周兴哲 - 青春要用几行诗来写 (Eric Chou - How Many Lines of Poetry to Write Youth)

作词 (Lyrics): 方文山
作曲 (Composer): 周兴哲
编曲 (Arrangement): 吴加恩 Blackie Wu / 彭昱凯 Morris Pang

打开 青涩的暧昧 不存在误会 也不讨论是非
dǎ kāi qīng sè de ài mèi bù cún zài wù huì yě bù tǎo lùn shì fēi
Open the shy ambiguity, no misunderstandings, no right or wrong discussions

夜风 穿越几条街 也没人续杯 或许冷静 了谁
yè fēng chuān yuè jǐ tiáo jiē yě méi rén xù bēi huò xǔ lěng jìng le shuí
Night breeze crosses a few streets, no one refills their glass, maybe someone has calmed down

而我 也无从理解 是谁的告白 从此漫天 纷飞
ér wǒ yě wú cóng lǐ jiě shì shuí de gào bái cóng cǐ màn tiān fēn fēi
And I can't understand whose confession is flying all over the sky from now on

于是 想起些细节 回忆斟满杯 到底 应该 敬谁
yú shì xiǎng qǐ xiē xì jié huí yì zhēn mǎn bēi dào dǐ yīng gāi jìng shuí
So I remember some details, memories fill the cup, who should I toast to in the end

总有些 青春永远无法 只用几行诗 描写
zǒng yǒu xiē qīng chūn yǒng yuǎn wú fǎ zhǐ yòng jǐ háng shī miáo xiě
There are always some parts of youth that can't be described with just a few lines of poetry

也不是 只用几个章回 的小说就能 了解
yě bù shì zhǐ yòng jǐ gè zhāng huí de xiǎo shuō jiù néng liǎo jiě
It's not something that can be understood just by a few chapters of a novel

故事里 伤悲凄美心碎 没有一件事 绝对
gù shì lǐ shāng bēi qī měi xīn suì méi yǒu yī jiàn shì jué duì
In the story, sadness, beauty, and heartbreak, nothing is absolute

zhǐ néng píng zhí jué
Can only rely on intuition

是妳说 有些青春无法 只用几行诗 来写
shì nǐ shuō yǒu xiē qīng chūn wú fǎ zhǐ yòng jǐ háng shī lái xiě
It's you who said that some parts of youth can't be written with just a few lines of poetry

那初恋 微酸了好几回 倔强却思念 着谁
nà chū liàn wēi suān le hǎo jǐ huí jué jiàng què sī niàn zhe shuí
That first love, slightly sour several times, stubbornly missing someone

这成长 反复某些情节 也无法再收回
zhè chéng zhǎng fǎn fù mǒu xiē qíng jié yě wú fǎ zài shōu huí
This growth repeats some scenes and can't be taken back

shuí xiān ài shàng shuí
Who fell in love with whom first

年少 像什么季节 雨后的气味 一弯深秋 的水
nián shào xiàng shén me jì jié yǔ hòu de qì wèi yī wān shēn qiū de shuǐ
Youth, like what season, the smell after rain, a curve of deep autumn water

暗恋 跟风在告别 有某种无邪 开始满山 遍野
àn liàn gēn fēng zài gào bié yǒu mǒu zhǒng wú xié kāi shǐ mǎn shān biàn yě
Secretly in love, saying goodbye with the wind, a kind of innocence begins to fill the hills and fields

所谓 理想跟热血 该怎么结尾 怎么做才 无悔
suǒ wèi lǐ xiǎng gēn rè xuè gāi zěn me jié wěi zěn me zuò cái wú huǐ
What is ideal and passion, how should it end, how to live without regret

以上 所说的这些 在跟谁对决 或许 根本 无解
yǐ shàng suǒ shuō de zhè xiē zài gēn shuí duì jué huò xǔ gēn běn wú jiě
All these things said above, who are they fighting against, maybe there's no solution at all

总有些 青春永远无法 只用几行诗 描写
zǒng yǒu xiē qīng chūn yǒng yuǎn wú fǎ zhǐ yòng jǐ háng shī miáo xiě
There are always some parts of youth that can't be described with just a few lines of poetry

也不是 只用几个章回 的小说就能 了解
yě bù shì zhǐ yòng jǐ gè zhāng huí de xiǎo shuō jiù néng liǎo jiě
It's not something that can be understood just by a few chapters of a novel

故事里 伤悲凄美心碎 没有一件事 绝对
gù shì lǐ shāng bēi qī měi xīn suì méi yǒu yī jiàn shì jué duì
In the story, sadness, beauty, and heartbreak, nothing is absolute

zhǐ néng píng zhí jué
Can only rely on intuition

是妳说 有些青春无法 只用几行诗 来写
shì nǐ shuō yǒu xiē qīng chūn wú fǎ zhǐ yòng jǐ háng shī lái xiě
It's you who said that some parts of youth can't be written with just a few lines of poetry

那初恋 微酸了好几回 倔强却思念 着谁
nà chū liàn wēi suān le hǎo jǐ huí jué jiàng què sī niàn zhe shuí
That first love, slightly sour several times, stubbornly missing someone

这成长 反复某些情节 也无法再收回
zhè chéng zhǎng fǎn fù mǒu xiē qíng jié yě wú fǎ zài shōu huí
This growth repeats some scenes and can't be taken back

shuí xiān ài shàng shuí
Who fell in love with whom first

翻了翻 好几页 关于妳 说的一切
fān le fān hǎo jǐ yè guān yú nǐ shuō de yī qiè
Flipped through several pages about everything you said

语气里 的憔悴 不再零碎
yǔ qì lǐ de qiáo cuì bù zài líng suì
The exhaustion in your tone is no longer fragmented

是妳说 有些青春无法 只用几行诗 来写
shì nǐ shuō yǒu xiē qīng chūn wú fǎ zhǐ yòng jǐ háng shī lái xiě
It's you who said that some parts of youth can't be written with just a few lines of poetry

那初恋 微酸了好几回 倔强却思念 着谁
nà chū liàn wēi suān le hǎo jǐ huí jué jiàng què sī niàn zhe shuí
That first love, slightly sour several times, stubbornly missing someone

这成长 反复某些情节 也无法再收回
zhè chéng zhǎng fǎn fù mǒu xiē qíng jié yě wú fǎ zài shōu huí
This growth repeats some scenes and can't be taken back

shuí xiān ài shàng shuí
Who fell in love with whom first

而我说 有些青春却也 只能用诗来 描写
ér wǒ shuō yǒu xiē qīng chūn què yě zhǐ néng yòng shī lái miáo xiě
And I say that some parts of youth can only be described with poetry

用感觉 酝酿文字的美 爱纷飞如蝶
yòng gǎn jué yùn niàng wén zì de měi ài fēn fēi rú dié
Using feelings to brew the beauty of words, love flies like butterflies

却不知 到底要用几页 去描述着离别
què bù zhī dào dǐ yào yòng jǐ yè qù miáo shù zhe lí bié
But I don't know how many pages it takes to describe the farewell

wǒ fàng bù xià shuí
Who can I not let go of