梁文音 - 短痛不如长痛 (Rachel Liang - Long Pain is Better Than Short Pain)

作词 (Lyrics): 葛大为
作曲 (Composer): 廖晋仪 / 邱绎胜
制作 (Producer): 廖伟杰
编曲 (Arrangement): 赖𬀩哲

bù jiē shòu shí jiān de zhì liáo
Not accepting the treatment of time

xū yào yǒu duì xiàng kě jiān áo
Needing someone to suffer for

只要一息尚存 就怕失手忘掉
zhǐ yào yī xī shàng cún jiù pà shī shǒu wàng diào
As long as there's a breath left, I'm afraid of accidentally forgetting

曾经的美好 换寂寞代劳
céng jīng de měi hǎo huàn jì mò dài láo
The past beauty is replaced by loneliness

bù suàn wú lǐ qǔ nào
It's not unreasonable trouble

用 情歌 消极地自保
yòng qíng gē xiāo jí de zì bǎo
Using love songs to passively protect myself

人 一旦善待自己 会无聊
rén yī dàn shàn dài zì jǐ huì wú liáo
Once people treat themselves well, they get bored

最好 从此再爱不了
zuì hǎo cóng cǐ zài ài bù liǎo
It's best if I can't love again

乐观来说 我像做对了什么
lè guān lái shuō wǒ xiàng zuò duì le shén me
Optimistically speaking, it seems like I did something right

ràng duǎn tòng bù rú cháng tòng
Let short pain not be as good as long pain

也称得上 我够执着
yě chēng de shàng wǒ gòu zhí zhuó
I can also be considered persistent

转身只不过 换一个新的伤口
zhuǎn shēn zhǐ bù guò huàn yī gè xīn de shāng kǒu
Turning around just changes to a new wound

我何须 自甘堕落
wǒ hé xū zì gān duò luò
Why should I willingly fall

爱情啊 信者恒信
ài qíng a xìn zhě héng xìn
Love, believers always believe

tú láo de qī dài shèng duō shǎo
How much futile expectation is left

wǒ méi zé rèn ràng nǐ zhī dào
I'm not responsible for letting you know

用 情歌 消极地自保
yòng qíng gē xiāo jí de zì bǎo
Using love songs to passively protect myself

人 一旦善待自己 会无聊
rén yī dàn shàn dài zì jǐ huì wú liáo
Once people treat themselves well, they get bored

最好 从此再爱不了
zuì hǎo cóng cǐ zài ài bù liǎo
It's best if I can't love again

乐观来说 我像做对了什么
lè guān lái shuō wǒ xiàng zuò duì le shén me
Optimistically speaking, it seems like I did something right

ràng duǎn tòng bù rú cháng tòng
Let short pain not be as good as long pain

也称得上 我够执着
yě chēng de shàng wǒ gòu zhí zhuó
I can also be considered persistent

转身只不过 换一个新的伤口
zhuǎn shēn zhǐ bù guò huàn yī gè xīn de shāng kǒu
Turning around just changes to a new wound

我何须 自甘堕落
wǒ hé xū zì gān duò luò
Why should I willingly fall

爱情啊 信者恒信
ài qíng a xìn zhě héng xìn
Love, believers always believe

悲观来说 我是做错了什么
bēi guān lái shuō wǒ shì zuò cuò le shén me
Pessimistically speaking, what did I do wrong

ràng duǎn tòng bù rú cháng tòng
Let short pain not be as good as long pain

wǒ hái méi zhǔn bèi hǎo zhèn zuò
I'm not ready to cheer up

苦等谁拯救 也不是真的解脱
kǔ děng shéi zhěng jiù yě bù shì zhēn de jiě tuō
Waiting painfully for someone to save me isn't real relief

dàn wǒ sì hū kuài kàn pò
But it seems like I'm about to see through it

爱情啊 幸者恒幸
ài qíng a xìng zhě héng xìng
Love, the happy ones always stay happy