郭富城 - 狂野之城 (Aaron Kwok - Wild City)

作词 (Lyrics):周礼茂
作曲 (Composer): 黄尚伟

二十六夜 热力在四射 浪漫如瀑布飞泻
ji6 sap6 luk6 je6 jit6 lik6 zoi6 sei3 se6 long6 maan6 jyu4 buk6 bou3 fei1 se3
On the 26th night, the heat radiates in all directions, romance cascades like a waterfall

穿梭身边 几多颗心在野 几多双眼燃亮了夜
cyun1 so1 san1 bin1 gei2 do1 fo2 sam1 zoi6 je5 gei2 do1 soeng1 ngaan5 jin4 loeng6 liu5 je6
Weaving through the crowd, how many hearts go wild, how many eyes light up the night

依依不舍 热烈地不舍 路上人潮在拉扯
ji1 ji1 bat1 se2 jit6 lit6 dei6 bat1 se3 lou6 soeng5 jan4 ciu4 zoi6 laai1 ce2
Reluctantly parting, passionately refusing to let go, the crowds on the road are pulling

仿佛只想 将这颗心暂借 虽喜欢千双眼向我扫射
fong2 fat1 zi2 soeng2 zoeng3 ze5 fo2 sam1 zaam6 ze3 seoi1 hei2 fun1 cin1 soeng1 ngaan5 hoeng3 ngo5 sou3 se6
It seems I just want to temporarily borrow this heart, though I enjoy a thousand eyes scanning me

如妳爱我 最心爱是那些
jyu4 nei5 ngoi3 ngo5 zeoi3 sam1 ngoi3 si6 naa5 se1
If you love me, what I love most is those

如果心底 的我是狂又野
jyu4 gwo2 sam1 dai2 dik1 ngo5 si6 kong4 jau6 je5
If deep down, I am wild and unruly

还爱我吗 继续爱多一些
waan4 ngoi3 ngo5 maa1 gai3 zuk6 ngoi3 do1 jat1 se1
Will you still love me? Continue loving me a little more

ngo5 dik1 sam1 zi2 dang2 nei5 zoi3 heoi3 taam3 se6
My heart is just waiting for you to explore again

愈是入夜 愈是未觉夜 坐在红红夜跑车
jyu6 si6 jap6 je6 jyu6 si6 mei6 gok3 je6 co5 zoi6 hung4 hung4 je6 paau2 ce1
The deeper the night, the less it feels like night, sitting in a red sports car

窗边反映 心底不羁视野 火花烧过还没有谢
coeng1 bin1 faan2 jing2 sam1 dai2 bat1 gei1 si6 je5 fo2 faa1 siu1 gwo3 waan4 mut6 jau5 ze6
Reflections by the window, unruly views in my heart, sparks fly but haven't faded

依依不舍 热烈地不舍 路上人潮未了夜
ji1 ji1 bat1 se2 jit6 lit6 dei6 bat1 se3 lou6 soeng5 jan4 ciu4 mei6 liu5 je6
Reluctantly parting, passionately refusing to let go, the crowds on the road haven't ended the night

多么想找 一颗心可共野 多想找一双眼与我共斜
do1 mo1 soeng2 zaau2 jat1 fo2 sam1 ho2 gung6 je5 do1 soeng2 zaau2 jat1 soeng1 ngaan5 jyu5 ngo5 gung6 ce4
How I want to find a heart that can share the wild, how I want to find eyes that tilt with me

如妳爱我 最心爱是那些
jyu4 nei5 ngoi3 ngo5 zeoi3 sam1 ngoi3 si6 naa5 se1
If you love me, what I love most is those

如果心底 的我是狂又野
jyu4 gwo2 sam1 dai2 dik1 ngo5 si6 kong4 jau6 je5
If deep down, I am wild and unruly

还爱我吗 继续爱多一些
waan4 ngoi3 ngo5 maa1 gai3 zuk6 ngoi3 do1 jat1 se1
Will you still love me? Continue loving me a little more

ngo5 dik1 sam1 zi2 dang2 nei5 zoi3 heoi3 taam3 se6
My heart is just waiting for you to explore again

二十六夜 热力在四射 浪漫如瀑布飞泻
ji6 sap6 luk6 je6 jit6 lik6 zoi6 sei3 se6 long6 maan6 jyu4 buk6 bou3 fei1 se3
On the 26th night, the heat radiates in all directions, romance cascades like a waterfall

穿梭身边 几多颗心在野 几多双眼燃亮了夜
cyun1 so1 san1 bin1 gei2 do1 fo2 sam1 zoi6 je5 gei2 do1 soeng1 ngaan5 jin4 loeng6 liu5 je6
Weaving through the crowd, how many hearts go wild, how many eyes light up the night

依依不舍 热烈地不舍 路上人潮未了夜
ji1 ji1 bat1 se2 jit6 lit6 dei6 bat1 se3 lou6 soeng5 jan4 ciu4 mei6 liu5 je6
Reluctantly parting, passionately refusing to let go, the crowds on the road haven't ended the night

多么想找 一颗心可共野 多想找一双眼与我共斜
do1 mo1 soeng2 zaau2 jat1 fo2 sam1 ho2 gung6 je5 do1 soeng2 zaau2 jat1 soeng1 ngaan5 jyu5 ngo5 gung6 ce4
How I want to find a heart that can share the wild, how I want to find eyes that tilt with me

如妳爱我 最心爱是那些
jyu4 nei5 ngoi3 ngo5 zeoi3 sam1 ngoi3 si6 naa5 se1
If you love me, what I love most is those

如果心底 的我是狂又野
jyu4 gwo2 sam1 dai2 dik1 ngo5 si6 kong4 jau6 je5
If deep down, I am wild and unruly

还爱我吗 继续爱多一些
waan4 ngoi3 ngo5 maa1 gai3 zuk6 ngoi3 do1 jat1 se1
Will you still love me? Continue loving me a little more

ngo5 dik1 sam1 zi2 dang2 nei5 zoi3 heoi3 taam3 se6
My heart is just waiting for you to explore again

来吧 来吧 来吧 狂热地野
loi4 baa1 loi4 baa1 loi4 baa1 kong4 jit6 dei6 je5
Come on, come on, come on, wildly and passionately

啦~ 啦啦~ 啦
laa1~ laa1~ laa1~ laa1~ laa1~ laa1~ laa1~ laa1~ laa1~ laa1~
La~ La~ La~ La~ La~ La~ La~ La~ La~ La~

啦~ 啦啦~ 啦
laa1~ laa1~ laa1~ laa1~ laa1~ laa1~ laa1~ laa1~ laa1~ laa1~
La~ La~ La~ La~ La~ La~ La~ La~ La~ La~

啦~ 啦啦~ 啦
laa1~ laa1~ laa1~ laa1~ laa1~ laa1~ laa1~ laa1~ laa1~ laa1~
La~ La~ La~ La~ La~ La~ La~ La~ La~ La~

ngo5 dik1 sam1 zi2 dang2 nei5 zoi3 heoi3 taam3 se6
My heart is just waiting for you to explore again

来吧 来吧 来吧 狂热地野
loi4 baa1 loi4 baa1 loi4 baa1 kong4 jit6 dei6 je5
Come on, come on, come on, wildly and passionately