刘德华 - 忘情水 (Andy Lau - Forget Love Potion)

作词 (Lyrics):李安修
作曲 (Composer):陈耀川
编曲 (Arrangement):杜自持

曾经年少爱追梦 一心只想往前飞
céng jīng nián shào ài zhuī mèng yī xīn zhǐ xiǎng wǎng qián fēi
In my youth, I loved chasing dreams, with a heart set on flying forward

行遍千山和万水 一路走来不能回
xíng biàn qiān shān hé wàn shuǐ yī lù zǒu lái bù néng huí
Traveling through thousands of mountains and rivers, unable to turn back

蓦然回首情已远 身不由己在天边
mò rán huí shǒu qíng yǐ yuǎn shēn bù yóu jǐ zài tiān biān
Suddenly looking back, love is distant, involuntarily at the edge of the sky

才明白爱恨情仇 最伤最痛是后悔
cái míng bái ài hèn qíng chóu zuì shāng zuì tòng shì hòu huǐ
Only then do I understand love, hatred, and emotional entanglements; the most hurtful and painful is regret

如果你不曾心碎 你不会懂得我伤悲
rú guǒ nǐ bù céng xīn suì nǐ bù huì dǒng dé wǒ shāng bēi
If you haven't experienced heartbreak, you won't understand my sorrow

当我眼中有泪 别问我是为谁 就让我忘了这一切
dāng wǒ yǎn zhōng yǒu lèi bié wèn wǒ shì wèi shuí jiù ràng wǒ wàng le zhè yī qiè
When tears fill my eyes, don't ask for whom, just let me forget it all

啊 给我一杯忘情水 换我一夜不流泪
ā gěi wǒ yī bēi wàng qíng shuǐ huàn wǒ yī yè bù liú lèi
Ah, give me a glass of forget-love potion, exchange it for a night without shedding tears

所有真心真意 任它雨打风吹 付出的爱收不回
suǒ yǒu zhēn xīn zhēn yì rèn tā yǔ dǎ fēng chuī fù chū de ài shōu bù huí
All the sincerity and true intentions, let it endure the rain and wind, the love given cannot be taken back

给我一杯忘情水 换我一生不伤悲
gěi wǒ yī bēi wàng qíng shuǐ huàn wǒ yī shēng bù shāng bēi
Give me a glass of forget-love potion, exchange it for a lifetime without sorrow

就算我会喝醉 就算我会心碎 不会看见我流泪
jiù suàn wǒ huì hē zuì jiù suàn wǒ huì xīn suì bù huì kàn jiàn wǒ liú lèi
Even if I get drunk, even if my heart breaks, you won't see me shed tears