伍佰 & China Blue - Last Dance (Wu Bai & China Blue - Last Dance)

作词 (Lyrics): 伍佰
作曲 (Composer): 伍佰

suǒ yǐ zàn shí jiāng nǐ yǎn jīng bì le qǐ lái
So for now, close your eyes

hēi àn zhī zhōng piāo fú wǒ de qī dài
Floating in the darkness is my anticipation

píng jìng liǎn kǒng yìng zhe bīn fēn sè cǎi
Calm face reflecting colorful hues

ràng rén hǎo bù téng ài
It makes one feel so much affection

nǐ kě yǐ suízhe wǒ de bù fá qīng qīng róu róu de cǎi
You can gently and softly step with my pace

jiāng měi lì de huí yì màn màn chóng lái
Slowly revisit the beautiful memories

tū rán zhī jiān làng màn wú fǎ shì huái
Suddenly, the romance is impossible to let go

míng tiān wǒ yào lí kāi
Tomorrow I will leave

妳给的爱 无助的等待
nǐ gěi de ài wú zhù de děng dài
The love you give, helpless waiting

是否我一个人走 想听见妳的挽留
shì fǒu wǒ yī gè rén zǒu xiǎng tīng jiàn nǐ de wǎn liú
Will I walk alone, wanting to hear your plea to stay

chūn fēng qiū yǔ piāo piāo luò luò zhǐ wèi jì mò
Spring breeze and autumn rain drifting down only for loneliness

妳给的爱 甜美的伤害
nǐ gěi de ài tián měi de shāng hài
The love you give, sweet harm

深深的锁住了我 隐藏不住的脆弱
shēn shēn de suǒ zhù le wǒ yǐn cáng bù zhù de cuì ruò
Deeply locking me up, unable to hide the fragility

泛滥河水将我冲向妳的心头 不停流
fàn làn hé shuǐ jiāng wǒ chōng xiàng nǐ de xīn tóu bù tíng liú
The overflowing river pushes me to your heart, endlessly flowing

suǒ yǐ zàn shí jiāng nǐ yǎn jīng bì le qǐ lái
So for now, close your eyes

kě yǐ màn màn huá jìn wǒ de xīn huái
You can slowly slide into my heart

wǔ chí zhōng de rén qún jiàn jiàn sàn kāi
The crowd in the dance floor gradually disperses

yīng gāi jiù shì xiàn zài
This should be the moment

妳给的爱 无助的等待
nǐ gěi de ài wú zhù de děng dài
The love you give, helpless waiting

是否我一个人走 想听见妳的挽留
shì fǒu wǒ yī gè rén zǒu xiǎng tīng jiàn nǐ de wǎn liú
Will I walk alone, wanting to hear your plea to stay

chūn fēng qiū yǔ piāo piāo luò luò zhǐ wèi jì mò
Spring breeze and autumn rain drifting down only for loneliness

妳给的爱 甜美的伤害
nǐ gěi de ài tián měi de shāng hài
The love you give, sweet harm

想问问妳的心中 不愿面对的不懂
xiǎng wèn wèn nǐ de xīn zhōng bù yuàn miàn duì de bù dǒng
Want to ask your heart, the unwillingness to face the unknown

míng tiān zhī hòu bù zhī dào miàn qián de nǐ shì fǒu yī rán ài wǒ
After tomorrow, I don't know if you in front of me will still love me

bù zhī dào
Don't know