茄子蛋 - 浪子回头 (EggPlantEgg - Back Here Again)

作词 (Lyrics):黄奇斌
作曲 (Composer):黄奇斌
编曲 (Arrangement):茄子蛋

烟一支一支一支的点 酒一杯一杯一杯的干
iam it-tsûi it-tsûi it-tsûi ê tiám tsuá ê póe it-pue it-pue it-pue ê kàn
One cigarette after another is lit, one glass after another is emptied.

请你要体谅我 我酒量不好卖尬哇冲康
Chhêng lí iāu thè-liāng guá guá tsiú liōng m̄-hó bē khuànn guá tsuánn-khóng
Please understand, my tolerance for alcohol isn't good, selling it to me is a challenge.

时间一天一天一天的走 汗一滴一滴一滴的流
sî-kan it-ji̍t it-ji̍t it-ji̍t ê tsáu hān it-tek it-tek it-tek ê lâu
Time passes day by day, sweat drips one drop after another.

有一天 咱都老 带某子逗阵
ū it-ji̍t lán tó lāu tāi bóo-chí tāu-tīn
One day, we'll all grow old, taking someone with us to reminisce.

lâng-tsí hûi-thâu
The prodigal returns.

亲爱的 可爱的 英俊的 朋友
khin-ài ê khuā-ài ê iânn-tiūn ê pêng-iú
Dear, lovely, handsome friend.

垃圾的 没品的 没路用的 朋友
lā-kha ê mé-pinn ê mé-lō͘-iōng ê pêng-iú
Rubbish, useless friend.

伫坎坷的路骑我两光摩托车 横直我的人生甘哪狗屎
chhù-kham-kho ê lō͘ kî guá nn̄g kuang mó͘-tô-tsiá hêng-ti̍k guá ê jîn-seng kám-nā káu-sái
Riding on a bumpy road on my motorcycle, my life feels like crap.

我没钱没某没子甘哪一条命 朋友阿 逗阵来搏
guá m̄-beh tsînn m̄-bōo m̄-tsí kám-nā tsi̍t-tiô-bīng pêng-iú--a tāu-tīn lâi phah
I have no money, no nothing, what's left is this one life. Friend, let's strive on.

烟一支一支一支的点 酒一杯一杯一杯的干
iam it-tsûi it-tsûi it-tsûi ê tiám tsuá ê póe it-pue it-pue it-pue ê kàn
One cigarette after another is lit, one glass after another is emptied.

请你要体谅我 我酒量不好卖给我冲康
Chhêng lí iāu thè-liāng guá guá tsuá liōng m̄-hó bē khuè guá chhng-khong
Please understand, my tolerance for alcohol isn't good, selling it to me is a challenge.

时间一天一天一天的走 汗一滴一滴一滴的流
sî-kan it-ji̍t it-ji̍t it-ji̍t ê tsáu hān it-tek it-tek it-tek ê lâu
Time passes day by day, sweat drips one drop after another.

有一天 咱都老 带某子逗阵
ū it-ji̍t lán tó lāu tāi bóo-chí tāu-tīn
One day, we'll all grow old, taking someone with us to reminisce.

lâng-tsí hûi-thâu
The prodigal returns.

伫坎坷的路骑我两光摩托车 横直我的人生甘哪狗屎
chhù-kham-kho ê lō͘ kî guá nn̄g kuang mó͘-tô-tsiá hêng-ti̍k guá ê jîn-seng kám-nā káu-sái
Riding on a bumpy road on my motorcycle, my life feels like crap.

我没钱没某没子甘哪一条命 朋友阿 逗阵来搏
guá m̄-beh tsînn m̄-bōo m̄-tsí kám-nā tsi̍t-tiô-bīng pêng-iú--a tāu-tīn lâi phah
I have no money, no nothing, what's left is this one life. Friend, let's strive on.

烟一支一支一支的点 酒一杯一杯一杯的干
iam it-tsûi it-tsûi it-tsûi ê tiám tsuá ê póe it-pue it-pue it-pue ê kàn
One cigarette after another is lit, one glass after another is emptied.

请你要体谅我 我酒量不好卖给我冲康
Chhêng lí iāu thè-liāng guá guá tsuá liōng m̄-hó bē khuè guá chhng-khong
Please understand, my tolerance for alcohol isn't good, selling it to me is a challenge.

时间一天一天一天的走 汗一滴一滴一滴的流
sî-kan it-ji̍t it-ji̍t it-ji̍t ê tsáu hān it-tek it-tek it-tek ê lâu
Time passes day by day, sweat drips one drop after another.

有一天 咱都老
ū it-ji̍t lán tó lāu
One day, we'll all grow old.

带某子逗阵 带某子逗阵 带某子逗阵
tāi bóo-chí tāu-tīn tāi bóo-chí tāu-tīn tāi bóo-chí tāu-tīn
Taking someone with us to reminisce, taking someone with us to reminisce, taking someone with us to reminisce.