卜学亮 - 子曰 (Bright Pu - Confucius Says)

作词 (Lyrics): 武雄 / 阿亮
作曲 (Composer): 黄舒骏
编曲 (Arrangement): 钟兴民 / 屠颖

kǒng zǐ de zhōng xīn sī xiǎng shì gè rén
Confucius' core philosophy is benevolence

rén de biǎo xiàn shì
The expression of benevolence is

己欲立而立人 己欲达而达人
jǐ yù lì ér lì rén jǐ yù dá ér dá rén
Desiring to establish oneself, one helps others establish themselves; desiring success, one helps others succeed

己所不欲 他勿施于人
jǐ suǒ bù yù tā wù shī yú rén
What you don't want for yourself, do not impose on others

rú yǐ rén wéi běn tǐ
If benevolence is the essence

biǎo xiàn zài jù tǐ de xíng wéi shàng
It manifests in concrete actions

Come on everybody一起来
Come on everybody yī qǐ lái
Come on everybody, let's do it together

对父母为孝 对兄弟为悌
duì fù mǔ wéi xiào duì xiōng dì wéi tì
Show filial piety to parents, respect to siblings

对朋友为信 对国家为忠
duì péng yǒu wéi xìn duì guó jiā wéi zhōng
Be trustworthy to friends, loyal to the country

duì rén zé yǒu ài xīn
Show compassion towards others

我 亮子的中心思想是个why
wǒ liàng zǐ de zhōng xīn sī xiǎng shì gè why
My, Liangzi's core philosophy is "why"

why de biǎo xiàn shì
The expression of "why" is

搞不懂就问人 搞得懂就答人
gǎo bù dǒng jiù wèn rén gǎo dé dǒng jiù dá rén
If you don't understand, ask; if you understand, answer

没有人懂 还可以问神
méi yǒu rén dǒng hái kě yǐ wèn shén
If no one understands, you can ask the gods

rú yǐ why wéi běn tǐ
If "why" is the essence

biǎo xiàn zài jù tǐ de shēng huó shàng
It manifests in everyday life

Come on everybody一起来
Come on everybody yī qǐ lái
Come on everybody, let's do it together

要懂得推理 要心存怀疑
yào dǒng de tuī lǐ yào xīn cún huái yí
Understand reasoning, keep doubts in mind

要充满好奇 要巨细靡遗
yào chōng mǎn hào qí yào jù xì mí yí
Be full of curiosity, pay attention to every detail

yào dǎ pò shā guō wèn dào dǐ
Break the pot to get to the bottom of the question

Oh! My God 我听不懂
Oh! My God wǒ tīng bù dǒng
Oh! My God, I don't understand

看不懂 学不懂 都不懂
kàn bù dǒng xué bù dǒng dōu bù dǒng
Can't understand, can't learn, don't get it at all

jiū jìng shéi duì shéi cuò
Who is right and who is wrong after all?

人生多美 爱情多痛
rén shēng duō měi ài qíng duō tòng
Life is so beautiful, love is so painful

Please Tell Me, Please
Please Tell Me, Please
Please Tell Me, Please

shēng mìng yǒu tài duō yí huò
Life has too many doubts

Help Me Help Me Babe Oh!
Help Me Help Me Babe Oh!
Help Me Help Me Babe Oh!

bù yào ràng wǒ zì jǐ qù mō suǒ
Don't let me figure it out on my own

有了车子 想要房子
yǒu le chē zi xiǎng yào fáng zi
Once you have a car, you want a house

有了妻子 想要马子
yǒu le qī zi xiǎng yào mǎ zi
Once you have a wife, you want a lover

有了银子 想要位子
yǒu le yín zi xiǎng yào wèi zi
Once you have money, you want a position

有了位子 拿了架子
yǒu le wèi zi ná le jià zi
Once you have a position, you act arrogantly

搞了圈子 使了性子
gǎo le quān zi shǐ le xìng zi
Once you have a circle, you get temperamental

铁了胆子 忘了老子
tiě le dǎn zi wàng le lǎo zi
Once you have courage, you forget who you are

什么原因 谁人会知
sióng-mih gūn-ín, sūi-lâng ē-tàng tsai
What is the reason, who would know

先管面子 再管里子
xiān guǎn miàn zi zài guǎn lǐ zi
First care about face, then care about substance

先填肚子 再补脑子
xiān tián dù zi zài bǔ nǎo zi
First fill the stomach, then the mind

先端架子 再A银子
xiān duān jià zi zài ā yín zi
First put on airs, then make money

先兜圈子 再想点子
xiān dōu quān zi zài xiǎng diǎn zi
First beat around the bush, then think of ideas

