周杰伦 - 告白气球 (Jay Chou - Love Confession)

作词 (Lyrics): 方文山
作曲 (Composer): 周杰伦
编曲 (Arrangement): 林迈可

塞纳河畔 左岸的咖啡
sāi nà hé pàn zuǒ àn de kā fēi
On the banks of the Seine, coffee on the left bank

我手一杯 品尝你的美
wǒ shǒu yī bēi pǐn cháng nǐ de měi
I hold a cup, tasting your beauty

liú xià chún yìn de zuǐ
Leaving lip prints on the lips

花店玫瑰 名字写错谁
huā diàn méi guī míng zì xiě cuò shuí
In the flower shop, roses, whose name is written wrong?

告白气球 风吹到对街
gào bái qì qiú fēng chuī dào duì jiē
Love confession balloon, blown by the wind to the opposite street

wēi xiào zài tiān shàng fēi
Smile flying in the sky

你说你有点难追 想让我知难而退
nǐ shuō nǐ yǒu diǎn nán zhuī xiǎng ràng wǒ zhī nán ér tuì
You say you're a bit hard to pursue, want me to give up

礼物不需挑最贵 只要香榭的落叶
lǐ wù bù xū tiāo zuì guì zhǐ yào xiāng xiè de luò yè
Gifts don't need to be the most expensive, just need the leaves of Champs-Élysées

喔~营造浪漫的约会 不害怕搞砸一切
ō yíng zào làng màn de yuē huì bù hài pà gǎo zá yī qiè
Oh~ Create a romantic date, not afraid to mess up everything

拥有你就拥有 全世界
yōng yǒu nǐ jiù yōng yǒu quán shì jiè
Having you means having the whole world

亲爱的 爱上你 从那天起
qīn ài de ài shàng nǐ cóng nà tiān qǐ
Darling, falling in love with you from that day

tián mì de hěn qīng yì
It's so easy to be sweet

亲爱的 别任性 你的眼睛
qīn ài de bié rèn xìng nǐ de yǎn jīng
Darling, don't be willful, your eyes

zài shuō wǒ yuàn yì
Are saying "I'm willing"

塞纳河畔 左岸的咖啡
sāi nà hé pàn zuǒ àn de kā fēi
On the banks of the Seine, coffee on the left bank

我手一杯 品尝你的美
wǒ shǒu yī bēi pǐn cháng nǐ de měi
I hold a cup, tasting your beauty

liú xià chún yìn de zuǐ
Leaving lip prints on the lips

花店玫瑰 名字写错谁
huā diàn méi guī míng zì xiě cuò shuí
In the flower shop, roses, whose name is written wrong?

告白气球 风吹到对街
gào bái qì qiú fēng chuī dào duì jiē
Love confession balloon, blown by the wind to the opposite street

wēi xiào zài tiān shàng fēi
Smile flying in the sky

你说你有点难追 想让我知难而退
nǐ shuō nǐ yǒu diǎn nán zhuī xiǎng ràng wǒ zhī nán ér tuì
You say you're a bit hard to pursue, want me to give up

礼物不需挑最贵 只要香榭的落叶
lǐ wù bù xū tiāo zuì guì zhǐ yào xiāng xiè de luò yè
Gifts don't need to be the most expensive, just need the leaves of Champs-Élysées

喔~营造浪漫的约会 不害怕搞砸一切
ō yíng zào làng màn de yuē huì bù hài pà gǎo zá yī qiè
Oh~ Create a romantic date, not afraid to mess up everything

拥有你就拥有 全世界
yōng yǒu nǐ jiù yōng yǒu quán shì jiè
Having you means having the whole world

亲爱的 爱上你 从那天起
qīn ài de ài shàng nǐ cóng nà tiān qǐ
Darling, falling in love with you from that day

tián mì de hěn qīng yì
It's so easy to be sweet

亲爱的 别任性 你的眼睛
qīn ài de bié rèn xìng nǐ de yǎn jīng
Darling, don't be willful, your eyes

zài shuō wǒ yuàn yì
Are saying "I'm willing"

亲爱的 爱上你 恋爱日记
qīn ài de ài shàng nǐ liàn ài rì jì
Darling, falling in love with you, love diary

piāo xiāng shuǐ de huí yì
Fragrant memories

一整瓶 的梦境 全都有你
yī zhěng píng de mèng jìng quán dōu yǒu nǐ
A whole bottle of dreams, all about you

jiǎo bàn zài yī qǐ
Mixed together

亲爱的别任性 你的眼睛
qīn ài de bié rèn xìng nǐ de yǎn jīng
Darling, don't be willful, your eyes

zài shuō wǒ yuàn yì
Are saying "I'm willing"