李荣浩 - 另一端 (Li Ronghao - The Other Side)

作词 (Lyrics): 李荣浩
作曲 (Composer): 李荣浩

梳了梳头发 煮三菜一汤
shū le shū tóu fa zhǔ sān cài yī tāng
Combed my hair, cooked three dishes and a soup

ér zi zhōng xué bì yè diǎn lǐ bù néng chí dào
Can't be late for my son's middle school graduation ceremony

自行车链条 换完了又换
zì xíng chē liàn tiáo huàn wán le yòu huàn
Changed the bike chain, again and again

xià gè yuè chū gěi jiā lǐ mǎi tái diàn shì kàn
Plan to buy a TV for the family at the beginning of next month

要对人友善 并保持坚韧
yào duì rén yǒu shàn bìng bǎo chí jiān rèn
Be kind to others and stay resilient

yào gěi hái zi zuò yī gè hǎo de shì fàn
Set a good example for the children

不算太伟岸 却是我榜样
bù suàn tài wěi àn què shì wǒ bǎng yàng
Not very tall, but still my role model

yǐ shàng shì fù qīn liú gěi wǒ de yìn xiàng
These are the impressions my father left me

借给你双手 拍拍我肩膀
jiè gěi nǐ shuāng shǒu pāi pāi wǒ jiān bǎng
Lend you my hands to pat my shoulders

借给你双眼 见证我成年模样
jiè gěi nǐ shuāng yǎn jiàn zhèng wǒ chéng nián mó yàng
Lend you my eyes to witness my adulthood

请不要忘记我们 在另一端也不准
qǐng bù yào wàng jì wǒ men zài lìng yī duān yě bù zhǔn
Please don't forget us, even on the other side it's not allowed

借给你嘴巴 听你说说话
jiè gěi nǐ zuǐ ba tīng nǐ shuō shuō huà
Lend you my mouth to hear you speak

借给你耳朵 叫你一声再走吧
jiè gěi nǐ ěr duo jiào nǐ yī shēng zài zǒu ba
Lend you my ears to call you once more before you leave

当我还是个小孩 那一天忽然明白
dāng wǒ hái shì gè xiǎo hái nà yī tiān hū rán míng bái
When I was still a child, that day I suddenly understood

要对人友善 并保持坚韧
yào duì rén yǒu shàn bìng bǎo chí jiān rèn
Be kind to others and stay resilient

yào gěi hái zi zuò yī gè hǎo de shì fàn
Set a good example for the children

不算太伟岸 却是我榜样
bù suàn tài wěi àn què shì wǒ bǎng yàng
Not very tall, but still my role model

yǐ shàng shì fù qīn liú gěi wǒ de yìn xiàng
These are the impressions my father left me

借给你双手 拍拍我肩膀
jiè gěi nǐ shuāng shǒu pāi pāi wǒ jiān bǎng
Lend you my hands to pat my shoulders

借给你双眼 见证我成年模样
jiè gěi nǐ shuāng yǎn jiàn zhèng wǒ chéng nián mó yàng
Lend you my eyes to witness my adulthood

请不要忘记我们 在另一端也不准
qǐng bù yào wàng jì wǒ men zài lìng yī duān yě bù zhǔn
Please don't forget us, even on the other side it's not allowed

借给你嘴巴 听你说说话
jiè gěi nǐ zuǐ ba tīng nǐ shuō shuō huà
Lend you my mouth to hear you speak

借给你耳朵 叫你一声再走吧
jiè gěi nǐ ěr duo jiào nǐ yī shēng zài zǒu ba
Lend you my ears to call you once more before you leave

当我还是个小孩 那一天忽然明白
dāng wǒ hái shì gè xiǎo hái nà yī tiān hū rán míng bái
When I was still a child, that day I suddenly understood

借给你回忆 往前翻一翻
jiè gěi nǐ huí yì wǎng qián fān yī fān
Lend you my memories, flip through them

借你我的梦 好多没你的遗憾
jiè nǐ wǒ de mèng hǎo duō méi nǐ de yí hàn
Lend you my dreams, filled with many regrets without you

请不要忘记我们 在另一端也不准
qǐng bù yào wàng jì wǒ men zài lìng yī duān yě bù zhǔn
Please don't forget us, even on the other side it's not allowed

借给你嘴巴 听你说说话
jiè gěi nǐ zuǐ ba tīng nǐ shuō shuō huà
Lend you my mouth to hear you speak

借给你耳朵 叫你一声再走吧
jiè gěi nǐ ěr duo jiào nǐ yī shēng zài zǒu ba
Lend you my ears to call you once more before you leave

当我还是个小孩 那一天忽然明白
dāng wǒ hái shì gè xiǎo hái nà yī tiān hū rán míng bái
When I was still a child, that day I suddenly understood