林俊杰 - 修炼爱情 (JJ Lin - Practice Love)

作词 (Lyrics):易家扬
作曲 (Composer):林俊杰
编曲 (Arrangement):吴庆隆

凭什么要失望 藏眼泪到心脏
píng shén me yào shī wàng cáng yǎn lèi dào xīn zàng
Why should we be disappointed, hiding tears in our hearts

往事不会说谎 别跟他为难
wǎng shì bú huì shuō huǎng bié gēn tā wéi nán
Past events won't lie, don't make it difficult for yourself

我们两人之间 不需要这样
wǒ men liǎng rén zhī jiān bù xū yào zhè yàng
Between us, there's no need for this

wǒ xiǎng
I think

xiū liàn ài qíng de xīn suān
Cultivating the bitterness of love

xué huì fàng hǎo yǐ qián de kě wàng
Learning to let go of past desires

我们那些信仰 要忘记多难
wǒ men nà xiē xìn yǎng yào wàng jì duō nán
Our beliefs, we must forget how difficult it is

远距离的欣赏 近距离的迷惘
yuǎn jù lí de xīn shǎng jìn jù lí de mí wǎng
Appreciating from a distance, perplexed up close

shuí shuō tài yáng huì zhǎo dào yuè liàng
Who says the sun will find the moon

别人有的爱 我们不可能模仿
bié rén yǒu de ài wǒ men bù kě néng mó fǎng
What others have in love, we cannot imitate

xiū liàn ài qíng de bēi huān
Cultivating the joys and sorrows of love

wǒ men zhè xiē nǔ lì bù jiǎn dān
Our efforts are not simple

快乐炼成泪水 是一种勇敢
kuài lè liàn chéng lèi shuǐ shì yī zhǒng yǒng gǎn
Happiness turns into tears, it's a kind of courage

几年前的幻想 几年后的原谅
jǐ nián qián de huàn xiǎng jǐ nián hòu de yuán liàng
Fantasies from years ago, forgiveness in the years to come

wèi yī zhāng liǎn qù yǎng yī shēn shāng
For one face, nurturing a lifetime of wounds

别讲想念我 我会受不了这样
bié jiǎng xiǎng niàn wǒ wǒ huì shòu bù liǎo zhè yàng
Don't say you miss me, I can't bear it

记忆它真嚣张 路灯把痛点亮
jì yì tā zhēn xiāo zhāng lù dēng bǎ tòng diǎn liàng
Memory is really arrogant, streetlights illuminate the pain

情人一起看过 多少次月亮
qíng rén yī qǐ kàn guò duō shǎo cì yuè liàng
Lovers have watched the moon together many times

它在天空 看过多少次遗忘
tā zài tiān kōng kàn guò duō shǎo cì yí wàng
In the sky, it has witnessed forgetfulness countless times

duō shǎo xīn huāng
How many times of unease

xiū liàn ài qíng de xīn suān
Cultivating the bitterness of love

xué huì fàng hǎo yǐ qián de kě wàng
Learning to let go of past desires

我们那些信仰 要忘记多难
wǒ men nà xiē xìn yǎng yào wàng jì duō nán
Our beliefs, we must forget how difficult it is

远距离的欣赏 近距离的迷惘
yuǎn jù lí de xīn shǎng jìn jù lí de mí wǎng
Appreciating from a distance, perplexed up close

shuí shuō tài yáng huì zhǎo dào yuè liàng
Who says the sun will find the moon

别人有的爱 我们不可能模仿
bié rén yǒu de ài wǒ men bù kě néng mó fǎng
What others have in love, we cannot imitate

xiū liàn ài qíng de bēi huān
Cultivating the joys and sorrows of love

wǒ men zhè xiē nǔ lì bù jiǎn dān
Our efforts are not simple

快乐炼成泪水 是一种勇敢
kuài lè liàn chéng lèi shuǐ shì yī zhǒng yǒng gǎn
Happiness turns into tears, it's a kind of courage

几年前的幻想 几年后的原谅
jǐ nián qián de huàn xiǎng jǐ nián hòu de yuán liàng
Fantasies from years ago, forgiveness in the years to come

wèi yī zhāng liǎn qù yǎng yī shēn shāng
For one face, nurturing a lifetime of wounds

别讲想念我 我会受不了这样
bié jiǎng xiǎng niàn wǒ wǒ huì shòu bù liǎo zhè yàng
Don't say you miss me, I can't bear it

xiào zhe shuō ài ràng rén fēng kuáng
Smiling, saying love drives people crazy

kū zhe shuō ài ràng rén jǐn zhāng
Crying, saying love makes people nervous

wàng bù liǎo nà gè rén jiù tóu xiáng
If you can't forget that person, just surrender

xiū liàn ài qíng de bēi huān
Cultivating the joys and sorrows of love

wǒ men zhè xiē nǔ lì bù jiǎn dān
Our efforts are not simple

快乐炼成泪水 是一种勇敢
kuài lè liàn chéng lèi shuǐ shì yī zhǒng yǒng gǎn
Happiness turns into tears, it's a kind of courage

几年前的幻想 几年后的原谅
jǐ nián qián de huàn xiǎng jǐ nián hòu de yuán liàng
Fantasies from years ago, forgiveness in the years to come

wèi yī zhāng liǎn qù yǎng yī shēn shāng
For one face, nurturing a lifetime of wounds

别讲想念我 我会受不了这样
bié jiǎng xiǎng niàn wǒ wǒ huì shòu bù liǎo zhè yàng
Don't say you miss me, I can't bear it

几年前的幻想 几年后的原谅
jǐ nián qián de huàn xiǎng jǐ nián hòu de yuán liàng
Fantasies from years ago, forgiveness in the years to come

wèi yī zhāng liǎn qù yǎng yī shēn shāng
Nurturing wounds for the sake of one face

别讲想念我 我会受不了这样
bié jiǎng xiǎng niàn wǒ wǒ huì shòu bù liǎo zhè yàng
Don't say you miss me, I can't bear it