飞儿乐团 - 月牙湾 (F.I.R. - Crescent Bay)

作词 (Lyrics): 易家扬/谢宥慧
作曲 (Composer): 阿沁 (F.I.R.)

敦煌天空的沙砾 带着我们的记忆
dūn huáng tiān kōng de shā lì dài zhe wǒ men de jì yì
The gravel of Dunhuang's sky carries our memories

我从半路看回去 这情关漫漫好弯曲
wǒ cóng bàn lù kàn huí qù zhè qíng guān màn màn hǎo wān qū
I look back halfway, this relationship is so winding

梦想穿过了西域 包含了多少的禅意
mèng xiǎng chuān guò le xī yù bāo hán le duō shǎo de chán yì
Dreams pass through the Western Regions, containing much Zen

爱情像一本游记 我会找寻他的谜语
ài qíng xiàng yī běn yóu jì wǒ huì zhǎo xún tā de mí yǔ
Love is like a travelogue, I will search for its mysteries

看 月牙湾下的泪光 在丝路之上 被遗忘
kàn yuè yá wān xià de lèi guāng zài sī lù zhī shàng bèi yí wàng
Look, the tears under Crescent Bay are forgotten on the Silk Road

是谁的心啊 孤单地留下 他还好吗 我多想爱他
shì shuí de xīn a gū dān de liú xià tā hái hǎo ma wǒ duō xiǎng ài tā
Whose heart is it, left lonely, is he still okay? How much I want to love him

拿永恒的泪 凝固 的一句话 也许可能蒸发
ná yǒng héng de lèi níng gù de yī jù huà yě xǔ kě néng zhēng fā
Take the eternal tears, solidify into a sentence, maybe they'll evaporate

是谁的爱啊 比泪水坚强 轻声呼唤 就让我融化
shì shuí de ài a bǐ lèi shuǐ jiān qiáng qīng shēng hū huàn jiù ràng wǒ róng huà
Whose love is it, stronger than tears, softly calling out, let me melt

每一滴雨水 演化 成我翅膀 向着我爱的人 追吧
měi yī dī yǔ shuǐ yǎn huà chéng wǒ chì bǎng xiàng zhe wǒ ài de rén zhuī ba
Every drop of rainwater evolves into my wings, chasing towards the one I love

梦想穿过了西域 包含了多少的禅意
mèng xiǎng chuān guò le xī yù bāo hán le duō shǎo de chán yì
Dreams pass through the Western Regions, containing much Zen

爱情像一本游记 我会找寻他的谜语
ài qíng xiàng yī běn yóu jì wǒ huì zhǎo xún tā de mí yǔ
Love is like a travelogue, I will search for its mysteries

看 月牙湾下的泪光 在丝路之上 被遗忘
kàn yuè yá wān xià de lèi guāng zài sī lù zhī shàng bèi yí wàng
Look, the tears under Crescent Bay are forgotten on the Silk Road

是谁的心啊 孤单地留下 他还好吗 我多想爱他
shì shuí de xīn a gū dān de liú xià tā hái hǎo ma wǒ duō xiǎng ài tā
Whose heart is it, left lonely, is he still okay? How much I want to love him

拿永恒的泪 凝固 的一句话 也许可能蒸发
ná yǒng héng de lèi níng gù de yī jù huà yě xǔ kě néng zhēng fā
Take the eternal tears, solidify into a sentence, maybe they'll evaporate

是谁的爱啊 比泪水坚强 轻声呼唤 就让我融化
shì shuí de ài a bǐ lèi shuǐ jiān qiáng qīng shēng hū huàn jiù ràng wǒ róng huà
Whose love is it, stronger than tears, softly calling out, let me melt

每一滴雨水 演化 成我翅膀 向着我爱的人 追吧
měi yī dī yǔ shuǐ yǎn huà chéng wǒ chì bǎng xiàng zhe wǒ ài de rén zhuī ba
Every drop of rainwater evolves into my wings, chasing towards the one I love

是谁的心啊 孤单地留下 他还好吗 我多想爱他
shì shuí de xīn a gū dān de liú xià tā hái hǎo ma wǒ duō xiǎng ài tā
Whose heart is it, left lonely, is he still okay? How much I want to love him

拿永恒的泪 凝固 的一句话 也许可能蒸发
ná yǒng héng de lèi níng gù de yī jù huà yě xǔ kě néng zhēng fā
Take the eternal tears, solidify into a sentence, maybe they'll evaporate

是谁的爱啊 比泪水坚强 轻声呼唤 就让我融化
shì shuí de ài a bǐ lèi shuǐ jiān qiáng qīng shēng hū huàn jiù ràng wǒ róng huà
Whose love is it, stronger than tears, softly calling out, let me melt

每一滴雨水 演化 成我翅膀 向着我爱的人 追吧
měi yī dī yǔ shuǐ yǎn huà chéng wǒ chì bǎng xiàng zhe wǒ ài de rén zhuī ba
Every drop of rainwater evolves into my wings, chasing towards the one I love