张学友 & 高慧君 - 你最珍贵 (Jacky Cheung & Francesca Kao - You Are The Most Precious)

作词 (Lyrics):林明阳/十方
作曲 (Composer):凌伟文

(男)明年这个时间 约在这个地点
(nán) míng nián zhè gè shí jiān yuē zài zhè gè dì diǎn
(Male) This time next year, let's meet at this place

(女)记得带着玫瑰 打上领带系上思念
(nǚ) jì dé dài zhe méi guī dǎ shàng lǐng dài xì shàng sī niàn
(Female) Remember to bring roses, wear a tie, and tie up the thoughts

(男)动情时刻最美 真心的给不累
(nán) dòng qíng shí kè zuì měi zhēn xīn de gěi bù lèi
(Male) The most beautiful moment of emotion, giving from the heart is never tiring

(女)太多的爱怕醉 没人疼爱 再美的人 也会憔悴
(nǚ) tài duō de ài pà zuì méi rén téng ài zài měi de rén yě huì qiáo cuì
(Female) Too much love, afraid of getting drunk, without someone to cherish, even the most beautiful person will become weary

(男)我会送你红色玫瑰 你别拿一生眼泪相对
(nán) wǒ huì sòng nǐ hóng sè méi guī nǐ bié ná yī shēng yǎn lèi xiāng duì
(Male) I will give you red roses, don't exchange a lifetime of tears for them

(nǚ) nǐ zhī dào wǒ ài liú lèi
(Female) You know I love to shed tears

(男)未来的日子有你才美 梦才会真一点
(nán) wèi lái de rì zi yǒu nǐ cái měi mèng cái huì zhēn yī diǎn
(Male) The future days are beautiful only with you, making dreams a bit more real

(女)未来的日子是否很美 梦才会真一点
(nǚ) wèi lái de rì zi shì fǒu hěn měi mèng cái huì zhēn yī diǎn
(Female) Is the future beautiful? Dreams become a bit more real

(女)我学着在你爱里沉醉 你守护着我穿过黑夜
(nǚ) wǒ xué zhe zài nǐ ài lǐ chén zuì nǐ shǒu hù zhe wǒ chuān guò hēi yè
(Female) I learn to be intoxicated in your love, you guard me through the dark night

(男)我不撤退 黑夜
(nán) wǒ bù chè tuì hēi yè
(Male) I won't retreat, in the darkness

(合)我愿意 这条情路 相守相随 你最珍贵
(hé) wǒ yuàn yì zhè tiáo qíng lù xiāng shǒu xiāng suí nǐ zuì zhēn guì
(Duet) I'm willing to traverse this path of love, accompanying and following each other, you are the most precious

(男)动情时刻最美 真心的给不累
(nán) dòng qíng shí kè zuì měi zhēn xīn de gěi bù lèi
(Male) The most beautiful moment of emotion, giving from the heart is never tiring

(女)太多的爱怕醉 没人疼爱 再美的人
(nǚ) tài duō de ài pà zuì méi rén téng ài zài měi de rén
(Female) Too much love, afraid of getting drunk, without someone to cherish, even the most beautiful person

(hé) yě huì qiáo cuì
(Duet) Will become weary

(男)我会送你红色玫瑰 你别拿一生眼泪相对
(nán) wǒ huì sòng nǐ hóng sè méi guī nǐ bié ná yī shēng yǎn lèi xiāng duì
(Male) I will give you red roses, don't exchange a lifetime of tears for them

(nǚ) nǐ zhī dào wǒ ài liú lèi
(Female) You know I love to shed tears

(男)未来的日子有你才美 梦才会真一点
(nán) wèi lái de rì zi yǒu nǐ cái měi mèng cái huì zhēn yī diǎn
(Male) The future days are beautiful only with you, making dreams a bit more real

(女)未来的日子是否很美 梦才会真一点
(nǚ) wèi lái de rì zi shì fǒu hěn měi mèng cái huì zhēn yī diǎn
(Female) Is the future beautiful? Dreams become a bit more real

(女)我学着在你爱里沉醉 你守护着我穿过黑夜
(nǚ) wǒ xué zhe zài nǐ ài lǐ chén zuì nǐ shǒu hù zhe wǒ chuān guò hēi yè
(Female) I learn to be intoxicated in your love, you guard me through the dark night

(男)我不撤退 黑夜
(nán) wǒ bù chè tuì hēi yè
(Male) I won't retreat, in the darkness

(合)我愿意 这条情路 相守相随
(hé) wǒ yuàn yì zhè tiáo qíng lù xiāng shǒu xiāng suí
(Duet) I'm willing to traverse this path of love, accompanying and following each other

(nán) nǐ zuì zhēn guì
(Male) You are the most precious

(nǚ) nǐ zuì zhēn guì
(Female) You are the most precious

(男)我会送你红色玫瑰 你别拿一生眼泪相对
(nán) wǒ huì sòng nǐ hóng sè méi guī nǐ bié ná yī shēng yǎn lèi xiāng duì
(Male) I will give you red roses, don't exchange a lifetime of tears for them

(nǚ) nǐ zhī dào wǒ ài liú lèi
(Female) You know I love to shed tears

(男)未来的日子有你才美 梦才会真一点
(nán) wèi lái de rì zi yǒu nǐ cái měi mèng cái huì zhēn yī diǎn
(Male) The future days are beautiful only with you, making dreams a bit more real

(女)未来的日子是否很美 梦才会真一点
(nǚ) wèi lái de rì zi shì fǒu hěn měi mèng cái huì zhēn yī diǎn
(Female) Is the future beautiful? Dreams become a bit more real

(女)我学着在你爱里沉醉 你守护着我穿过黑夜
(nǚ) wǒ xué zhe zài nǐ ài lǐ chén zuì nǐ shǒu hù zhe wǒ chuān guò hēi yè
(Female) I learn to be intoxicated in your love, you guard me through the dark night

(男)我不撤退 黑夜
(nán) wǒ bù chè tuì hēi yè
(Male) I won't retreat, in the darkness

(合)我愿意 这条情路 相守相随 你最珍贵
(hé) wǒ yuàn yì zhè tiáo qíng lù xiāng shǒu xiāng suí nǐ zuì zhēn guì
(Duet) I'm willing to traverse this path of love, accompanying and following each other, you are the most precious