洪荣宏 - 一只小雨伞 (Chris Hung - A Little Umbrella)

作词 (Lyrics):黄敏
作曲 (Composer):利根一郎

咱二人 做阵遮着一支小雨伞
lán jī-î bô tīn tsiā-tio̍h tsit-kiuⁿ-suaⁿ
We two, sheltering under a little umbrella.

雨越大 我来照顾你 你来照顾我
hōo ē tōa guá lâi tiàu-kòo lí lí lâi tiàu-kòo guá
As the rain gets heavier, I'll take care of you, and you take care of me.

虽然双人行相偎 遇着风雨这呢大
suí-lâng siang-jîn hêng siū-ū guā ê tōa
Even though we walk side by side, facing the wind and rain in this big world.

坎坷小路又歹行 咱着小心行
kham-kho tshiu-lo̍h ū tè-hêng lán tio̍h sió-sim hêng
Rough roads and difficult paths, let's walk cautiously.

你甲我 做阵遮着一支小雨伞
lí ke guá tsuè tsit-kiuⁿ-suaⁿ
You and I, together under a little umbrella.

雨越大 渥甲淡糊糊 心情也快活
ōo ke ta̍h tām hōo-hōo sim-chhêng iā kuài-kuat
As the rain gets heavier, feeling carefree and happy.

咱二人 做阵遮着一支小雨伞
lán jī-î bô tīn tsiā-tio̍h tsit-kiuⁿ-suaⁿ
We two, sheltering under a little umbrella.

雨越大 我来照顾你 你来照顾我
hōo ē tōa guá lâi tiàu-kòo lí lí lâi tiàu-kòo guá
As the rain gets heavier, I'll take care of you, and you take care of me.

你我双人同心肝 甭惊风雨这呢大
lí guá siang-lâng tāng sim-kang béng kíng hong û ê tōa
You and I, together in heart, don't fear the wind and rain in this big world.

黑暗小路真歹行 咱着小心行
hit-àm tsiu-lo̍h chin tè-hêng lán tio̍h sió-sim hêng
In the dark paths, where it's really difficult, let's walk with caution.

你甲我 做阵遮着一支小雨伞
lí ke guá tsuè tsit-kiuⁿ-suaⁿ
You and I, together under a little umbrella.

雨越大 渥甲淡糊糊 心情也快活
ōo ke ta̍h tām hōo-hōo sim-chhêng iā kuài-kuat
As the rain gets heavier, feeling carefree and happy.

咱二人 做阵遮着一支小雨伞
lán jī-î bô tīn tsiā-tio̍h tsit-kiuⁿ-suaⁿ
We two, sheltering under a little umbrella.

雨越大 我来照顾你 你来照顾我
hōo ē tōa guá lâi tiàu-kòo lí lí lâi tiàu-kòo guá
As the rain gets heavier, I'll take care of you, and you take care of me.

虽然双人行相偎 遇着风雨这呢大
suí-lâng siang-jîn hêng siū-ū guā ê tōa
Even though we walk side by side, facing the wind and rain in this big world.

坎坷小路又歹行 咱着小心行
kham-kho tshiu-lo̍h ū tè-hêng lán tio̍h sió-sim hêng
Rough roads and difficult paths, let's walk cautiously.

你甲我 做阵遮着一支小雨伞
lí ke guá tsuè tsit-kiuⁿ-suaⁿ
You and I, together under a little umbrella.

雨越大 渥甲淡糊糊 心情也快活
ōo ke ta̍h tām hōo-hōo sim-chhêng iā kuài-kuat
As the rain gets heavier, feeling carefree and happy.

心情也快活~ 心情也快活~~ 心情也快活~~~
sim-chhêng iā kuài-kuat~ sim-chhêng iā kuài-kuat~~ sim-chhêng iā kuài-kuat~~~
Feeling carefree and happy~ Feeling carefree and happy~~ Feeling carefree and happy~~~