梁静茹 - 可惜不是你 (Fish Leong - Unfortunately Not You)

作词 (Lyrics): 李焯雄
作曲 (Composer): 曹轩宾

这一刻 突然觉得好熟悉
zhè yī kè tū rán jué dé hǎo shú xī
This moment suddenly feels so familiar

像昨天 今天同时在放映
xiàng zuó tiān jīn tiān tóng shí zài fàng yìng
Like yesterday and today are playing at the same time

我这句语气 原来好像你
wǒ zhè jù yǔ qì yuán lái hǎo xiàng nǐ
My tone, it turns out, is just like yours

bù jiù shì wǒ men ài guò de zhèng jù
Isn't it the evidence of our love?

差一点 骗了自己骗了你
chà yī diǎn piàn le zì jǐ piàn le nǐ
Almost fooled myself and you

ài yǔ bèi ài bù yī dìng chéng zhèng bǐ
Love and being loved aren't necessarily proportional

wǒ zhī dào bèi téng shì yī zhǒng yùn qì
I know being loved is a kind of luck

dàn wǒ wú fǎ wán quán jiāo chū zì jǐ
But I can't completely give myself away

nǔ lì wèi nǐ gǎi biàn
I try to change for you

却变不了 预留的伏线
què biàn bù liǎo yù liú de fú xiàn
But I can't change the hidden line left behind

以为在你身边 那也算永远
yǐ wéi zài nǐ shēn biān nà yě suàn yǒng yuǎn
Thinking that being by your side counts as forever

fǎng fú hái shì zuó tiān
It feels like yesterday

可是昨天 已非常遥远
kě shì zuó tiān yǐ fēi cháng yáo yuǎn
But yesterday is already very distant

但闭上我双眼 我还看得见
dàn bì shàng wǒ shuāng yǎn wǒ hái kàn dé jiàn
But when I close my eyes, I can still see

可惜不是你 陪我到最后
kě xī bù shì nǐ péi wǒ dào zuì hòu
Unfortunately, it's not you who's with me till the end

曾一起走 却走失那路口
céng yī qǐ zǒu què zǒu shī nà lù kǒu
We once walked together but lost at the crossroad

感谢那是你 牵过我的手
gǎn xiè nà shì nǐ qiān guò wǒ de shǒu
Thank you for being the one who held my hand

hái néng gǎn shòu nà wēn róu
Still able to feel that tenderness

那一段 我们曾心贴着心
nà yī duàn wǒ men céng xīn tiē zhe xīn
That period when our hearts were close together

wǒ xiǎng wǒ gèng yǒu quán lì guān xīn nǐ
I think I have more right to care about you

可能你 已走进别人风景
kě néng nǐ yǐ zǒu jìn bié rén fēng jǐng
Maybe you've entered someone else's scenery

多希望 也有 星光的投影
duō xī wàng yě yǒu xīng guāng de tóu yǐng
I hope there's also a projection of starlight

nǔ lì wèi nǐ gǎi biàn
I try to change for you

却变不了 预留的伏线
què biàn bù liǎo yù liú de fú xiàn
But I can't change the hidden line left behind

以为在你身边 那也算永远
yǐ wéi zài nǐ shēn biān nà yě suàn yǒng yuǎn
Thinking that being by your side counts as forever

fǎng fú hái shì zuó tiān
It feels like yesterday

可是昨天 已非常遥远
kě shì zuó tiān yǐ fēi cháng yáo yuǎn
But yesterday is already very distant

但闭上我双眼 我还看得见
dàn bì shàng wǒ shuāng yǎn wǒ hái kàn dé jiàn
But when I close my eyes, I can still see

可惜不是你 陪我到最后
kě xī bù shì nǐ péi wǒ dào zuì hòu
Unfortunately, it's not you who's with me till the end

曾一起走 却走失那路口
céng yī qǐ zǒu què zǒu shī nà lù kǒu
We once walked together but lost at the crossroad

感谢那是你 牵过我的手
gǎn xiè nà shì nǐ qiān guò wǒ de shǒu
Thank you for being the one who held my hand

hái néng gǎn shòu nà wēn róu
Still able to feel that tenderness

可惜不是你 陪我到最后
kě xī bù shì nǐ péi wǒ dào zuì hòu
Unfortunately, it's not you who's with me till the end

曾一起走 却走失那路口
céng yī qǐ zǒu què zǒu shī nà lù kǒu
We once walked together but lost at the crossroad

感谢那是你 牵过我的手
gǎn xiè nà shì nǐ qiān guò wǒ de shǒu
Thank you for being the one who held my hand

hái néng gǎn shòu nà wēn róu
Still able to feel that tenderness

感谢那是你 牵过我的手
gǎn xiè nà shì nǐ qiān guò wǒ de shǒu
Thank you for being the one who held my hand

hái néng wēn nuǎn wǒ xiōng kǒu
Still able to warm my chest