八三夭 - 想见你 想见你 想见你 (831 - Want to See You)

作词 (Lyrics): 八三夭 阿璞
作曲 (Composer): 八三夭 阿璞
编曲 (Arrangement): 八三夭、JerryC

当爱情遗落成遗迹 用象形刻划成回忆
dāng ài qíng yí luò chéng yí jì yòng xiàng xíng kè huà chéng huí yì
When love is lost and becomes a relic, engraved in symbols, turned into memories

想念几个世纪 才是刻骨铭心
xiǎng niàn jǐ gè shì jì cái shì kè gǔ mìng xīn
Missing for centuries is what truly imprints on the heart

若能回到冰河时期 多想把你抱紧处理
ruò néng huí dào bīng hé shí qī duō xiǎng bǎ nǐ bào jǐn chǔ lǐ
If I could go back to the Ice Age, I would love to hold you tightly

你的笑多疗愈 让人生也苏醒
nǐ de xiào duō liáo yù ràng rén shēng yě sū xǐng
Your laughter is a healing remedy, awakening life

失去 你的风景 像座废墟 像失落文明
shī qù nǐ de fēng jǐng xiàng zuò fèi xū xiàng shī luò wén mín
Losing your scenery is like a deserted ruin, like a lost civilization

能否 一场奇迹 一线生机 能不能
néng fǒu yī chǎng qí jì yī xiàn shēng jī néng bù néng
Whether a miracle, a glimmer of hope, is it possible?

有再一次 相遇
yǒu zài yī cì xiāng yù
To have another encounter

想见你 只想见你 未来过去 我只想见你
xiǎng jiàn nǐ zhǐ xiǎng jiàn nǐ wèi lái guò qù wǒ zhǐ xiǎng jiàn nǐ
Want to see you, only want to see you, in the future and the past, I just want to see you

穿越了 千个万个 时间线里 人海里相依
chuān yuè le qiān gè wàn gè shí jiān xiàn lǐ rén hǎi lǐ xiāng yī
Traversed through a thousand, million timelines, intertwined in the sea of people

用尽了 逻辑心机 推理爱情 最难解的谜
yòng jìn le luó jí xīn jī tuī lǐ ài qíng zuì nán jiě de mí
Exhausted all logical tricks, deducing the most difficult mystery of love

会不会 妳也 和我一样 在等待一句 我愿意
huì bù huì nǐ yě hé wǒ yī yàng zài děng dài yī jù wǒ yuàn yì
Will you, too, be waiting for that phrase "I am willing"

任时光更迭了四季 任宇宙物换或星移
rèn shí guāng gèng dié le sì jì rèn yǔ zhòu wù huàn huò xīng yí
Let time cycle through the four seasons, let cosmic entities change or stars shift

永远不退流行 是青涩的真心
yǒng yuǎn bù tuì liú xíng shì qīng sè de zhēn xīn
Fashion never fades, it's the green and raw true heart

未来 先进科技 无法模拟 你拥抱暖意
wèi lái xiān jìn kē jì wú fǎ mó nǐ yōng bào nuǎn yì
In the future, advanced technology, unable to simulate the warmth of your embrace

如果 另个时空 另个身体 能不能 换另一种 结局
rú guǒ lìng gè shí kōng lìng gè shēn tǐ néng bù néng huàn lìng yī zhǒng jié jú
If in another time and space, with another body, can we have a different ending?

