陈汉伟 & 蔡礼莲 - 关怀方式 (Chen Han Wei & Cai Li Lian - Way of Caring)

作词 (Lyrics):胡文龙
作曲 (Composer):林随安

寂寞开在心事旁 随手种一些伤感
jì mò kāi zài xīn shì páng suí shǒu zhòng yī xiē shāng gǎn
Loneliness blooms beside heart matters, casually planting some sorrow

不让星星来窥探 找个沉默的夜晚
bù ràng xīng xīng lái kuī tàn zhǎo gè chén mò de yè wǎn
Preventing stars from prying, finding a silent night

找个沉默的夜晚 不让星星来窥探
zhǎo gè chén mò de yè wǎn bù ràng xīng xīng lái kuī tàn
Finding a silent night, not allowing stars to pry

随手种一些伤感 寂寞开在心事旁
suí shǒu zhòng yī xiē shāng gǎn jì mò kāi zài xīn shì páng
Casually planting some sorrow, loneliness blooms beside heart matters

wǒ de guān huái fāng shì shì nǐ wú fǎ chá jué de bēi liáng
My way of caring is the melancholy you cannot perceive

zhǐ néng zài nǐ bù jīng yì shí cái suǒ shàng wǒ xīn fáng
Can only lock up my heart when you are not aware

你往常的亲切友善 是我今生的遗憾
nǐ wǎng cháng de qīn qiè yǒu shàn shì wǒ jīn shēng de yí hàn
Your usual kindness is my lifelong regret

shòu shāng hòu wú huǐ de mái zài bù liú lù de liǎn shàng
After getting hurt, the unregretful pain is buried in the non-revealing face

寂寞开在心事旁 随手种一些伤感
jì mò kāi zài xīn shì páng suí shǒu zhòng yī xiē shāng gǎn
Loneliness blooms beside heart matters, casually planting some sorrow

不让星星来窥探 找个沉默的夜晚
bù ràng xīng xīng lái kuī tàn zhǎo gè chén mò de yè wǎn
Preventing stars from prying, finding a silent night

找个沉默的夜晚 不让星星来窥探
zhǎo gè chén mò de yè wǎn bù ràng xīng xīng lái kuī tàn
Finding a silent night, not allowing stars to pry

随手种一些伤感 寂寞开在心事旁
suí shǒu zhòng yī xiē shāng gǎn jì mò kāi zài xīn shì páng
Casually planting some sorrow, loneliness blooms beside heart matters

wǒ de guān huái fāng shì shì nǐ wú fǎ chá jué de bēi liáng
My way of caring is the melancholy you cannot perceive

zhǐ néng zài nǐ bù jīng yì shí cái suǒ shàng wǒ xīn fáng
Can only lock up my heart when you are not aware

你往常的亲切友善 是我今生的遗憾
nǐ wǎng cháng de qīn qiè yǒu shàn shì wǒ jīn shēng de yí hàn
Your usual kindness is my lifelong regret

shòu shāng hòu wú huǐ de mái zài bù liú lù de liǎn shàng
After getting hurt, the unregretful pain is buried in the non-revealing face

wǒ de guān huái fāng shì shì nǐ wú fǎ chá jué de bēi liáng
My way of caring is the melancholy you cannot perceive

zhǐ néng zài nǐ bù jīng yì shí cái suǒ shàng wǒ xīn fáng
Can only lock up my heart when you are not aware

你往常的亲切友善 是我今生的遗憾
nǐ wǎng cháng de qīn qiè yǒu shàn shì wǒ jīn shēng de yí hàn
Your usual kindness is my lifelong regret

shòu shāng hòu wú huǐ de mái zài bù liú lù de liǎn shàng
After getting hurt, the unregretful pain is buried in the non-revealing face