林子祥 & 叶倩文 - 选择 (George Lam & Sally Yeh - The Choice)

作词 (Lyrics):陈大力
作曲 (Composer):陈大力/陈秀男
编曲 (Arrangement):Ricky Ho

男:风起的日子 笑看落花
nán: fēng qǐ de rì zi xiào kàn luò huā
Male: On windy days, smiling at falling petals

女:雪舞的时节 举杯向月
nǚ: xuě wǔ de shí jié jǔ bēi xiàng yuè
Female: In snowy seasons, raising a glass to the moon

nán: zhè yàng de xīn qíng
Male: Such feelings

nǚ: zhè yàng de lù
Female: Such paths

hé: wǒ men yī qǐ zǒu guò
Duet: We've walked together

女:希望你能爱我 到地老 到天荒
nǚ: xī wàng nǐ néng ài wǒ dào dì lǎo dào tiān huāng
Female: Hope you can love me until we're old, until the end of time

男:希望妳能陪我 到海角 到天涯
nán: xī wàng nǐ néng péi wǒ dào hǎi jiǎo dào tiān yá
Male: Hope you can accompany me to the ends of the earth, to the corners of the sea

合:就算一切重来 我也不会改变决定
hé: jiù suàn yī qiè chóng lái wǒ yě bù huì gǎi biàn jué dìng
Duet: Even if everything starts over, I won't change my decision

hé: wǒ xuǎn zé le nǐ
Duet: I've chosen you

合:你选择了我 哦...
hé: nǐ xuǎn zé le wǒ ó...
Duet: You've chosen me, oh...

女:我一定会爱你 到地久 到天长
nǚ: wǒ yī dìng huì ài nǐ dào dì jiǔ dào tiān cháng
Female: I will love you until the end of time

男:我一定会陪妳 到海枯 到石烂
nán: wǒ yī dìng huì péi nǐ dào hǎi kū dào shí làn
Male: I will accompany you until the sea dries up and the rocks crumble

合:就算回到从前 这仍是我唯一决定
hé: jiù suàn huí dào cóng qián zhè réng shì wǒ wéi yī jué dìng
Duet: Even if we return to the past, this is still my only decision

hé: wǒ xuǎn zé le nǐ
Duet: I've chosen you

hé: nǐ xuǎn zé le wǒ
Duet: You've chosen me

hé: zhè shì wǒ men de xuǎn zé
Duet: This is our choice

男:走过了春天 走过秋天
nán: zǒu guò le chūn tiān zǒu guò qiū tiān
Male: Walked through spring, walked through autumn

女:送走了今天 又是明天
nǚ: sòng zǒu le jīn tiān yòu shì míng tiān
Female: Bid farewell to today, tomorrow comes again

nán: yī tiān yòu yī tiān
Male: Day after day

nǚ: yuè yuè nián nián
Female: Month after month, year after year

hé: wǒ men de xīn bù biàn
Duet: Our hearts remain unchanged

女:希望你能爱我 到地老 到天荒
nǚ: xī wàng nǐ néng ài wǒ dào dì lǎo dào tiān huāng
Female: Hope you can love me until we're old, until the end of time

男:希望妳能陪我 到海角 到天涯
nán: xī wàng nǐ néng péi wǒ dào hǎi jiǎo dào tiān yá
Male: Hope you can accompany me to the ends of the earth, to the corners of the sea

合:就算一切重来 我也不会改变决定
hé: jiù suàn yī qiè chóng lái wǒ yě bù huì gǎi biàn jué dìng
Duet: Even if everything starts over, I won't change my decision

hé: wǒ xuǎn zé le nǐ
Duet: I've chosen you

合:你选择了我 哦...
hé: nǐ xuǎn zé le wǒ ó...
Duet: You've chosen me, oh...

合:我一定会爱你 到地久 到天长
hé: wǒ yī dìng huì ài nǐ dào dì jiǔ dào tiān cháng
Duet: I will love you until the end of time

合:我一定会陪妳 到海枯 到石烂
hé: wǒ yī dìng huì péi nǐ dào hǎi kū dào shí làn
Duet: I will accompany you until the sea dries up and the rocks crumble

合:就算回到从前 这仍是我唯一决定
hé: jiù suàn huí dào cóng qián zhè réng shì wǒ wéi yī jué dìng
Duet: Even if we return to the past, this is still my only decision

hé: wǒ xuǎn zé le nǐ
Duet: I've chosen you

hé: nǐ xuǎn zé le wǒ
Duet: You've chosen me

hé: zhè shì wǒ men de xuǎn zé
Duet: This is our choice

hé: wǒ xuǎn zé le nǐ
Duet: I've chosen you

hé: nǐ xuǎn zé le wǒ
Duet: You've chosen me

hé: zhè shì wǒ men de xuǎn zé
Duet: This is our choice