周杰伦 & 梁心颐 - 珊瑚海 (Jay Chou & Lara Liang - Coral Sea)

作词 (Lyrics):方文山
作曲 (Composer):周杰伦
编曲 (Arrangement):钟兴民
监制 (Producer):周杰伦

海平面远方开始阴霾 悲伤要怎么平静纯白
hǎi píngmiàn yuǎnfāng kāishǐ yīnmái bēishāng yào zěnme píngjìng chúnbái
The horizon in the distance starts to haze, how to calm the sadness into pure whiteness

我的脸上 始终挟带 一抹浅浅的无奈
wǒ de liǎn shàng shǐzhōng xiédài yī mǒ qiǎnqiǎn de wúnài
On my face, always carrying a touch of shallow helplessness

你用唇语说你要离开 (心不在)
nǐ yòng chún yǔ shuō nǐ yào líkāi (xīn bù zài)
You use lip language to say you want to leave (heart not here)

那难过无声慢了下来 汹涌潮水 你听明白
nà nánguò wúshēng mànle xiàlái xiōngyǒng cháoshuǐ nǐ tīng míngbái
The silent sorrow slows down, surging tide, do you understand

bùshì làng ér shì lèi hǎi
Not waves but a sea of tears

转身离开 (你有话说不出来) 分手说不出来
zhuǎnshēn líkāi (nǐ yǒu huà shuō bù chūlái) fēnshǒu shuō bù chūlái
Turning around to leave (you have words you can't say) can't say goodbye

海鸟跟鱼相爱 只是一场意外
hǎiniǎo gēn yú xiāng ài zhǐshì yī chǎng yìwài
Seabirds and fish falling in love is just an accident

我们的爱 (给的爱) 差异一直存在 (回不来)
wǒmen de ài (gěi de ài) chāyì yīzhí cúnzài (huí bù lái)
Our love (love given) differences always exist (can't come back)

风中尘埃 (等待)竟累积成伤害
fēng zhōng chén'āi (děngdài) jìng lěijī chéng shānghài
Dust in the wind (waiting) actually accumulates into harm

转身离开 (分手说不出来) 分手说不出来
zhuǎnshēn líkāi (fēnshǒu shuō bù chūlái) fēnshǒu shuō bù chūlái
Turning around to leave (you have words you can't say) can't say goodbye

蔚蓝的珊瑚海 错过瞬间苍白
wèilán de shānhú hǎi cuòguò shùnjiān cāngbái
The azure coral sea, missing the moment, turns pale

当初彼此(你我都) 不够成熟坦白 (不应该)
dāngchū bǐcǐ (nǐ wǒ dōu) bùgòu chéngshú tǎnbái (bù yīnggāi)
At first, both of us (you and me) were not mature and honest (shouldn't have)

热情不再 (你的)笑容勉强不来
rèqíng bù zài (nǐ de) xiàoróng miǎnqiǎng bù lái
The passion is gone, your smile can't be forced

ài shēn mái shānhú hǎi
Love deeply buried in the coral sea

毁坏的沙雕如何重来 有裂痕的爱怎么重盖
huǐhuài de shādiāo rúhé chóng lái yǒu lièhén de ài zěnme chóng gài
How to rebuild a ruined sand sculpture, how to cover a love with cracks

只是一切 结束太快 你说你无法释怀
zhǐshì yīqiè jiéshù tài kuài nǐ shuō nǐ wúfǎ shì huái
But everything ends too quickly, you say you can't let go

贝壳里隐藏什么期待 (等花儿开 )
bèiké lǐ yǐncáng shénme qīdài (děng huār kāi)
What expectations are hidden in the shells (waiting for the flowers to bloom)

我们也已经无心再猜 面向海风(面向海风)
wǒmen yě yǐjīng wúxīn zài cāi miànxiàng hǎi fēng (miànxiàng hǎi fēng)
We have no intention to guess anymore, facing the sea breeze (facing the sea breeze)

咸咸的爱(咸咸的爱) 尝不出还有未来
xiánxián de ài (xiánxián de ài) cháng bù chū hái yǒu wèilái
The salty love (salty love) can't taste the future

转身离开 (你有话说不出来) 分手说不出来
zhuǎnshēn líkāi (nǐ yǒu huà shuō bù chūlái) fēnshǒu shuō bù chūlái
Turning around to leave (you have words you can't say) can't say goodbye

海鸟跟鱼相爱 只是一场意外
hǎiniǎo gēn yú xiāng ài zhǐshì yī chǎng yìwài
Seabirds and fish falling in love is just an accident

我们的爱 (给的爱) 差异一直存在 (回不来)
wǒmen de ài (gěi de ài) chāyì yīzhí cúnzài (huí bù lái)
Our love (love given) differences always exist (can't come back)

风中尘埃 (等待)竟累积成伤害
fēng zhōng chén'āi (děngdài) jìng lěijī chéng shānghài
Dust in the wind (waiting) actually accumulates into harm

转身离开 (分手说不出来) 分手说不出来
zhuǎnshēn líkāi (fēnshǒu shuō bù chūlái) fēnshǒu shuō bù chūlái
Turning around to leave (you have words you can't say) can't say goodbye

蔚蓝的珊瑚海 错过瞬间苍白
wèilán de shānhú hǎi cuòguò shùnjiān cāngbái
The azure coral sea, missing the moment, turns pale

当初彼此(你我都) 不够成熟坦白 (不应该)
dāngchū bǐcǐ (nǐ wǒ dōu) bùgòu chéngshú tǎnbái (bù yīnggāi)
At first, both of us (you and me) were not mature and honest (shouldn't have)

热情不再 (你的)笑容勉强不来
rèqíng bù zài (nǐ de) xiàoróng miǎnqiǎng bù lái
The passion is gone, your smile can't be forced

ài shēn mái shānhú hǎi
Love deeply buried in the coral sea