吴克群 - 一场痛能多久 (Kenji Wu - How Long Can Pain Last)

作词 (Lyrics): 吴克群
作曲 (Composer): 吴克群, 江镇宇
编曲 (Arrangement): 吴加恩

回家的路 还剩几个街区
huí jiā de lù hái shèng jǐ gè jiē qū
The way home has a few more blocks left

知情的街灯 把热烈回忆 映太清晰
zhī qíng de jiē dēng bǎ rè liè huí yì yìng tài qīng xī
The informed streetlights reflect the passionate memories too clearly

剩我一个人 画风太冷清
shèng wǒ yī gè rén huà fēng tài lěng qīng
Leaving me alone, the scene is too desolate

现在你在哪里 什么样的风景
xiàn zài nǐ zài nǎ lǐ shén me yàng de fēng jǐng
Where are you now? What kind of scenery surrounds you?

光影是否合衬 你斑驳的背影
guāng yǐng shì fǒu hé chèn nǐ bān bó de bèi yǐng
Do the light and shadow complement your mottled silhouette?

关于那天 是不是有话没说清
guān yú nà tiān shì bù shì yǒu huà méi shuō qīng
About that day, was there something left unsaid?

未完的雨 像海水 将我奄奄一息
wèi wán de yǔ xiàng hǎi shuǐ jiāng wǒ yǎn yǎn yī xī
The unfinished rain, like seawater, leaves me gasping

一场痛 能痛多久 一辈子都不够
yī chǎng tòng néng tòng duō jiǔ yī bèi zi dōu bù gòu
How long can a pain last? A lifetime isn't enough

就当是我 偷你的 偷你的回忆 直到上锁
jiù dāng shì wǒ tōu nǐ de tōu nǐ de huí yì zhí dào shàng suǒ
Let's say I steal your memories until they are locked

先哭的是小偷 偷不了带不走 多难受
xiān kū de shì xiǎo tōu tōu bù liǎo dài bù zǒu duō nán shòu
The first to cry is the thief, unable to steal or take them away, how painful

一场爱 能爱多久 一辈子的折磨
yī chǎng ài néng ài duō jiǔ yī bèi zi de zhé mó
How long can a love last? A lifetime of torment

就当是我 欠你的 欠你的 却没机会还过
jiù dāng shì wǒ qiàn nǐ de qiàn nǐ de què méi jī huì huán guò
Let's say I owe you, owe you, but never had the chance to repay

时间是小偷 一辈子扣留
shí jiān shì xiǎo tōu yī bèi zi kòu liú
Time is a thief, holding on for a lifetime

输家要连本带利 连灵魂都要被带走
shū jiā yào lián běn dài lì lián líng hún dōu yào bèi dài zǒu
The loser has to repay both principal and interest, even their soul will be taken away

时间是小偷 千万别回头 我听说
shí jiān shì xiǎo tōu qiān wàn bié huí tóu wǒ tīng shuō
Time is a thief, never look back, I've heard

现在你在哪里 什么样的风景
xiàn zài nǐ zài nǎ lǐ shén me yàng de fēng jǐng
Where are you now? What kind of scenery surrounds you?

光影是否合衬 你斑驳的背影
guāng yǐng shì fǒu hé chèn nǐ bān bó de bèi yǐng
Do the light and shadow complement your mottled silhouette?

关于那天 是不是有话没说清
guān yú nà tiān shì bù shì yǒu huà méi shuō qīng
About that day, was there something left unsaid?

未完的雨 像海水 将我奄奄一息
wèi wán de yǔ xiàng hǎi shuǐ jiāng wǒ yǎn yǎn yī xī
The unfinished rain, like seawater, leaves me gasping

一场痛 能痛多久 一辈子够不够
yī chǎng tòng néng tòng duō jiǔ yī bèi zi gòu bù gòu
How long can a pain last? Is a lifetime enough?

就当是我 偷你的 偷你的回忆 直到上锁
jiù dāng shì wǒ tōu nǐ de tōu nǐ de huí yì zhí dào shàng suǒ
Let's say I steal your memories until they are locked

先哭的是小偷 偷不了带不走 多难受
xiān kū de shì xiǎo tōu tōu bù liǎo dài bù zǒu duō nán shòu
The first to cry is the thief, unable to steal or take them away, how painful

一场爱 能爱多久 一辈子的折磨
yī chǎng ài néng ài duō jiǔ yī bèi zi de zhé mó
How long can a love last? A lifetime of torment

就当是我 欠你的 欠你的 却没机会还过
jiù dāng shì wǒ qiàn nǐ de qiàn nǐ de què méi jī huì huán guò
Let's say I owe you, owe you, but never had the chance to repay

时间是小偷 一辈子的扣留
shí jiān shì xiǎo tōu yī bèi zi de kòu liú
Time is a thief, holding on for a lifetime

输家要连本带利 连灵魂都要被带走
shū jiā yào lián běn dài lì lián líng hún dōu yào bèi dài zǒu
The loser has to repay both principal and interest, even their soul will be taken away

时间是小偷 自作该自受 你说过
shí jiān shì xiǎo tōu zì zuò gāi zì shòu nǐ shuō guò
Time is a thief, you reap what you sow, you said