薛之谦 - 守村人 (Joker Xue - The Village Guardian)

作词 (Lyrics): 薛之谦
作曲 (Composer): 宋涛

爱穿破烂的衣裳 真名必须要隐藏
ài chuān pò làn de yī shang zhēn míng bì xū yào yǐn cáng
Love wearing tattered clothes, the real name must be hidden

我的船长 会带我去远航
wǒ de chuán zhǎng huì dài wǒ qù yuǎn háng
My captain will take me on a long voyage

yào péi bàn nǐ men de chéng zhǎng
I want to accompany your growth

yào bàn chǒu bàn zāng bàn fēng kuáng
I need to act ugly, dirty, and crazy

bèi shí kuài diū bèi shuǐ pō huì xiào chǎng
Being pelted with stones and splashed with water will make me laugh

yī gè gè dōu bù guī de mú yàng
Each one doesn't return

wǒ tōu tīng guò nǐ zhì xiàng
I've eavesdropped on your ambitions

wǒ bèi tiāo xuǎn yào zhèn shǒu yī fāng
I was chosen to guard this place

请带话 给我亲爱的船长
qǐng dài huà gěi wǒ qīn ài de chuán zhǎng
Please send a message to my dear captain

你看 守村的夜晚 天星星闪闪
nǐ kàn shǒu cūn de yè wǎn tiān xīng xīng shǎn shǎn
Look, the stars are twinkling in the village night

bèi zhào liàng de wǒ bìng bù gū dān
I, illuminated, am not lonely

亲人未散 热腾腾的饭
qīn rén wèi sàn rè téng téng de fàn
Relatives haven't dispersed, the steaming hot meal

在我梦里都有 你看
zài wǒ mèng lǐ dōu yǒu nǐ kàn
All in my dreams, you see

守村的呐喊 犬猫就围满
shǒu cūn de nà hǎn quǎn māo jiù wéi mǎn
The village guardian's shouts, surrounded by dogs and cats

听我吹 会长鼻的勇敢
tīng wǒ chuī huì zhǎng bí de yǒng gǎn
Listen to me boast about bravery

嘿船长你看 我早有预感
hēi chuán zhǎng nǐ kàn wǒ zǎo yǒu yù gǎn
Hey captain, look, I had a premonition

hěn qiáng de rén dōu gū dān
Strong people are all lonely

yī qù bù guī shì hé děng mú yàng
What it's like to never return

xiǎng gēn zōng nǐ qù xiàng
I want to follow you

nǐ dài huí hóng lǜ sān wǔ zhāng
You bring back three or five red and green ones

掩盖你 一路的不治之伤
yǎn gài nǐ yī lù de bù zhì zhī shāng
Covering your incurable wounds along the way

你看 守村的夜晚 灯忽明忽闪
nǐ kàn shǒu cūn de yè wǎn dēng hū míng hū shǎn
Look, the village night, lights flicker on and off

zuì ài nǐ de rén wàng yǎn yù chuān
The person who loves you the most looks forward to seeing you

烟花点不燃 我没像样的伞
yān huā diǎn bù rán wǒ méi xiàng yàng de sǎn
The fireworks won't light, I don't have a proper umbrella

为何不留一晚 你看
wèi hé bù liú yī wǎn nǐ kàn
Why not stay for one night, look

守村的呐喊 萤火就围满
shǒu cūn de nà hǎn yíng huǒ jiù wéi mǎn
The village guardian's shouts, surrounded by fireflies

听我吹 他后辈的勇敢
tīng wǒ chuī tā hòu bèi de yǒng gǎn
Listen to me boast about the bravery of his descendants

你所有难堪 我闭口不谈
nǐ suǒ yǒu nán kān wǒ bì kǒu bù tán
I won't speak of all your embarrassments

měi mèng bèi hōng míng shēng qū sàn
Beautiful dreams are driven away by the roar

你看 守村的那晚 巨兽在臂展
nǐ kàn shǒu cūn de nà wǎn jù shòu zài bì zhǎn
Look, that night in the village, the giant beast spreads its arms

zhǐ yǒu wǒ bù tuì bù ràng bù sàn
Only I don't retreat, don't yield, don't disperse

别撕我衣衫 别笑我命烂
bié sī wǒ yī shān bié xiào wǒ mìng làn
Don't tear my clothes, don't laugh at my miserable fate

fēi běn cūn de kào biān zhàn
Outsiders, step aside

守村的夜晚 被灰尘堆满
shǒu cūn de yè wǎn bèi huī chén duī mǎn
The village night is piled with dust

de wǒ yǔ fèi xū wéi bàn
I am accompanied by ruins

谁来者不善 谁勋章挂满
shuí lái zhě bù shàn shuí xūn zhāng guà mǎn
Who comes is not good, who is full of medals

wǒ yòng xiǎo shù chà duì nǐ xuān zhàn
I use a small tree branch to declare war on you

我会撑到 下一个我赶来
wǒ huì chēng dào xià yī gè wǒ gǎn lái
I will hold on until the next me comes