刘德华 - 谢谢你的爱 (Andy Lau - Thank You for Your Love)

作词 (Lyrics):林秋离
作曲 (Composer):熊美玲

不要问我一生 曾经爱过多少人
bù yào wèn wǒ yī shēng céng jīng ài guò duō shǎo rén
Don't ask me in my lifetime how many people I've loved

nǐ bù dǒng wǒ shāng yǒu duō shēn
You don't understand how deep my wounds are

yào bāo kāi shāng kǒu zǒng shì hěn cán rèn
Peeling open wounds is always cruel

劝你别做痴心人 多情暂且保留几分
quàn nǐ bié zuò chī xīn rén duō qíng zàn qiě bǎo liú jǐ fēn
I advise you not to be a foolish lover, keep a few feelings temporarily

不喜欢孤独 却又害怕两个人相处
bù xǐ huān gū dú què yòu hài pà liǎng gè rén xiāng chǔ
Don't like loneliness but afraid of being together

zhè fēn míng shì yī zhǒng tòng kǔ
This is clearly a kind of pain

在人多时候最沉默 笑容也寂寞
zài rén duō shí hou zuì chén mò xiào róng yě jì mò
In a crowd, I'm the most silent, even smiles are lonely

在万丈红尘中 啊找个人爱我
zài wàn zhàng hóng chén zhōng a zhǎo gè rén ài wǒ
In the vast world, find someone to love me

当我避开你的柔情后 泪开始坠落
dāng wǒ bì kāi nǐ de róu qíng hòu lèi kāi shǐ zhuì luò
When I avoid your tenderness, tears start to fall

是不敢不想不应该 再谢谢你的爱
shì bù gǎn bù xiǎng bù yīng gāi zài xiè xiè nǐ de ài
It's not that I dare not, don't want to, or shouldn't, thank you for your love

我不得不存在 啊像一颗尘埃
wǒ bù dé bù cún zài a xiàng yī kē chén āi
I cannot not exist, like a speck of dust

hái shì huì dài gěi nǐ shāng hài
Still will bring you harm

是不敢不想不应该 再谢谢你的爱
shì bù gǎn bù xiǎng bù yīng gāi zài xiè xiè nǐ de ài
It's not that I dare not, don't want to, or shouldn't, thank you for your love

我不得不存在 啊在你的未来
wǒ bù dé bù cún zài a zài nǐ de wèi lái
I cannot not exist, ah, in your future

zuì pà zhè yàng jiù shì dài gěi nǐ yǒng yuǎn de shāng hài
What I fear the most is bringing you eternal harm like this

不喜欢孤独 却又害怕两个人相处
bù xǐ huān gū dú què yòu hài pà liǎng gè rén xiāng chǔ
Don't like loneliness but afraid of being together

zhè fēn míng shì yī zhǒng tòng kǔ
This is clearly a kind of pain

在人多时候最沉默 笑容也寂寞
zài rén duō shí hou zuì chén mò xiào róng yě jì mò
In a crowd, I'm the most silent, even smiles are lonely

在万丈红尘中 啊找个人爱我
zài wàn zhàng hóng chén zhōng a zhǎo gè rén ài wǒ
In the vast world, find someone to love me

当我避开你的柔情后 泪开始坠落
dāng wǒ bì kāi nǐ de róu qíng hòu lèi kāi shǐ zhuì luò
When I avoid your tenderness, tears start to fall

是不敢不想不应该 再谢谢你的爱
shì bù gǎn bù xiǎng bù yīng gāi zài xiè xiè nǐ de ài
It's not that I dare not, don't want to, or shouldn't, thank you for your love

我不得不存在 啊像一颗尘埃
wǒ bù dé bù cún zài a xiàng yī kē chén āi
I cannot not exist, like a speck of dust

hái shì huì dài gěi nǐ shāng hài
Still will bring you harm

是不敢不想不应该 再谢谢你的爱
shì bù gǎn bù xiǎng bù yīng gāi zài xiè xiè nǐ de ài
It's not that I dare not, don't want to, or shouldn't, thank you for your love

我不得不存在 啊在你的未来
wǒ bù dé bù cún zài a zài nǐ de wèi lái
I cannot not exist, ah, in your future

zuì pà zhè yàng jiù shì dài gěi nǐ yǒng yuǎn de shāng hài
What I fear the most is bringing you eternal harm like this