李荣浩 - 名字 (Li Ronghao - Names)

作词 (Lyrics): 吴青峰
作曲 (Composer): 李荣浩
编曲 (Arrangement): 李荣浩

最后的焰火 持续燃烧你我
zuì hòu de yàn huǒ chí xù rán shāo nǐ wǒ
The last fireworks, burning continuously between us

面对面蜡像两座 爱已逐渐消融
miàn duì miàn là xiàng liǎng zuò ài yǐ zhú jiàn xiāo róng
Face to face like two wax statues, love has gradually melted away

崩塌了做过的梦 模糊了我们的面容
bēng tā le zuò guò de mèng mó hú le wǒ men de miàn róng
The dreams we made collapsed, blurring our faces

称呼和问候 像放馊了的酒
chēng hū hé wèn hòu xiàng fàng sōu le de jiǔ
Calls and greetings, like spoiled wine

亲爱的叫不出口 对白拼拼凑凑
qīn ài de jiào bù chū kǒu duì bái pīn pīn còu còu
I can't call you "my dear", the dialogue is pieced together

拥挤的房间里头 塞不下我们的沉默
yōng jǐ de fáng jiān lǐ tóu sāi bù xià wǒ men de chén mò
In the crowded room, there's no space for our silence

huò xǔ gù shì yǐ jīng gào yī gè duàn luò
Perhaps the story has already come to an end

wǒ bù cā qù nǐ míng zì bù kě
I can't erase your name

yīn wèi hài pà huí yì zhī zhōng gāi sǐ de chéng nuò
Because I'm afraid of the damn promises in the memories

jiù ràng wǒ men xiāng xìn zhè shì bì rán de jié guǒ
Let's believe this is the inevitable result

zhuǎn shēn zhī hòu zhǐ shì gè mǒu mǒu
After turning around, we're just somebody

wǒ bù cā qù nǐ míng zì bù kě
I can't erase your name

yīn wèi hài pà rén cháo zhī zhōng wǒ hái shì huí tóu
Because I'm afraid, amidst the crowd, I still turn back

zài yáng guāng xià xī wàng nǐ huì zhēn de kuài lè
Under the sunlight, I hope you'll truly be happy

nǐ wǒ de míng zì zài méi yǒu yǐ hòu
There's no future for our names

就当没遇过 没有互相探索
jiù dāng méi yù guò méi yǒu hù xiāng tàn suǒ
Just pretend we never met, never explored each other

忘了对大海呐喊 披着满天星斗
wàng le duì dà hǎi nà hǎn pī zhe mǎn tiān xīng dǒu
Forget shouting to the sea, wearing the full starry sky

叫着彼此的绰号 笑得在怀里打哆嗦
jiào zhe bǐ cǐ de chuò hào xiào dé zài huái lǐ dǎ duō suo
Calling each other by nicknames, laughing till we tremble in each other's arms

就当没哭过 没有署名寂寞
jiù dāng méi kū guò méi yǒu shū míng jì mò
Just pretend we never cried, never signed our loneliness

为何用满满的刺 签收各种借口
wèi hé yòng mǎn mǎn de cì qiān shōu gè zhǒng jiè kǒu
Why use full thorns to sign off various excuses

眼看着满满的爱 沦为无名氏的玩偶
yǎn kàn zhe mǎn mǎn de ài lún wèi wú míng shì de wán ǒu
Watching abundant love become nameless puppets

huò xǔ gù shì zǎo yǐ gào yī gè duàn luò
Perhaps the story has already come to an end

wǒ bù cā qù nǐ míng zì bù kě
I can't erase your name

yīn wèi hài pà huí yì zhī zhōng gāi sǐ de chéng nuò
Because I'm afraid of the damn promises in the memories

jiù ràng wǒ men xiāng xìn zhè shì bì rán de jié guǒ
Let's believe this is the inevitable result

zhuǎn shēn zhī hòu zhǐ shì gè mǒu mǒu
After turning around, we're just somebody

wǒ bù cā qù nǐ míng zì bù kě
I can't erase your name

yīn wèi hài pà rén cháo zhī zhōng wǒ hái shì huí tóu
Because I'm afraid, amidst the crowd, I still turn back

zài yáng guāng xià xī wàng nǐ huì zhēn de kuài lè
Under the sunlight, I hope you'll truly be happy

nǐ wǒ de míng zì zài méi yǒu yǐ hòu
There's no future for our names

ruò bù cā qù nǐ míng zì bù kě
If I don't erase your name

yī piàn liú shā shì jiè nǐ xiàng hǎi shì hé shèn lóu
In a world of shifting sands, you're like a mirage in the sea

jiù ràng wǒ men xiāng xìn zhè shì bì rán de jié guǒ
Let's believe this is an inevitable result

zhuǎn shēn zhī hòu zhǐ shì gè mǒu mǒu
After turning around, we're just somebody

ruò bù cā qù wǒ míng zì bù kě
If I don't erase my name

wǒ wán měi de bèi yǐng zǎo yǐ xiě mǎn le āi chóu
My perfect silhouette is already filled with sorrow

zài yáng guāng xià xī wàng nǐ néng zhǎo dào kuài lè
Hope you'll find happiness in the sunlight

jìn guǎn nà gè míng zì bù zài shì wǒ
Even though that name is no longer mine

故事的开头 到故事的最后
gù shì de kāi tóu dào gù shì de zuì hòu
From the beginning of the story to the end

从红着脸微笑着 到红着眼泪流
cóng hóng zhe liǎn wēi xiào zhe dào hóng zhe yǎn lèi liú
From blushing smiles to tears streaming down

曾经熟悉的名字 今后列为失踪人口
céng jīng shú xī de míng zì jīn hòu liè wéi shī zōng rén kǒu
The once familiar names are now listed as missing persons