陈淑桦 - 梦醒时分 (Sarah Chen - Dream To Awakening)

作词 (Lyrics): 李宗盛
作曲 (Composer): 李宗盛
编曲 (Arrangement): 李正帆

你说你爱了不该爱的人 你的心中满是伤痕
nǐ shuō nǐ ài le bù gāi ài de rén nǐ de xīn zhōng mǎn shì shāng hén
You said you loved the wrong person, your heart is full of scars

你说你犯了不该犯的错 心中满是悔恨
nǐ shuō nǐ fàn le bù gāi fàn de cuò xīn zhōng mǎn shì huǐ hèn
You said you made the wrong mistakes, your heart is full of regret

你说你尝尽了生活的苦 找不到可以相信的人
nǐ shuō nǐ cháng jìn le shēng huó de kǔ zhǎo bù dào kě yǐ xiāng xìn de rén
You said you've tasted the bitterness of life, unable to find someone to trust

你说你感到万分沮丧 甚至开始怀疑人生
nǐ shuō nǐ gǎn dào wàn fēn jǔ sàng shèn zhì kāi shǐ huái yí rén shēng
You said you feel deeply frustrated, even starting to doubt life

早知道伤心总是难免的 你又何苦一往情深
zǎo zhī dào shāng xīn zǒng shì nán miǎn de nǐ yòu hé kǔ yī wǎng qíng shēn
Had you known heartbreak is inevitable, why plunge into deep affection?

因为爱情总是难舍难分 何必在意那一点点温存
yīn wèi ài qíng zǒng shì nán shě nán fēn hé bì zài yì nà yī diǎn diǎn wēn cún
Because love is always hard to let go, why care about those little traces of warmth?

要知道伤心总是难免的 在每一个梦醒时分
yào zhī dào shāng xīn zǒng shì nán miǎn de zài měi yī gè mèng xǐng shí fēn
You should know that heartbreak is inevitable, at every waking moment

有些事情你现在不必问 有些人你永远不必等
yǒu xiē shì qíng nǐ xiàn zài bù bì wèn yǒu xiē rén nǐ yǒng yuǎn bù bì děng
Some things you don't need to ask now, some people you never need to wait for

你说你爱了不该爱的人 你的心中满是伤痕
nǐ shuō nǐ ài le bù gāi ài de rén nǐ de xīn zhōng mǎn shì shāng hén
You said you loved the wrong person, your heart is full of scars

你说你犯了不该犯的错 心中满是悔恨
nǐ shuō nǐ fàn le bù gāi fàn de cuò xīn zhōng mǎn shì huǐ hèn
You said you made the wrong mistakes, your heart is full of regret

你说你尝尽了生活的苦 找不到可以相信的人
nǐ shuō nǐ cháng jìn le shēng huó de kǔ zhǎo bù dào kě yǐ xiāng xìn de rén
You said you've tasted the bitterness of life, unable to find someone to trust

你说你感到万分沮丧 甚至开始怀疑人生
nǐ shuō nǐ gǎn dào wàn fēn jǔ sàng shèn zhì kāi shǐ huái yí rén shēng
You said you feel deeply frustrated, even starting to doubt life

早知道伤心总是难免的 你又何苦一往情深
zǎo zhī dào shāng xīn zǒng shì nán miǎn de nǐ yòu hé kǔ yī wǎng qíng shēn
Had you known heartbreak is inevitable, why plunge into deep affection?

因为爱情总是难舍难分 何必在意那一点点温存
yīn wèi ài qíng zǒng shì nán shě nán fēn hé bì zài yì nà yī diǎn diǎn wēn cún
Because love is always hard to let go, why care about those little traces of warmth?

要知道伤心总是难免的 在每一个梦醒时分
yào zhī dào shāng xīn zǒng shì nán miǎn de zài měi yī gè mèng xǐng shí fēn
You should know that heartbreak is inevitable, at every waking moment

有些事情你现在不必问 有些人你永远不必等
yǒu xiē shì qíng nǐ xiàn zài bù bì wèn yǒu xiē rén nǐ yǒng yuǎn bù bì děng
Some things you don't need to ask now, some people you never need to wait for

早知道伤心总是难免的 你又何苦一往情深
zǎo zhī dào shāng xīn zǒng shì nán miǎn de nǐ yòu hé kǔ yī wǎng qíng shēn
Had you known heartbreak is inevitable, why plunge into deep affection?

因为爱情总是难舍难分 何必在意那一点点温存
yīn wèi ài qíng zǒng shì nán shě nán fēn hé bì zài yì nà yī diǎn diǎn wēn cún
Because love is always hard to let go, why care about those little traces of warmth?

要知道伤心总是难免的 在每一个梦醒时分
yào zhī dào shāng xīn zǒng shì nán miǎn de zài měi yī gè mèng xǐng shí fēn
You should know that heartbreak is inevitable, at every waking moment

有些事情你现在不必问 有些人你永远不必等
yǒu xiē shì qíng nǐ xiàn zài bù bì wèn yǒu xiē rén nǐ yǒng yuǎn bù bì děng
Some things you don't need to ask now, some people you never need to wait for