周杰伦 - 琴伤 (Jay Chou - Piano of Sorrow)

作词 (Lyrics):方文山
作曲 (Composer):周杰伦

海天 连线的 地方是那夕阳
hǎi tiān lián xiàn de dì fāng shì nà xī yáng
The place where the sea and sky meet is the sunset

木造 的甲板一整遍 是那金黄
mù zào de jiǎ bǎn yī zhěng biàn shì nà jīn huáng
The wooden deck is entirely golden

你背光 的轮廓就像剪影一样
nǐ bèi guāng de lún kuò jiù xiàng jiǎn yǐng yī yàng
Your silhouette against the light looks like a cutout

充满着想像 任谁都 会爱上
chōng mǎn zhe xiǎng xiàng rèn shéi dōu huì ài shàng
Full of imagination, anyone would fall in love

琴键声 在船舱 随海风 回荡
qín jiàn shēng zài chuán cāng suí hǎi fēng huí dàng
The sound of the piano keys resonates in the cabin with the sea breeze

竟有一种 属于中世纪才有的浪漫
jìng yǒu yī zhǒng shǔ yú zhōng shì jì cái yǒu de làng màn
There is a kind of romance that belongs only to the Middle Ages

微笑眺望远方 是你的习惯
wēi xiào tiào wàng yuǎn fāng shì nǐ de xí guàn
Smiling and gazing into the distance is your habit

古典钢琴 在敲打 小小的那哀伤
gǔ diǎn gāng qín zài qiāo dǎ xiǎo xiǎo de nà āi shāng
The classical piano is tapping out a little sadness

你的眼神 隐约中有着不安不安
nǐ de yǎn shén yǐn yuē zhōng yǒu zhe bù ān bù ān
Your eyes vaguely show uneasiness

你不敢不敢 继续的暧昧喜欢
nǐ bù gǎn bù gǎn jì xù de ài mèi xǐ huān
You don't dare, don't dare to continue the ambiguous affection

你泪化了妆 不舍全写在脸上
nǐ lèi huà le zhuāng bù shě quán xiě zài liǎn shàng
Your tears ruin your makeup, all the reluctance is written on your face

摇摇晃晃 船已入港
yáo yáo huǎng huǎng chuán yǐ rù gǎng
Shaking and swaying, the boat has docked

我不忍为难 问谁在等你靠岸
wǒ bù rěn wéi nán wèn shéi zài děng nǐ kào àn
I can't bear to ask who is waiting for you at the shore

一圈戒痕 在你指上
yī quān jiè hén zài nǐ zhǐ shàng
A ring mark on your finger

目送你 越走越远的 悲伤
mù sòng nǐ yuè zǒu yuè yuǎn de bēi shāng
Watching you walk further away with sadness

wǒ hài pà gù shì zǒu bú dào yī bàn
I'm afraid the story won't reach halfway

nǐ xīn lǐ zǎo jiù yǐ jīng yǒu le dá àn
You've already had the answer in your heart

走偏了 方向 你绝口 不谈 不谈
zǒu piān le fāng xiàng nǐ jué kǒu bù tán bù tán
Going off course, you refuse to talk, refuse to talk

我不过问 只是彼此 的心被捆绑
wǒ bù guò wèn zhǐ shì bǐ cǐ de xīn bèi kǔn bǎng
I don't ask, it's just that our hearts are bound

明明 海阔天空 蔚蓝的海洋
míng míng hǎi kuò tiān kōng wèi lán de hǎi yáng
Clearly the vast sea and sky, the blue ocean

你心里面 却有一个不透明的地方
nǐ xīn lǐ miàn què yǒu yī gè bù tòu míng de dì fāng
But in your heart, there's an opaque place

浪倒映月光 足迹遗留在沙滩
làng dào yìng yuè guāng zú jì yí liú zài shā tān
The waves reflect the moonlight, footprints remain on the sand

留遗憾在码头上 空气弥漫着怀旧时光
liú yí hàn zài mǎ tóu shàng kōng qì mí màn zhe huái jiù shí guāng
Leaving regrets at the dock, the air is filled with nostalgic times

我看见 呵护着你的那个 对象
wǒ kàn jiàn hē hù zhe nǐ de nà gè duì xiàng
I see the one who takes care of you

wǒ de hé xián kāi shǐ màn bǎn de cāng sāng
My chords begin a slow and mournful tune

你泪化了妆 不舍全写在脸上
nǐ lèi huà le zhuāng bù shě quán xiě zài liǎn shàng
Your tears ruin your makeup, all the reluctance is written on your face

摇摇晃晃 船已入港
yáo yáo huǎng huǎng chuán yǐ rù gǎng
Shaking and swaying, the boat has docked

我不忍为难 问谁在等你靠岸
wǒ bù rěn wéi nán wèn shéi zài děng nǐ kào àn
I can't bear to ask who is waiting for you at the shore

一圈戒痕 在你指上
yī quān jiè hén zài nǐ zhǐ shàng
A ring mark on your finger

目送你 越走越远的 悲伤
mù sòng nǐ yuè zǒu yuè yuǎn de bēi shāng
Watching you walk further away with sadness

你泪化了妆 不舍全写在脸上
nǐ lèi huà le zhuāng bù shě quán xiě zài liǎn shàng
Your tears ruin your makeup, all the reluctance is written on your face

摇摇晃晃 船已入港
yáo yáo huǎng huǎng chuán yǐ rù gǎng
Shaking and swaying, the boat has docked

我不忍为难 问谁在等你靠岸
wǒ bù rěn wéi nán wèn shéi zài děng nǐ kào àn
I can't bear to ask who is waiting for you at the shore

一圈戒痕 在你指上
yī quān jiè hén zài nǐ zhǐ shàng
A ring mark on your finger

目送你 越走越远的 悲伤
mù sòng nǐ yuè zǒu yuè yuǎn de bēi shāng
Watching you walk further away with sadness