想见你 只想见你 未来过去 我只想见你
xiǎng jiàn nǐ zhǐ xiǎng jiàn nǐ wèi lái guò qù wǒ zhǐ xiǎng jiàn nǐ
Want to see you, only want to see you, in the future and the past, I just want to see you

穿越了 千个万个 时间线里 人海里相依
chuān yuè le qiān gè wàn gè shí jiān xiàn lǐ rén hǎi lǐ xiāng yī
Traversed through a thousand, million timelines, intertwined in the sea of people

用尽了 逻辑心机 推理爱情 最难解的谜
yòng jìn le luó jí xīn jī tuī lǐ ài qíng zuì nán jiě de mí
Exhausted all logical tricks, deducing the most difficult mystery of love

会不会 妳也 和我一样 在等待一句 我愿意
huì bù huì nǐ yě hé wǒ yī yàng zài děng dài yī jù wǒ yuàn yì
Will you, too, be waiting for that phrase "I am willing"

想见你 每个朝夕 想见你 每个表情
xiǎng jiàn nǐ měi gè zhāo xī xiǎng jiàn nǐ měi gè biǎo qíng
Want to see you every morning and night, want to see every expression on your face

想穿越 每个平行 在未来 和过去 紧紧相依
xiǎng chuān yuè měi gè píng xíng zài wèi lái hé guò qù jǐn jǐn xiāng yī
Wish to traverse every parallel, in the future and the past, tightly intertwined

想follow 每则IG 不错过 你的踪迹
xiǎng follow měi zé IG bù cuò guò nǐ de zōng jī
Want to follow every Instagram post, not missing your traces

会不会 你也一样 等待着那句 我愿意
huì bù huì nǐ yě yī yàng děng dài zhe nà jù wǒ yuàn yì
Will you, too, be waiting for that phrase "I am willing"

想见你 只想见你 未来过去 我只想见你
xiǎng jiàn nǐ zhǐ xiǎng jiàn nǐ wèi lái guò qù wǒ zhǐ xiǎng jiàn nǐ
Just want to see you, in the future and the past, I only want to see you

穿越了 千个万个 时间线里 人海里相依
chuān yuè le qiān gè wàn gè shí jiān xiàn lǐ rén hǎi lǐ xiāng yī
Traversed through a thousand, million timelines, intertwined in the sea of people

用尽了 逻辑心机 推理爱情 最难解的谜
yòng jìn le luó jí xīn jī tuī lǐ ài qíng zuì nán jiě de mí
Exhausted all logical tricks, deducing the most difficult mystery of love

会不会 妳也 和我一样 在等待一句 我愿意
huì bù huì nǐ yě hé wǒ yī yàng zài děng dài yī jù wǒ yuàn yì
Will you, too, be waiting for that phrase "I am willing"

想见你 每个朝夕 想见你 每个表情
xiǎng jiàn nǐ měi gè zhāo xī xiǎng jiàn nǐ měi gè biǎo qíng
Want to see you every morning and night, want to see every expression on your face

想穿越 每个平行 在未来 和过去 紧紧相依
xiǎng chuān yuè měi gè píng xíng zài wèi lái hé guò qù jǐn jǐn xiāng yī
Wish to traverse every parallel, in the future and the past, tightly intertwined

想follow 每则IG 不错过 你的踪迹
xiǎng follow měi zé IG bù cuò guò nǐ de zōng jī
Want to follow every Instagram post, not missing your traces

会不会 你也一样 等待着那句 我愿意
huì bù huì nǐ yě yī yàng děng dài zhe nà jù wǒ yuàn yì
Will you, too, be waiting for that phrase "I am willing"

想见你 每个朝夕 想见你 每个表情
xiǎng jiàn nǐ měi gè zhāo xī xiǎng jiàn nǐ měi gè biǎo qíng
Want to see you every morning and night, want to see every expression on your face

想穿越 每个平行 在未来 和过去 紧紧相依
xiǎng chuān yuè měi gè píng xíng zài wèi lái hé guò qù jǐn jǐn xiāng yī
Wish to traverse every parallel, in the future and the past, tightly intertwined

想follow 每则IG 不错过 你的踪迹
xiǎng follow měi zé IG bù cuò guò nǐ de zōng jī
Want to follow every Instagram post, not missing your traces

会不会 你也一样 等待着那句 我愿意
huì bù huì nǐ yě yī yàng děng dài zhe nà jù wǒ yuàn yì
Will you, too, be waiting for that phrase "I am willing"