陈雷 - 欢喜就好 (Chen Lei - Just Be Happy)

作词 (Lyrics):吴嘉祥
作曲 (Composer):吴嘉祥
编曲 (Arrangement):吴嘉祥

人生海海 甘需要拢了解
jîn-seng hái hái, kám siū-jiû lóng liāu-kái
Life is vast, it needs a lot of understanding.

有时仔清醒 有时青菜
ū-sî-á tshing-sing, ū-sî tshin-chhài
Sometimes awake, sometimes in a daze.

有人讲好 一定有人讲歹
ū-lâng kóng hó, it-tīng ū-lâng kóng-phài
Some speak well, for sure, others speak ill.

若麦想吓多 咱生活卡自在
nā-mā iāu hia tō, lán seng-ōe khah-tsū-ā
If you want more, live life freely.

归工嫌车无够叭 嫌厝无够大
kuí-kang hiān tsia-mô kô bā, hiān tshù-mô kô tuā
Returning from work, complaining the car is not enough, the house is not big enough.

嫌菜煮了无好吃 嫌某尚歹看
hiān-chhài tsó-lia̍h bô hó-chhia̍h, hiān-mō siong-phài kóng
Complaining the food is not tasty, complaining about someone's bad appearance.

驶到好车惊人偷 大厝歹拼扫
sè-tàu hó-chhia̍h kínn-lîn tó, tā-tshù tshài phin-sò
Driving a good car attracts theft, struggling to clean a big house.

吃甲尚好惊血压高 美某会兑人走
chia̍h kah siong hó kínn hia̍t-á kô, bí-mō ē tui jîn tsáu
Eating well is good, avoiding high blood pressure; beauty may attract people.

人生短短 好亲像块𨑨迌
jîn-seng tóan-tóan, hó tsin-siūn kuâi-kiū
Life is short, it's like a fleeting moment.

有时仔烦恼 有时轻可
ū-sî-á huan-náu, ū-sî khin-hó
Sometimes troubled, sometimes carefree.

问我到底 腹内有啥法宝
mn̄-guá tò-té, bū-lāi ū sī huat-pó
Ask me what's inside, there's no secret.

其实无撇步 欢喜就好
kî-si̍t put phīt-pooh, huan-hí tiō hó
Actually, there's no trick, just be happy.

人生海海 甘需要拢了解
jîn-seng hái hái, kám siū-jiû lóng liāu-kái
Life is vast, it needs a lot of understanding.

有时仔清醒 有时青菜
ū-sî-á tshing-sing, ū-sî tshin-chhài
Sometimes awake, sometimes in a daze.

有人讲好 一定有人讲歹
ū-lâng kóng hó, it-tīng ū-lâng kóng-phài
Some speak well, for sure, others speak ill.

若麦想吓多 咱生活卡自在
nā-mā iāu hia tō, lán seng-ōe khah-tsū-ā
If you want more, live life freely.

归工嫌车无够叭 嫌厝无够大
kuí-kang hiān tsia-mô kô bā, hiān tshù-mô kô tuā
Returning from work, complaining the car is not enough, the house is not big enough.

嫌菜煮了无好吃 嫌某尚歹看
hiān-chhài tsó-lia̍h bô hó-chhia̍h, hiān-mō siong-phài kóng
Complaining the food is not tasty, complaining about someone's bad appearance.

驶到好车惊人偷 大厝歹拼扫
sè-tàu hó-chhia̍h kínn-lîn tó, tā-tshù tshài phin-sò
Driving a good car attracts theft, struggling to clean a big house.

吃甲尚好惊血压高 美某会兑人走
chia̍h kah siong hó kínn hia̍t-á kô, bí-mō ē tui jîn tsáu
Eating well is good, avoiding high blood pressure; beauty may attract people.

人生短短 好亲像块𨑨迌
jîn-seng tóan-tóan, hó tsin-siūn kuâi-kiū
Life is short, it's like a fleeting moment.

有时仔烦恼 有时轻可
ū-sî-á huan-náu, ū-sî khin-hó
Sometimes troubled, sometimes carefree.

问我到底 腹内有啥法宝
mn̄-guá tò-té, bū-lāi ū sī huat-pó
Ask me what's inside, there's no secret.

其实无撇步 欢喜就好
kî-si̍t put phīt-pooh, huan-hí tiō hó
Actually, there's no trick, just be happy.

归工嫌车无够叭 嫌厝无够大
kuí-kang hiān tsia-mô kô bā, hiān tshù-mô kô tuā
Returning from work, complaining the car is not enough, the house is not big enough.

嫌菜煮了无好吃 嫌某尚歹看
hiān-chhài tsó-lia̍h bô hó-chhia̍h, hiān-mō siong-phài kóng
Complaining the food is not tasty, complaining about someone's bad appearance.

驶到好车惊人偷 大厝歹拼扫
sè-tàu hó-chhia̍h kínn-lîn tó, tā-tshù tshài phin-sò
Driving a good car attracts theft, struggling to clean a big house.

吃甲尚好惊血压高 美某会兑人走
chia̍h kah siong hó kínn hia̍t-á kô, bí-mō ē tui jîn tsáu
Eating well is good, avoiding high blood pressure; beauty may attract people.

人生短短 好亲像块𨑨迌
jîn-seng tóan-tóan, hó tsin-siūn kuâi-kiū
Life is short, it's like a fleeting moment.

有时仔烦恼 有时轻可
ū-sî-á huan-náu, ū-sî khin-hó
Sometimes troubled, sometimes carefree.

问我到底 腹内有啥法宝
mn̄-guá tò-té, bū-lāi ū sī huat-pó
Ask me what's inside, there's no secret.

其实无撇步 欢喜就好
kî-si̍t put phīt-pooh, huan-hí tiō hó
Actually, there's no trick, just be happy.