张惠妹 - 记得 (A-Mei - Remember)

作词 (Lyrics):易家扬
作曲 (Composer):林俊杰
编曲 (Arrangement):吴庆隆
监制 (Producer):陈子鸿 (喜欢音乐)

谁还记得 是谁先说 永远的爱我
shuí hái jì dé shì shuí xiān shuō yǒng yuǎn de ài wǒ
Who still remembers who said they would love me forever

以前的一句话 是我们以后的伤口
yǐ qián de yī jù huà shì wǒ men yǐ hòu de shāng kǒu
The words from the past are the wounds of our future

过了太久 没人记得当初那些温柔
guò le tài jiǔ méi rén jì dé dāng chū nà xiē wēn róu
After too long, no one remembers those initial tenderness

我和你手牵手 说要一起 走到最后
wǒ hé nǐ shǒu qiān shǒu shuō yào yī qǐ zǒu dào zuì hòu
You and I, hand in hand, said we would walk together to the end

我们都忘了 这条路走了多久
wǒ men dōu wàng le zhè tiáo lù zǒu le duō jiǔ
We have all forgotten how long we've been on this road

心中是清楚的 有一天 有一天都会停的
xīn zhōng shì qīng chǔ de yǒu yī tiān yǒu yī tiān dū huì tíng de
In our hearts, it is clear that one day, one day it will all stop

让时间说真话 虽然我也害怕
ràng shí jiān shuō zhēn huà suī rán wǒ yě hài pà
Let time tell the truth, although I am also afraid

在天黑了以后 我们都不知道会不会有以后
zài tiān hēi le yǐ hòu wǒ men dōu bù zhī dào huì bù huì yǒu yǐ hòu
After it gets dark, we don't know if there will be a future

谁还记得 是谁先说永远的爱我
shuí hái jì dé shì shuí xiān shuō yǒng yuǎn de ài wǒ
Who still remembers who said they would love me forever

以前的一句话 是我们以后的伤口
yǐ qián de yī jù huà shì wǒ men yǐ hòu de shāng kǒu
The words from the past are the wounds of our future

过了太久 没人记得当初那些温柔
guò le tài jiǔ méi rén jì dé dāng chū nà xiē wēn róu
After too long, no one remembers those initial tenderness

我和你手牵手 说要一起 走到最后
wǒ hé nǐ shǒu qiān shǒu shuō yào yī qǐ zǒu dào zuì hòu
You and I, hand in hand, said we would walk together to the end

我们都累了 却没办法往回走
wǒ men dōu lèi le què méi bàn fǎ wǎng huí zǒu
We are tired, but there's no way to turn back

两颗心都迷惑 怎么说 怎么说都没有救
liǎng kē xīn dōu mí huò zěn me shuō zěn me shuō dōu méi yǒu jiù

Both hearts are confused, no matter how we say it, there's no salvation

亲爱的为什么 也许你也不懂
qīn ài de wèi shén me yě xǔ nǐ yě bù dǒng
My dear, why, perhaps you also don't understand

两个相爱的人 等着对方先说想分开的理由

liǎng gè xiāng ài de rén děng zhe duì fāng xiān shuō xiǎng fēn kāi de lǐ yóu

Two people in love, waiting for the other to say the reasons for wanting to separate

shuí hái jì dé ài qíng kāi shǐ biàn huà de shí hòu
Who still remembers when love began to change

我和你的眼中 看见了不同的天空
wǒ hé nǐ de yǎn zhōng kàn jiàn le bù tóng de tiān kōng
You and I see different skies in each other's eyes

走的太远 终于走到分岔路的路口
zǒu de tài yuǎn zhōng yú zǒu dào fēn chà lù de lù kǒu
We've walked too far and finally reached the crossroads

是不是你和我 要有两个相反的梦
shì bù shì nǐ hé wǒ yào yǒu liǎng gè xiāng fǎn de mèng
Is it that you and I have opposite dreams

谁还记得 是谁先说永远的爱我
shuí hái jì dé shì shuí xiān shuō yǒng yuǎn de ài wǒ
Who still remembers who said they would love me forever

以前的一句话 是我们以后的伤口
yǐ qián de yī jù huà shì wǒ men yǐ hòu de shāng kǒu
The words from the past are the wounds of our future

过了太久 没人记得当初那些温柔
guò le tài jiǔ méi rén jì dé dāng chū nà xiē wēn róu
After too long, no one remembers those initial tenderness

我和你手牵手 说要一起 走到最后
wǒ hé nǐ shǒu qiān shǒu shuō yào yī qǐ zǒu dào zuì hòu
You and I, hand in hand, said we would walk together to the end

我和你手牵手 说要一起 走到最后
wǒ hé nǐ shǒu qiān shǒu shuō yào yī qǐ zǒu dào zuì hòu
You and I, hand in hand, said we would walk together to the end