张惠妹 - 连名带姓 (A-Mei - Full Name)

作词 (Lyrics):葛大为
作曲 (Composer):周杰伦

零七年 那一首定情曲的前奏
líng qī nián nà yī shǒu dìng qíng qǔ de qián zòu
In 2007, the prelude of that love song

要是依然念念不忘 太不称头
yào shì yī rán niàn niàn bù wàng tài bù chèn tóu
If you still can't forget, it's too embarrassing

早放生彼此 好好过 都多久
zǎo fàng shēng bǐ cǐ hǎo hǎo guò dōu duō jiǔ
Let go of each other early, live well, how long has it been?

你怎么像标本 杵在我心里头
nǐ zěn me xiàng biāo běn chǔ zài wǒ xīn lǐ tóu
Why do you feel like a specimen stuck in my heart?

后来的那几个 又没做错什么
hòu lái de nà jǐ gè yòu méi zuò cuò shén me
The ones that came later, they didn't do anything wrong

tā men kǒu zhōng zì sī de wǒ
The selfish me in their mouths

犯了偷窃时间的错 复制贴上你的爱
fàn le tōu qiè shí jiān de cuò fù zhì tiē shàng nǐ de ài
Committed the theft of time, copying and pasting your love

也很精彩的你 不甘寂寞
yě hěn jīng cǎi de nǐ bù gān jì mò
You, who are also splendid, unwilling to be lonely

这圈子不太大 多少听说
zhè quān zi bù tài dà duō shǎo tīng shuō
This circle is not too big, heard a bit

欣赏你流浪 像是种信仰
xīn shǎng nǐ liú làng xiàng shì zhǒng xìn yǎng
Appreciating your wandering, like a kind of belief

wǒ zhēn zhè me xiǎng
I really think so

再被你提起 已是连名带姓
zài bèi nǐ tí qǐ yǐ shì lián míng dài xìng
Mentioned by you again, it's already with full name

谎称是友谊 却疏远得可以
huǎng chēng shì yǒu yì què shū yuǎn dé kě yǐ
Claiming it's friendship, but distant enough

duō shǎo rén ài wǒ
How many people love me

偏放不下你 是公开的秘密
piān fàng bù xià nǐ shì gōng kāi de mì mì
But I can't let you go, it's a public secret

zhǐ shèng nǐ méi chāi chuān wǒ
Only you haven't seen through me

再处心积虑 终究事不关己
zài chǔ xīn jī lǜ zhōng jiū shì bù guān jǐ
Again, with careful planning, ultimately it's not my concern

哪来的勇气 我就是不灰心
nǎ lái de yǒng qì wǒ jiù shì bù huī xīn
Where does the courage come from? I just don't give up

wǒ qiě ài qiě zǒu
I love and move on

其实在等你 是最后的默契
qí shí zài děng nǐ shì zuì hòu de mò qì
Actually, waiting for you is the final understanding

你会不会又错过 我没有把握
nǐ huì bù huì yòu cuò guò wǒ méi yǒu bǎ wò
Will you miss it again? I don't have the certainty

算不清 多少个跨年夜一起过
suàn bù qīng duō shǎo gè kuà nián yè yī qǐ guò
Hard to count how many New Year's Eves we spent together

要是依然念念不忘 太不称头
yào shì yī rán niàn niàn bù wàng tài bù chèn tóu
If you still can't forget, it's too embarrassing

早放生彼此 好好过 都多久
zǎo fàng shēng bǐ cǐ hǎo hǎo guò dōu duō jiǔ
Let go of each other early, live well, how long has it been?

你怎么像标本 杵在我心里头
nǐ zěn me xiàng biāo běn chǔ zài wǒ xīn lǐ tóu
Why do you feel like a specimen stuck in my heart?

后来的那几个 又没做错什么
hòu lái de nà jǐ gè yòu méi zuò cuò shén me
The ones that came later, they didn't do anything wrong

tā men kǒu zhōng zì sī de wǒ
The selfish me in their mouths

犯了偷窃时间的错 复制贴上你的爱
fàn le tōu qiè shí jiān de cuò fù zhì tiē shàng nǐ de ài
Committed the theft of time, copying and pasting your love

也很精彩的你 不甘寂寞
yě hěn jīng cǎi de nǐ bù gān jì mò
You, who are also splendid, unwilling to be lonely

这圈子不太大 多少听说
zhè quān zi bù tài dà duō shǎo tīng shuō
This circle is not too big, heard a bit

欣赏你流浪 像是种信仰
xīn shǎng nǐ liú làng xiàng shì zhǒng xìn yǎng
Appreciating your wandering, like a kind of belief

wǒ zhēn zhè me xiǎng
I really think so

再被你提起 已是连名带姓
zài bèi nǐ tí qǐ yǐ shì lián míng dài xìng
Mentioned by you again, it's already with full name

谎称是友谊 却疏远得可以
huǎng chēng shì yǒu yì què shū yuǎn dé kě yǐ
Claiming it's friendship, but distant enough

duō shǎo rén ài wǒ
How many people love me

偏放不下你 是公开的秘密
piān fàng bù xià nǐ shì gōng kāi de mì mì
But I can't let you go, it's a public secret

zhǐ shèng nǐ méi chāi chuān wǒ
Only you haven't seen through me

再处心积虑 终究事不关己
zài chǔ xīn jī lǜ zhōng jiū shì bù guān jǐ
Again, with careful planning, ultimately it's not my concern

哪来的勇气 我就是不灰心
nǎ lái de yǒng qì wǒ jiù shì bù huī xīn
Where does the courage come from? I just don't give up

wǒ qiě ài qiě zǒu
I love and move on

其实在等你 是最后的默契
qí shí zài děng nǐ shì zuì hòu de mò qì
Actually, waiting for you is the final understanding

要是我们又错过 就别再回头
yào shì wǒ men yòu cuò guò jiù bié zài huí tóu
If we miss each other again, don't turn back