先捅篓子 再找路子
xiān tǒng lǒu zi zài zhǎo lù zi
First make a mess, then find a way out

先出乱子 再闪条子
xiān chū luàn zi zài shǎn tiáo zi
First cause trouble, then escape the consequences

这款人生 敢有未来
chit khuànn lâng-sing kám ū bī-lâi
This kind of life dares to have a future

搞栋房子 搞一辈子
gǎo dòng fáng zi gǎo yī bèi zi
Get a house, spend a lifetime

停个车子 一堆单子
tíng ge chē zi yī duī dān zi
Park a car, a pile of paperwork

挑个担子 叫破嗓子
tiāo ge dàn zi jiào pò sǎng zi
Pick a burden, shout your throat out

凡夫俗子 没有法子
fán fū sú zi méi yǒu fǎ zi
Ordinary people have no way out

卷起袖子 迈开步子
juǎn qǐ xiù zi mài kāi bù zi
Roll up your sleeves, take a step

半个傻子 一条汉子
bàn ge shǎ zi yī tiáo hàn zi
Half a fool, a real man

何必怨叹 这个时代
hô͘ pit oàn-thán chhit ê sî-tāi
Why complain about this era

撇撇轮子 串串门子
piē piē lún zi chuàn chuàn mén zi
Turn the wheel, visit a few places

上上馆子 补补身子
shàng shàng guǎn zi bǔ bǔ shēn zi
Go to restaurants, take care of your health

碰碰钉子 找找乐子
pèng pèng dīng zi zhǎo zhǎo lè zi
Hit some obstacles, find some fun

想想法子 混混日子
xiǎng xiǎng fǎ zi hùn hùn rì zi
Think of ideas, get through the days

照照镜子 刮刮胡子
zhào zhào jìng zi guā guā hú zi
Look in the mirror, shave your beard

打打拍子 哼哼曲子
dǎ dǎ pāi zi hēng hēng qǔ zi
Beat time, hum a tune

阮嘛共款 逍遥自在
guá mā kā-khoán, siau-iâu chū-chāi
We are relaxed and carefree

Oh! My God 我听不懂
Oh! My God wǒ tīng bù dǒng
Oh! My God, I don't understand

看不懂 学不懂 都不懂
kàn bù dǒng xué bù dǒng dōu bù dǒng
Can't understand, can't learn, don't get it at all

jiū jìng shéi duì shéi cuò
Who is right and who is wrong after all?

人生多美 爱情多痛
rén shēng duō měi ài qíng duō tòng
Life is so beautiful, love is so painful

Please Tell Me, Please
Please Tell Me, Please
Please Tell Me, Please

shēng mìng yǒu tài duō yí huò
Life has too many doubts

Help Me Help Me Babe Oh!
Help Me Help Me Babe Oh!
Help Me Help Me Babe Oh!

ràng wǒ zhī dào rú hé qù xuǎn zé
Let me know how to choose

一间屋子 两床被子
yī jiān wū zi liǎng chuáng bèi zi
One room, two beds

三面窗子 四张椅子
sān miàn chuāng zi sì zhāng yǐ zi
Three windows, four chairs

收起爪子 拉开帘子
shōu qǐ zhǎo zi lā kāi lián zi
Put away your claws, open the curtain

嗑嗑瓜子 想想点子
kè kè guā zi xiǎng xiǎng diǎn zi
Snack on seeds, think of ideas

打着拍子 唱着曲子
dǎ zhe pāi zi chàng zhe qǔ zi
Keep time, sing a tune

两把刷子 好过日子
liǎng bǎ shuā zi hǎo guò rì zi
Two brushes, a good life

轻轻松松 笑咳咳
khing-khing sng-sng, siàu kah-kah
Relaxed and laughing

先打底子 再摆摊子
xiān dǎ dǐ zi zài bǎi tān zi
First lay the foundation, then set up a stall

先看例子 再拿耗子
xiān kàn lì zi zài ná hào zi
First look at examples, then catch mice

先照镜子 再讲面子
xiān zhào jìng zi zài jiǎng miàn zi
First look in the mirror, then talk about face

先插旗子 再给样子
xiān chā qí zi zài gěi yàng zi
First plant a flag, then show some attitude

不管汉子 还是鬼子
bù guǎn hàn zi hái shì guǐ zi
No matter if you are a real man or a ghost

不管老子 还是小子
bù guǎn lǎo zi hái shì xiǎo zi
No matter if you are an old man or a young man

脚踏实地 才有未来
kio̍k tah si̍t tē, chái ū bī-lâi
Only with solid steps can there be a future

