lim4 nei5 dik1 seng1 sin3
In the future, lingering on your voice

恐怕未放下 明日更不堪设想 (男:而我不堪设想)
hung2 paa3 mei6 fong3 haa6 ming4 jat6 gang3 bat1 ham1 soeng2 (Naam4: ji4 ngo5 bat1 ham1 cit3 soeng2)
Afraid I haven't let go, imagining tomorrow will be even more unbearable (Male: And I can't bear to imagine)

一千句 亲爱的 恐怕时间到了无缘又遇上
jat1 cin1 geoi3 can1 oi3 dik1 hung2 paa3 si4 gaan1 dou3 liu5 mou4 jyun4 jau6 soeng5
A thousand sentences, my dear, I'm afraid time is up, no fate, and we meet again

ngo5 jik6 mou4 baan6 faat3 dak1 dou3 gin3 loeng6
I also have no way to obtain forgiveness

忘掉我声音以后别惆怅 (男:沉默一刻我在惆怅)
mong4 diu6 ngo5 seng1 jam1 ji5 hau6 bit6 cau4 coeng3 (Naam4: cam4 mak6 jat1 hak1 ngo5 zoi6 coeng3 cong3)
Forget my voice, don't be disheartened afterwards (Male: Silence for a moment, I'm in sorrow)

ci2 zung1 mou4 faat3 hap6 coeng3
Still unable to sing together