五月天 - 知足 (Mayday - Contentment)

作词 (Lyrics): 阿信
作曲 (Composer): 阿信

怎么去拥有 一道彩虹
zěn me qù yǒng yǒu yī dào cǎi hóng
How do I possess a rainbow

怎么去拥抱 一夏天的风
zěn me qù yǒng bào yī xià tiān de fēng
How do I embrace the summer breeze

天上的星星 笑地上的人
tiān shàng de xīng xīng xiào dì shàng de rén
The stars in the sky laugh at the people on the ground

总是不能懂 不能觉得足够
zǒng shì bù néng dǒng bù néng jué dé zú gòu
They never understand, never feel content

如果我爱上 你的笑容
rú guǒ wǒ ài shàng nǐ de xiào róng
If I fall in love with your smile

要怎么收藏 要怎么拥有
yào zěn me shōu cáng yào zěn me yǒng yǒu
How do I keep it, how do I own it

如果你快乐 不是为我
rú guǒ nǐ kuài lè bù shì wèi wǒ
If your happiness isn't because of me

会不会放手 其实才是拥有
huì bú huì fàng shǒu qí shí cái shì yǒng yǒu
Would letting go actually be possessing

当一阵风吹来 风筝飞上天空
dāng yī zhèn fēng chuī lái fēng zhēng fēi shàng tiān kōng
When a gust of wind comes, the kite flies into the sky

为了你而祈祷 而祝福 而感动
wèi le nǐ ér qí dǎo ér zhù fú ér gǎn dòng
I pray, bless, and feel moved for you

终于你身影 消失在 人海尽头
zhōng yú nǐ shēn yǐng xiāo shī zài rén hǎi jìn tóu
Finally, your figure disappears at the end of the crowd

才发现 笑着哭 最痛
cái fā xiàn xiào zhe kū zuì tòng
Only then do I realize that smiling while crying is the most painful

那天你和我 那个山丘
nà tiān nǐ hé wǒ nà gè shān qiū
That day, you and I on that hill

那样的唱着 那一年的歌
nà yàng de chàng zhe nà yī nián de gē
Singing that year's song like that

那样的回忆 那么足够
nà yàng de huí yì nà me zú gòu
Those memories, so sufficient

足够我天天 都品尝着寂寞
zú gòu wǒ tiān tiān dōu pǐn cháng zhe jì mò
Sufficient for me to taste the loneliness every day

当一阵风吹来 风筝飞上天空
dāng yī zhèn fēng chuī lái fēng zhēng fēi shàng tiān kōng
When a gust of wind comes, the kite flies into the sky

为了你而祈祷 而祝福 而感动
wèi le nǐ ér qí dǎo ér zhù fú ér gǎn dòng
I pray, bless, and feel moved for you

终于你身影 消失在 人海尽头
zhōng yú nǐ shēn yǐng xiāo shī zài rén hǎi jìn tóu
Finally, your figure disappears at the end of the crowd

才发现 笑着哭 最痛
cái fā xiàn xiào zhe kū zuì tòng
Only then do I realize that smiling while crying is the most painful

当一阵风吹来 风筝飞上天空
dāng yī zhèn fēng chuī lái fēng zhēng fēi shàng tiān kōng
When a gust of wind comes, the kite flies into the sky

为了你而祈祷 而祝福 而感动
wèi le nǐ ér qí dǎo ér zhù fú ér gǎn dòng
I pray, bless, and feel moved for you

终于你身影 消失在 人海尽头
zhōng yú nǐ shēn yǐng xiāo shī zài rén hǎi jìn tóu
Finally, your figure disappears at the end of the crowd

才发现 笑着哭 最痛
cái fā xiàn xiào zhe kū zuì tòng
Only then do I realize that smiling while crying is the most painful

如果我爱上 你的笑容
rú guǒ wǒ ài shàng nǐ de xiào róng
If I fall in love with your smile

要怎么收藏 要怎么拥有
yào zěn me shōu cáng yào zěn me yǒng yǒu
How do I keep it, how do I own it

如果你快乐 再不是为我
rú guǒ nǐ kuài lè zài bù shì wèi wǒ
If your happiness is no longer because of me

会不会放手 其实才是拥有
huì bú huì fàng shǒu qí shí cái shì yǒng yǒu
Would letting go actually be possessing

知足的快乐 叫我忍受心痛
zhī zú de kuài lè jiào wǒ rěn shòu xīn tòng
The contented happiness teaches me to endure the heartache

知足的快乐 叫我忍受 心痛
zhī zú de kuài lè jiào wǒ rěn shòu xīn tòng
The contented happiness teaches me to endure the heartache