孔子孟子 老子庄子
kǒng zǐ mèng zǐ lǎo zǐ zhuāng zǐ
Confucius, Mencius, Laozi, Zhuangzi

男子女子 黑子白子
nán zǐ nǚ zǐ hēi zi bái zi
Men and women, black and white

游子浪子 胖子瘦子
yóu zi làng zi pàng zi shòu zi
Wanderers, prodigals, fat and thin

正人君子 梁上君子
zhèng rén jūn zi liáng shàng jūn zi
Gentlemen and petty thieves

天王老子 毛头小子
tiān wáng lǎo zi máo tóu xiǎo zi
Heavenly kings, little rascals

天之骄子 孤臣孽子
tiān zhī jiāo zi gū chén niè zi
Favoured sons of heaven, loyal subjects and abandoned children

大家共款 拢是人才
tāi-ke kòng-khóan, lóng sī jîn-chái.
Everyone is talented in their own way

不当俗子 不做判子
bù dāng sú zi bù zuò pàn zi
Don't be a vulgar person or a judge

不干头子 不当痞子
bù gàn tóu zi bù dāng pǐ zi
Don't be a leader or a rascal

不充胖子 不装样子
bù chōng pàng zi bù zhuāng yàng zi
Don't be a pretender or show off

不耍性子 不搞圈子
bù shuǎ xìng zi bù gǎo quān zi
Don't be temperamental or form cliques

不扣帽子 不抬轿子
bù kòu mào zi bù tái jiào zi
Don't label others or seek special treatment

不卖关子 不碰钉子
bù mài guān zi bù pèng dīng zi
Don't be secretive or hit obstacles

欢乐人生 逍遥自在
khuân-lok jîn-seng, siau-iâu chū-chāi
Joyful life, carefree and at ease

Oh! My God 我听不懂
Oh! My God wǒ tīng bù dǒng
Oh! My God, I don't understand

看不懂 学不懂 都不懂
kàn bù dǒng xué bù dǒng dōu bù dǒng
Can't understand, can't learn, don't get it at all

jiū jìng shéi duì shéi cuò
Who is right and who is wrong after all?

人生多美 爱情多痛
rén shēng duō měi ài qíng duō tòng
Life is so beautiful, love is so painful

Please Tell Me, Please
Please Tell Me, Please
Please Tell Me, Please

shēng mìng yǒu tài duō yí huò
Life has too many doubts

Help Me Help Me Babe Oh!
Help Me Help Me Babe Oh!
Help Me Help Me Babe Oh!

wǒ zhǐ xiǎng yào jiǎn dān de kuài lè
I just want simple happiness

kǒng zǐ de zhōng xīn sī xiǎng shì gè rén
Confucius' core philosophy is benevolence

rén de biǎo xiàn shì
The expression of benevolence is

己欲立而立人 己欲达而达人
jǐ yù lì ér lì rén jǐ yù dá ér dá rén
Desiring to establish oneself, one helps others establish themselves; desiring success, one helps others succeed

己所不欲 他勿施于人
jǐ suǒ bù yù tā wù shī yú rén
What you don't want for yourself, do not impose on others

rú yǐ rén wéi běn tǐ
If benevolence is the essence

biǎo xiàn zài jù tǐ de xíng wéi shàng
It manifests in concrete actions

Come on everybody一起来
Come on everybody yī qǐ lái
Come on everybody, let's do it together

对父母为孝 对兄弟为悌
duì fù mǔ wéi xiào duì xiōng dì wéi tì
Show filial piety to parents, respect to siblings

对朋友为信 对国家为忠
duì péng yǒu wéi xìn duì guó jiā wéi zhōng
Be trustworthy to friends, loyal to the country

duì rén zé yǒu ài xīn
Show compassion towards others

我 亮子的中心思想是个why
wǒ liàng zǐ de zhōng xīn sī xiǎng shì gè why
My, Liangzi's core philosophy is "why"

why de biǎo xiàn shì
The expression of "why" is

搞不懂就问人 搞得懂就答人
gǎo bù dǒng jiù wèn rén gǎo dé dǒng jiù dá rén
If you don't understand, ask; if you understand, answer

没有人懂 还可以问神
méi yǒu rén dǒng hái kě yǐ wèn shén
If no one understands, you can ask the gods

rú yǐ why wéi běn tǐ
If "why" is the essence

biǎo xiàn zài jù tǐ de shēng huó shàng
It manifests in everyday life

Come on everybody一起来
Come on everybody yī qǐ lái
Come on everybody, let's do it together

要懂得推理 要心存怀疑
yào dǒng de tuī lǐ yào xīn cún huái yí
Understand reasoning, keep doubts in mind

要充满好奇 要巨细靡遗
yào chōng mǎn hào qí yào jù xì mí yí
Be full of curiosity, pay attention to every detail

yào dǎ pò shā guō wèn dào dǐ
Break the pot to get to the bottom of the question