八三夭 - 某某 (831 - A Certain Someone)

作词 (Lyrics): 黄奇斌, 柳广辉, 八三夭阿璞
作曲 (Composer): 黄奇斌

你来过 你走
nǐ lái guò nǐ zǒu
You came, you left

我爱过 我痛
wǒ ài guò wǒ tòng
I loved, I hurt

无法拥抱的你 让我坠落
wú fǎ yōng bào de nǐ ràng wǒ zhuì luò
Unable to embrace you, I fall

我试着 向你走去
wǒ shì zhe xiàng nǐ zǒu qù
I tried to walk toward you

才发现 你早默默在我身后
cái fā xiàn nǐ zǎo mò mò zài wǒ shēn hòu
Only to realize you were quietly behind me

仿佛黑夜与白昼 主宰天空
fǎng fú hēi yè yǔ bái zhòu zhǔ zǎi tiān kōng
Like night and day ruling the sky

故事的尽头 到底在哪里?
gù shì de jìn tóu dào dǐ zài nǎ lǐ?
Where is the end of the story?

是不是爱情 由谁来界定?
shì bù shì ài qíng yóu shuí lái jiè dìng?
Is it love, and who defines it?

那样的亲密 没有人能代替
nà yàng de qīn mì méi yǒu rén néng dài tì
Such intimacy, no one can replace

我们的相遇 如银河的轨迹
wǒ men de xiāng yù rú yín hé de guǐ jì
Our meeting, like the path of the Milky Way

不能回避 像这一场大雨
bù néng huí bì xiàng zhè yī chǎng dà yǔ
Cannot avoid, like this downpour

我们的青春 如定格的时间
wǒ men de qīng chūn rú dìng gé de shí jiān
Our youth, like frozen time

此刻永恒 我向着你狂奔
cǐ kè yǒng héng wǒ xiàng zhe nǐ kuáng bēn
This moment eternal, I run wildly towards you

在黑暗谷底 你会接住我的心
zài hēi àn gǔ dǐ nǐ huì jiē zhù wǒ de xīn
At the bottom of the dark valley, you'll catch my heart

谁也在逃避 命中的注定?
shuí yě zài táo bì mìng zhōng de zhù dìng?
Who is avoiding their fate?

最远的距离 不是我爱你
zuì yuǎn de jù lí bù shì wǒ ài nǐ
The furthest distance is not me loving you

是我在这里 你却不敢靠近
shì wǒ zài zhè lǐ nǐ què bù gǎn kào jìn
It's that I'm here, but you don't dare come closer

我们的相遇 如银河的轨迹
wǒ men de xiāng yù rú yín hé de guǐ jì
Our meeting, like the path of the Milky Way

不能回避 像这一场大雨
bù néng huí bì xiàng zhè yī chǎng dà yǔ
Cannot avoid, like this downpour

我们的青春 如定格的时间
wǒ men de qīng chūn rú dìng gé de shí jiān
Our youth, like frozen time

此刻永恒 我向着你狂奔
cǐ kè yǒng héng wǒ xiàng zhe nǐ kuáng bēn
This moment eternal, I run wildly towards you

现在 让我们自由的飞吧
xiàn zài ràng wǒ men zì yóu de fēi ba
Now, let's fly freely

现在 让我们尽情的爱吧
xiàn zài ràng wǒ men jìn qíng de ài ba
Now, let's love with all our hearts

现在 你终于是我
xiàn zài nǐ zhōng yú shì wǒ
Now, you are finally me

wǒ zhōng yú shì nǐ
I am finally you

我们的相遇 如银河的轨迹
wǒ men de xiāng yù rú yín hé de guǐ jì
Our meeting, like the path of the Milky Way

不能回避 像这一场大雨
bù néng huí bì xiàng zhè yī chǎng dà yǔ
Cannot avoid, like this downpour

我们的青春 如定格的时间
wǒ men de qīng chūn rú dìng gé de shí jiān
Our youth, like frozen time

此刻永恒 我向着你狂奔
cǐ kè yǒng héng wǒ xiàng zhe nǐ kuáng bēn
This moment eternal, I run wildly towards you

在黑暗谷底 你会接住我的心
zài hēi àn gǔ dǐ nǐ huì jiē zhù wǒ de xīn
At the bottom of the dark valley, you'll catch my heart