林俊杰 - 她说 (JJ Lin - She Says)

作词 (Lyrics): 孙燕姿
作曲 (Composer): 林俊杰

tā jìng qiāo qiāo de lái guò
She quietly came

tā màn màn dài zǒu chén mò
She slowly took away the silence

zhǐ shì zuì hòu de chéng nuò
Only the final promise

hái shì méi yǒu dài zǒu le jì mò
Still couldn't take away the loneliness

wǒ men ài de méi yǒu cuò
Our love wasn't wrong

zhǐ shì měi lì de dú xiù tài zhé mó
It's just that the beautiful uniqueness is too tormenting

tā shuō wú suǒ wèi
She said it didn't matter

只要能在夜里 翻来覆去的时候有寄托
zhǐ yào néng zài yè lǐ fān lái fù qù de shí hòu yǒu jì tuō
As long as she had something to hold on to when tossing and turning at night

等不到天黑 烟火不会太完美
děng bú dào tiān hēi yān huǒ bú huì tài wán měi
Can't wait till dark, the fireworks won't be perfect

回忆烧成灰 还是等不到结尾
huí yì shāo chéng huī hái shì děng bú dào jié wěi
Memories burned to ashes, still can't wait for the end

她曾说的无所谓 我怕一天一天被摧毁
tā céng shuō de wú suǒ wèi wǒ pà yī tiān yī tiān bèi cuī huǐ
The "doesn't matter" she once said, I'm afraid of being destroyed day by day

等不到天黑 不敢凋谢的花蕾
děng bú dào tiān hēi bù gǎn diāo xiè de huā lěi
Can't wait till dark, the buds dare not wither

绿叶在跟随 放开刺痛的滋味
lǜ yè zài gēn suí fàng kāi cì tòng de zī wèi
The green leaves are following, releasing the painful taste

今后不再怕天明 我想只是害怕清醒
jīn hòu bú zài pà tiān míng wǒ xiǎng zhǐ shì hài pà qīng xǐng
No longer afraid of the dawn, I think I'm just afraid of waking up

tā jìng qiāo qiāo de lái guò
She quietly came

tā màn màn dài zǒu chén mò
She slowly took away the silence

zhǐ shì zuì hòu de chéng nuò
Only the final promise

hái shì méi yǒu dài zǒu le jì mò
Still couldn't take away the loneliness

wǒ men ài de méi yǒu cuò
Our love wasn't wrong

zhǐ shì měi lì de dú xiù tài zhé mó
It's just that the beautiful uniqueness is too tormenting

tā shuō wú suǒ wèi
She said it didn't matter

只要能在夜里 翻来覆去的时候有寄托
zhǐ yào néng zài yè lǐ fān lái fù qù de shí hòu yǒu jì tuō
As long as she had something to hold on to when tossing and turning at night

等不到天黑 烟火不会太完美
děng bú dào tiān hēi yān huǒ bú huì tài wán měi
Can't wait till dark, the fireworks won't be perfect

回忆烧成灰 还是等不到结尾
huí yì shāo chéng huī hái shì děng bú dào jié wěi
Memories burned to ashes, still can't wait for the end

她曾说的无所谓 我怕一天一天被摧毁
tā céng shuō de wú suǒ wèi wǒ pà yī tiān yī tiān bèi cuī huǐ
The "doesn't matter" she once said, I'm afraid of being destroyed day by day

等不到天黑 不敢凋谢的花蕾
děng bú dào tiān hēi bù gǎn diāo xiè de huā lěi
Can't wait till dark, the buds dare not wither

绿叶在跟随 放开刺痛的滋味
lǜ yè zài gēn suí fàng kāi cì tòng de zī wèi
The green leaves are following, releasing the painful taste

今后不再怕天明 我想只是害怕清醒
jīn hòu bú zài pà tiān míng wǒ xiǎng zhǐ shì hài pà qīng xǐng
No longer afraid of the dawn, I think I'm just afraid of waking up

等不到天黑 烟火不会太完美
děng bú dào tiān hēi yān huǒ bú huì tài wán měi
Can't wait till dark, the fireworks won't be perfect

回忆烧成灰 还是等不到结尾
huí yì shāo chéng huī hái shì děng bú dào jié wěi
Memories burned to ashes, still can't wait for the end

她曾说的无所谓 我怕一天一天被摧毁
tā céng shuō de wú suǒ wèi wǒ pà yī tiān yī tiān bèi cuī huǐ
The "doesn't matter" she once said, I'm afraid of being destroyed day by day

等不到天黑 不敢凋谢的花蕾
děng bú dào tiān hēi bù gǎn diāo xiè de huā lěi
Can't wait till dark, the buds dare not wither

绿叶在跟随 放开刺痛的滋味
lǜ yè zài gēn suí fàng kāi cì tòng de zī wèi
The green leaves are following, releasing the painful taste

今后不再怕天明 我想只是害怕清醒
jīn hòu bú zài pà tiān míng wǒ xiǎng zhǐ shì hài pà qīng xǐng
No longer afraid of the dawn, I think I'm just afraid of waking up

不怕天明 我想只是害怕清醒
bù pà tiān míng wǒ xiǎng zhǐ shì hài pà qīng xǐng
Not afraid of the dawn, I think I'm just afraid of waking up