张惠妹 - 听海 (A-Mei - Listening to the Sea)

作词 (Lyrics): 林秋离
作曲 (Composer): 涂惠源
编曲 (Arrangement): 涂惠源

写信告诉我今天 海是什么颜色
xiě xìn gào sù wǒ jīn tiān hǎi shì shén me yán sè
Write to tell me today, what color is the sea?

夜夜陪著你的海 心情又如何
yè yè péi zhe nǐ de hǎi xīn qíng yòu rú hé
Night after night, accompanying your sea, how is your mood?

灰色是不想说 蓝色是忧郁
huī sè shì bù xiǎng shuō lán sè shì yōu yù
Gray means not wanting to speak, blue is melancholy

而漂泊的你 狂浪的心 停在哪里
ér piāo bó de nǐ kuáng làng de xīn tíng zài nǎ lǐ
As you drift, your turbulent heart, where does it come to rest?

写信告诉我今夜 你想要梦什么
xiě xìn gào sù wǒ jīn yè nǐ xiǎng yào mèng shén me
Write to tell me tonight, what do you want to dream?

梦里外的我是否 都让你无从选择
mèng lǐ wài de wǒ shì fǒu dōu ràng nǐ wú cóng xuǎn zé
In and out of the dream, have I left you with no choice?

我揪著一颗心 整夜都闭不了眼睛
wǒ jiū zhe yī kē xīn zhěng yè dōu bì bù liǎo yǎn jīng
I clutch onto a heart, unable to close my eyes all night

为何你明明动了情 却又不靠近
wèi hé nǐ míng míng dòng le qíng què yòu bù kào jìn
Why, though you have feelings, do you not come closer?

听 海哭的声音
tīng hǎi kū de shēng yīn
Listen to the sound of the sea crying

叹惜著谁又被伤了心 却还不清醒
tàn xī zhe shuí yòu bèi shāng le xīn què hái bù qīng xǐng
Sighing for who has been hurt, yet still not awake

一定不是我 至少我很冷静
yī dìng bù shì wǒ zhì shǎo wǒ hěn lěng jìng
Certainly, it's not me, at least I am calm

可是泪水 就连泪水也都不相信
kě shì lèi shuǐ jiù lián lèi shuǐ yě dōu bù xiāng xìn
But tears, even tears, I don't believe

听 海哭的声音
tīng hǎi kū de shēng yīn
Listen to the sound of the sea crying

这片海未免也太多情 悲泣到天明
zhè piàn hǎi wèi miǎn yě tài duō qíng bēi qì dào tiān míng
This sea is too sentimental, weeping until dawn

写封信给我 就当最后约定
xiě fēng xìn gěi wǒ jiù dāng zuì hòu yuē dìng
Write a letter to me, consider it our final agreement

说你在离开我的时候 是怎样的心情
shuō nǐ zài lí kāi wǒ de shí hòu shì zěn yàng de xīn qíng
Tell me, when you leave me, what kind of feelings you have

写信告诉我今夜 你想要梦什么
xiě xìn gào sù wǒ jīn yè nǐ xiǎng yào mèng shén me
Write to tell me tonight, what do you want to dream?

梦里外的我是否 都让你无从选择
mèng lǐ wài de wǒ shì fǒu dōu ràng nǐ wú cóng xuǎn zé
In and out of the dream, have I left you with no choice?

我揪著一颗心 整夜都闭不了眼睛
wǒ jiū zhe yī kē xīn zhěng yè dōu bì bù liǎo yǎn jīng
I clutch onto a heart, unable to close my eyes all night

为何你明明动了情 却又不靠近
wèi hé nǐ míng míng dòng le qíng què yòu bù kào jìn
Why, though you have feelings, do you not come closer?

听 海哭的声音
tīng hǎi kū de shēng yīn
Listen to the sound of the sea crying

叹惜著谁又被伤了心 却还不清醒
tàn xī zhe shuí yòu bèi shāng le xīn què hái bù qīng xǐng
Sighing for who has been hurt, yet still not awake

一定不是我 至少我很冷静
yī dìng bù shì wǒ zhì shǎo wǒ hěn lěng jìng
Certainly, it's not me, at least I am calm

可是泪水 就连泪水也都不相信
kě shì lèi shuǐ jiù lián lèi shuǐ yě dōu bù xiāng xìn
But tears, even tears, I don't believe

听 海哭的声音
tīng hǎi kū de shēng yīn
Listen to the sound of the sea crying

这片海未免也太多情 悲泣到天明
zhè piàn hǎi wèi miǎn yě tài duō qíng bēi qì dào tiān míng
This sea is too sentimental, weeping until dawn

写封信给我 就当最后约定
xiě fēng xìn gěi wǒ jiù dāng zuì hòu yuē dìng
Write a letter to me, consider it our final agreement

说你在离开我的时候 是怎样的心情
shuō nǐ zài lí kāi wǒ de shí hòu shì zěn yàng de xīn qíng
Tell me, when you leave me, what kind of feelings you have