陈零九 - 请你别爱我 (Nine Chen - Please Don't Love Me)

作词 (Lyrics): 陈零九
作曲 (Composer): 张暐弘 / 陈零九

zuò zài fáng jiān hē bēi jiǔ
Sitting in the room, having a drink

huí yì wú xiào de gōu tōng
Recalling ineffective communication

qí shí yě méi shuí duì shuí cuò
In fact, there's no one right or wrong

zhǐ bù guò qíng xù shī kòng
It's just emotions out of control

bǐ shuí shāng hài shuí néng gèng shèng yī chóu
Who can hurt whom more competently

终于看清 原来自己没这么优秀
zhōng yú kàn qīng yuán lái zì jǐ méi zhè me yōu xiù
Finally seeing that I'm not that outstanding after all

谢谢你总 诚实的告诉我
xiè xiè nǐ zǒng chéng shí de gào sù wǒ
Thank you for always honestly telling me

是我太烂不好 没够资格
shì wǒ tài làn bù hǎo méi gòu zī gé
It's me, I'm not good enough, I don't deserve

qǐng nǐ bié ài wǒ
Please don't love me

既然他都 能够给你
jì rán tā dōu néng gòu gěi nǐ
Since he can give you

你想要的 何必迁就我
nǐ xiǎng yào de hé bì qiān jiù wǒ
What you want, why bother accommodating me

刺的一字一句 连梦都痛
cì de yī zì yī jù lián mèng dōu tòng
Every word stabs, even the dreams ache

痛恨自己懦弱 没有把握
tòng hèn zì jǐ nuò ruò méi yǒu bǎ wò
Hating my own weakness, lacking confidence

wǒ fàng guò wǒ zì jǐ yě fàng nǐ zǒu
I let myself go and let you leave

ài guò jiù gòu
Loving once is enough

再一遍 不该扛的我也都 扛了
zài yī biàn bù gāi káng de wǒ yě dōu káng le
Once again, I've shouldered what I shouldn't have

中了箭 也想过干脆不设 防了
zhōng le jiàn yě xiǎng guò gān cuì bù shè fáng le
Hit by an arrow, I've also thought about not guarding against it

经历这些 看在眼里
jīng lì zhè xiē kàn zài yǎn lǐ
Experiencing all this, seeing it in my eyes

shuí hái zài wǒ shēn biān
Who is still by my side

那些酒肉 谄媚嘴脸
nà xiē jiǔ ròu chǎn mèi zuǐ liǎn
Those feasting and flattering faces

lí kāi wǒ de fáng jiān
Leave my room

bié zài wǒ de shēn shàng lì xià nǐ de biāo qiān
Don't label me

nǐ de huàn xiǎng jiù shì huàn xiǎng
Your fantasies are just fantasies

bié guǎn wǒ guǎn hǎi biān
Don't mind me, mind the seaside

谢谢爱过 那些擦肩
xiè xiè ài guò nà xiē cā jiān
Thank you for loving, those brushed moments

wǒ men yì qǐ dào niàn
We mourn together

默哀三秒 3 2 1
mò āi sān miǎo 3 2 1
Silence for three seconds, 3 2 1

去找他 说声再见
qù zhǎo tā shuō shēng zài jiàn
Go find him and say goodbye

终于看清 原来自己没这么优秀
zhōng yú kàn qīng yuán lái zì jǐ méi zhè me yōu xiù
Finally seeing that I'm not that outstanding after all

谢谢你总 诚实的告诉我
xiè xiè nǐ zǒng chéng shí de gào sù wǒ
Thank you for always honestly telling me

是我太烂不好 没够资格
shì wǒ tài làn bù hǎo méi gòu zī gé
It's me, I'm not good enough, I don't deserve

qǐng nǐ bié ài wǒ
Please don't love me

既然他都 能够给你
jì rán tā dōu néng gòu gěi nǐ
Since he can give you

你想要的 何必迁就我
nǐ xiǎng yào de hé bì qiān jiù wǒ
What you want, why bother accommodating me

刺的一字一句 连梦都痛
cì de yī zì yī jù lián mèng dōu tòng
Every word stabs, even the dreams ache

痛恨自己懦弱 没有把握
tòng hèn zì jǐ nuò ruò méi yǒu bǎ wò
Hating my own weakness, lacking confidence

wǒ fàng guò wǒ zì jǐ yě fàng nǐ zǒu
I let myself go and let you leave

ài guò jiù gòu
Loving once is enough