李克勤 - 一生不变 (Hacken Lee - Unchanging for Life)

作词 (Lyrics): 向雪懷
作曲 (Composer): 彭永松, 范俊益
编曲 (Arrangement): 卢东尼
监制 (Producer): 黄祖辉

一幽风飞散发 披肩
jat1 jau1 fung1 fei1 saan3 faat3 pei1 gin1
A faint breeze blows through my hair, draping over my shoulders

眼里散发一丝 恨怨
ngaan5 leoi5 saan3 faat3 jat1 si1 han6 jyun3
There’s a hint of resentment in my eyes

像要告诉我 你此生不变
zoeng6 jiu3 gou3 sou3 ngo5 nei5 ci2 saang1 bat1 bin3
As if telling me you’ll remain unchanged for life

mei4 jyu5 gaan1 ci3 tung3 cung1 cung1 ngam3 sim2
The pain flickers briefly in your brow

忧忧戚戚循环 不断
jau1 jau1 cik1 cik1 ceon4 waan4 bat1 tyun5
Worry and sorrow cycle endlessly

冷冷暖暖一片 茫然
laang5 laang5 nyun5 nyun5 jat1 pin3 mong4 jin4
In the mix of cold and warmth, there’s confusion

视线碰上你 怎不心软
si6 sin3 pung3 soeng5 nei5 zam2 bat1 sam1 jyun5
When my eyes meet yours, how can my heart not soften?

唯有狠心再多讲 讲一遍
wai4 jau5 han2 sam1 zoi3 do1 gong2 gong2 jat1 pin3
I must harden my heart to say it once more

苍天不解恨怨 痴心爱侣仍难如愿
cong1 tin1 bat1 gaai2 han6 jyun3 ci1 sam1 ngoi3 leoi5 jing4 naan4 jyu4 jyun6
Heaven doesn’t understand our resentment, devoted lovers still find it hard to fulfill their wishes

分开须不可改变 但更珍惜一刻目前
fan1 hoi1 seoi1 bat1 ho2 goi2 bin3 daan6 gang3 zan1 sik1 jat1 hak1 muk6 cin4
Separation is inevitable, but I cherish this moment even more

可知分开越远 心中对你更觉挂牵
ho2 zi1 fan1 hoi1 jyut6 jyun5 sam1 zung1 deoi3 nei5 gang3 gok3 gwaa3 hin1
Do you know, the farther we are apart, the more my heart misses you

可否知痴心一片 就算分开一生不变
ho2 fau2 zi1 ci1 sam1 jat1 pin3 zau6 syun3 fan1 hoi1 jat1 saang1 bat1 bin3
Can you understand my deep affection? Even if we part, I’ll remain unchanged for life

反反复复多次 失恋
faan2 faan2 fuk1 fuk6 do1 ci3 sat1 lyun2
Repeatedly going through heartbreak

进进退退想到 从前
zeon3 zeon3 teoi3 teoi3 soeng2 dou3 cung4 cin4
Advancing and retreating, thinking of the past

让我再吻你 吻多一遍
joeng6 ngo5 zoi3 man5 nei5 man5 do1 jat1 pin3
Let me kiss you again, one more time

bit6 liu5 bat1 zi1 naa5 jat1 tin1 soeng1 gin3
Farewell, not knowing when we’ll meet again

苍天不解恨怨 痴心爱侣仍难如愿
cong1 tin1 bat1 gaai2 han6 jyun3 ci1 sam1 ngoi3 leoi5 jing4 naan4 jyu4 jyun6
Heaven doesn’t understand our resentment, devoted lovers still find it hard to fulfill their wishes

分开须不可改变 但更珍惜一刻目前
fan1 hoi1 seoi1 bat1 ho2 goi2 bin3 daan6 gang3 zan1 sik1 jat1 hak1 muk6 cin4
Separation is inevitable, but I cherish this moment even more

可知分开越远 心中对你更觉挂牵
ho2 zi1 fan1 hoi1 jyut6 jyun5 sam1 zung1 deoi3 nei5 gang3 gok3 gwaa3 hin1
Do you know, the farther we are apart, the more my heart misses you

可否知痴心一片 就算分开一生不变
ho2 fau2 zi1 ci1 sam1 jat1 pin3 zau6 syun3 fan1 hoi1 jat1 saang1 bat1 bin3
Can you understand my deep affection? Even if we part, I’ll remain unchanged for life

反反复复多次 失恋
faan2 faan2 fuk1 fuk6 do1 ci3 sat1 lyun2
Repeatedly going through heartbreak

进进退退想到 从前
zeon3 zeon3 teoi3 teoi3 soeng2 dou3 cung4 cin4
Advancing and retreating, thinking of the past

让我再吻你 吻多一遍
joeng6 ngo5 zoi3 man5 nei5 man5 do1 jat1 pin3
Let me kiss you again, one more time

bit6 liu5 bat1 zi1 naa5 jat1 tin1 zoi3 soeng1 gin3
Farewell, not knowing when we’ll meet again