郑秀文 - 心魔 (Sammi Cheng - Face Your Demons)

作词 (Lyrics): 姜柠乐
作曲 (Composer): SHIMICA
编曲 (Arrangement): TonYnoT
监制 (Producer):蔡德才@人山人海/TonYnoT

lam4 zan6 deoi3 dik6 si4 sau2 zung1 ngan4 sik1 dik1 gim3
In the face of the enemy, holding a silver sword

dou2 jing2 cing4 jat1 zoeng1 wong4 hung2 dik1 lim5
The reflection shows a face of fear

wu4 lyun6 heoi3 caai1 soeng2
Randomly guessing

cin4 min6 mat6 bou3 fung1 him2
Risks are densely packed ahead

jing4 mong6 geng3 zoeng6 si4 ngau1 hei2 cang4 ging1 caam2 fong3
Gazing at the mirror image brings up past tragedies

gaau1 zik1 sing4 jat1 zoeng1 mou4 jing2 dik1 mong5
Interwoven into an invisible net

cin4 zyu6 liu5 bat1 ngon1
Entangling the unease

诸多掣肘 自制惊慌
zyu1 do1 zai3 zaau2 zi6 zai3 ging1 fong1
Many constraints create panic

dong1 hak1 ngam3 sei3 bin1 fuk1 goi3
When darkness covers all sides

当阴影诱发了心魔 侵占脑袋
dong1 jam1 jing2 jau5 faat3 liu5 sam1 mo1 cam1 zim3 nou5 doi6
When shadows evoke inner demons, invading the mind

困于阴森的魔障 破不开
kwan3 jyu1 jam1 sam1 dik1 mo1 zoeng3 po3 bat1 hoi1
Trapped in the eerie barrier, unable to break free

躲 逃避现实在害怕什么
do2 tou4 bei6 jin6 sat6 zoi6 hoi6 paa3 sam6 mo1
Hiding, what are you afraid of in reality

wui4 bei6 ham6 si6 bing6 mei6 ho2 taam5 mong4
Avoiding regrets cannot erase them

You gotta face your demons
You gotta face your demons
You gotta face your demons

You gotta face your demons
You gotta face your demons
You gotta face your demons

你惯性软弱怯懦 怕出错
nei5 gwaan3 sing3 jyun5 joek6 hip3 no6 paa3 ceot1 co3
Your habitual weakness and fear of making mistakes

阻 停下步伐又害怕后果
zo2 ting4 haa6 bou6 fat6 jau6 hoi6 paa3 hau6 gwo2
Blocking, stopping your steps, afraid of the consequences

jyun4 dei6 daap6 bou6 jau6 waak6 zo2 bat6 ho4
Marching in place, pulling left or right

You gotta face your demons
You gotta face your demons
You gotta face your demons

You gotta face your demons
You gotta face your demons
You gotta face your demons

幻象在外 恶魔在内 慢慢令你灭亡
waan6 zoeng6 zoi6 ngoi6 ngok3 mo1 zoi6 noi6 maan6 maan6 ling6 nei5 mit6 mong4
Illusions outside, demons inside, slowly destroying you

zam2 mo1 nei5 pin1 jiu3 hei2 fun1 syut3 bat1 ho2
Why do you insist on saying no

zam2 mo1 nei5 gam1 sam1 syu1 kap1 liu5 sam1 mo1
Why are you willing to lose to your inner demons

崖边的风浪 无边的彼岸
ngaai4 bin1 dik1 fung1 long6 mou4 bin1 dik1 bei2 ngon6
The cliffs' winds and waves, the endless shore

你听不见么 你看不见么
nei5 ting3 bat1 gin3 mo1 nei5 hon3 bat1 gin3 mo1
Can't you hear, can't you see

cim4 fuk6 nou5 bou6 san4 ging1 zung1 jing4 jiu2 bat1 saan3
Lurking in the brain, lingering and never dispersing

zi2 jau5 pang4 jat1 soeng1 mai4 sat1 dik1 ngaan5
Only with a pair of lost eyes

mai4 mou6 leoi5 teoi1 caak1
Guessing in the fog

pui4 wui4 sin6 ngok3 zi1 gaan1
Wandering between good and evil

sam1 mo1 cing1 bat1 soeng5 huk6 jing4
Inner demons are not considered torture

sam1 mo1 dou1 bat1 syun3 zyut6 zing3
Inner demons are not considered terminal illness

zuk1 bat1 dou3 mou4 jing4 mou4 seng1
Intangible and silent

daan6 geoi6 bei6 kek6 lit6 duk6 sing3
But highly toxic

nang4 mai4 waak6 nei5 sam1 ging2
Can confuse your state of mind

jat1 bat1 siu2 sam1 jaa5 si6 zi3 ming6
Carelessness can be fatal

dong1 hak1 ngam3 sei3 bin1 fuk1 goi3
When darkness covers all sides

当阴影诱发了心魔 侵占脑袋
dong1 jam1 jing2 jau5 faat3 liu5 sam1 mo1 cam1 zim3 nou5 doi6
When shadows evoke inner demons, invading the mind

困于阴森的魔障 破不开
kwan3 jyu1 jam1 sam1 dik1 mo1 zoeng3 po3 bat1 hoi1
Trapped in the eerie barrier, unable to break free

躲 逃避现实在害怕什么
do2 tou4 bei6 jin6 sat6 zoi6 hoi6 paa3 sam6 mo1
Hiding, what are you afraid of in reality

wui4 bei6 ham6 si6 bing6 mei6 ho2 taam5 mong4
Avoiding regrets cannot erase them

You gotta face your demons
You gotta face your demons
You gotta face your demons

You gotta face your demons
You gotta face your demons
You gotta face your demons

你惯性软弱怯懦 怕出错
nei5 gwaan3 sing3 jyun5 joek6 hip3 no6 paa3 ceot1 co3
Your habitual weakness and fear of making mistakes

阻 停下步伐又害怕后果
zo2 ting4 haa6 bou6 fat6 jau6 hoi6 paa3 hau6 gwo2
Blocking, stopping your steps, afraid of the consequences

jyun4 dei6 daap6 bou6 jau6 waak6 zo2 bat6 ho4
Marching in place, pulling left or right

You gotta face your demons
You gotta face your demons
You gotta face your demons

You gotta face your demons
You gotta face your demons
You gotta face your demons

幻象在外 恶魔在内 慢慢令你灭亡
waan6 zoeng6 zoi6 ngoi6 ngok3 mo1 zoi6 noi6 maan6 maan6 ling6 nei5 mit6 mong4
Illusions outside, demons inside, slowly destroying you

zam2 mo1 nei5 pin1 jiu3 hei2 fun1 syut3 bat1 ho2
Why do you insist on saying no

zam2 mo1 nei5 gam1 sam1 syu1 kap1 liu5 sam1 mo1
Why are you willing to lose to your inner demons

崖边的风浪 无边的彼岸
ngaai4 bin1 dik1 fung1 long6 mou4 bin1 dik1 bei2 ngon6
The cliffs' winds and waves, the endless shore

你听得见么 你看得见么
nei5 ting3 dak1 gin3 mo1 nei5 hon3 dak1 gin3 mo1
Can you hear, can you see