陈势安 - 终身门徒 (Andrew Tan - Eternal Prayer)

作词 (Lyrics): 森白B.K
作曲 (Composer): 森白B.K

táo bù chū shēn xīn tóu rù ài mù de nóng dù
Unable to escape from the intensity of love and admiration

行为意识不由自主 模仿落俗
xíng wéi yì shí bù yóu zì zhǔ mó fǎng luò sú
Actions and consciousness are not self-directed, mimicking the vulgar

过人之处 脱颖而出
guò rén zhī chù tuō yǐng ér chū
Where exceptional, stand out from the crowd

此刻 不再是个匹夫
cǐ kè bù zài shì gè pǐ fū
At this moment, no longer just an ordinary person

被膜拜 一身宠爱 聚 万众瞩目
bèi mó bài yī shēn chǒng ài jù wàn zhòng zhǔ mù
Worshipped, showered with affection, and the center of everyone's attention

神经 像被瘫了痪的上瘾麻木
shén jīng xiàng bèi tān le huàn de shàng yǐn má mù
Nerves feel like paralyzed and numb from addiction

称 救世主 或 大人物
chēng jiù shì zhǔ huò dà rén wù
Called the savior or a big shot

此刻 不过就是个 莽夫
cǐ kè bù guò jiù shì gè mǎng fū
At this moment, just a fool

我输得 体无完肤
wǒ shū dé tǐ wú wán fū
I lose so badly that I’m left with no intact skin

拿灵魂 赌注 成为了 终身门徒
ná líng hún dǔ zhù chéng wéi le zhōng shēn mén tú
Betting my soul, becoming a lifelong disciple

从不在乎 你对我是什么态度
cóng bù zài hū nǐ duì wǒ shì shén me tài dù
Never caring about your attitude towards me

连情绪起伏 都不得不 对你盲目 失控颠覆
lián qíng xù qǐ fú dōu bù dé bù duì nǐ máng mù shī kòng diān fù
Even emotional fluctuations can’t help but be blindly out of control towards you

任由你摆布 只求得 一点关注
rèn yóu nǐ bǎi bù zhǐ qiú dé yī diǎn guān zhù
Allowing you to manipulate me, just seeking a bit of attention

容身之处 像 无色剧毒
róng shēn zhī chù xiàng wú sè jù dú
Place of refuge, like colorless poison

囊中之物 对理性太过高估
náng zhōng zhī wù duì lǐ xìng tài guò gāo gū
Things in the pocket, overestimating rationality

在无形之中 将我逮捕
zài wú xíng zhī zhōng jiāng wǒ dǎi bǔ
Invisibly, capturing me

被膜拜 一身宠爱 聚 万众瞩目
bèi mó bài yī shēn chǒng ài jù wàn zhòng zhǔ mù
Worshipped, showered with affection, and the center of everyone's attention

神经 像被瘫了痪的上瘾麻木
shén jīng xiàng bèi tān le huàn de shàng yǐn má mù
Nerves feel like paralyzed and numb from addiction

称 救世主 或 大人物
chēng jiù shì zhǔ huò dà rén wù
Called the savior or a big shot

此刻 不过就是个 莽夫
cǐ kè bù guò jiù shì gè mǎng fū
At this moment, just a fool

我输得 体无完肤
wǒ shū dé tǐ wú wán fū
I lose so badly that I’m left with no intact skin

拿灵魂 赌注 成为了 终身门徒
ná líng hún dǔ zhù chéng wéi le zhōng shēn mén tú
Betting my soul, becoming a lifelong disciple

从不在乎 你对我是什么态度
cóng bù zài hū nǐ duì wǒ shì shén me tài dù
Never caring about your attitude towards me

连情绪起伏 都不得不 对你盲目 失控颠覆
lián qíng xù qǐ fú dōu bù dé bù duì nǐ máng mù shī kòng diān fù
Even emotional fluctuations can’t help but be blindly out of control towards you

任由你摆布 只求得 一点关注
rèn yóu nǐ bǎi bù zhǐ qiú dé yī diǎn guān zhù
Allowing you to manipulate me, just seeking a bit of attention

容身之处 像 无色剧毒
róng shēn zhī chù xiàng wú sè jù dú
Place of refuge, like colorless poison

囊中之物 对理性太过高估
náng zhōng zhī wù duì lǐ xìng tài guò gāo gū
Things in the pocket, overestimating rationality

在无形之中 将我逮捕
zài wú xíng zhī zhōng jiāng wǒ dǎi bǔ
Invisibly, capturing me

我输得 体无完肤
wǒ shū dé tǐ wú wán fū
I lose so badly that I’m left with no intact skin

拿灵魂 赌注
ná líng hún dǔ zhù
Betting my soul

像 无色剧毒
xiàng wú sè jù dú
Like colorless poison

囊中之物 对感性太过低估
náng zhōng zhī wù duì gǎn xìng tài guò dī gū
Things in the pocket, underestimating sensitivity

在无形之中 被你下蛊
zài wú xíng zhī zhōng bèi nǐ xià gǔ
Invisibly, being cursed by you